30 day roll, lets do this

Looks like several things going on in there, cuz. over watering and some stress, could be from lights too close. Don’t really know. The buds look like they’ll be good to go, though. Almost there!
The leaves curling down can be from the too much water.

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no no overwatering Octopot handles that she was jammed into a corner and run over by another plant I jacked her up to the light to the point that one of the Mac one tops is completely bleached so she’s probably been seeing 1200 1300 par jammed in a corner and evidently still had some mites on her that’s why her leaves are Claude


I drenched her in the very last bit of your solution yesterday when I found it


I guess I’m gonna have to order all that shit and make it myself because I’m obviously gonna have to do another round


Can’t see real good, sorry. You haven’t used the MTA ‘one-n-done’ mix?


yes I had a horrible infestation and I use that to clean it all I guess I missed the one plant because after inspection today there are no mites anywhere except for on Frankie she was in a pot originally with wedding cake who brought the mites in with her wedding cake was so bad off I had to take cuts of cuts of cuts and treat to get her claim I guess I didn’t do as good a job on Frankie


So unless you want to gift me some like maybe with a purchase of some of your seeds I’m gonna have to order all that crap and make it myself which I don’t want to do lol @JohnnyPotseed

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That can happen in a crowded situation. To us all


yeah , will teach me to now maintain a weekly spritzing


That’s what we do here, whether we see anything or not! lol

Our eyes ain’t what they used to be, so we might miss something… Better safe than sorry!


me from now on , get some gifted with a seed order?? @JohnnyPotseed

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i cant see shit up close anymore


I hope you joke, cuz! lol I’d have to order the bottles and stuff for shipping. Not gonna happen, sorry.

Not to mention, for you to start doing like us, a weekly program. A bottle I’d send wouldn’t last any time at all


look into splitting with a cpl usa members i know so many want it but just dont wanna have so much sitting around lol @Jetdro


It stores forever, damn near. lol I’m of the oldschool thinking…‘better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it’.

I think I mentioned this before, just buy one ingredient a week, or two ingredients. The whole mix will be yours in no time


indeed. i like to be that way also but admittedly i am not armed for any infestation atm so fingers crossed


It’s never a question of ifyou’ll get pests, growing Ganja…it’s just a question of when


exacrly lol

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Hi jet seem your Frankie and mine don’t like wet feet

She can be a bit fussy in the Octopot

Veg no issues at all it starts at week 4 from flip


Well hell, I do thank you for that info! lol Now I KNOW I ain’t gonna bother with the octopots.! I had been teetering on whether or not to give em a try, lol

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