3rdgengrower greenhouse grow photos & autos even some giveaways anyone welcome

Fast flower just means u got f1 seeds of someone crossing a photoperiod with an autoflower, offspring are gonna be fast finishing photos which is essentially a photoperiod that will finish up faster at the end so if it’s a 10-12 week photo normally it will finish in 8-10

The science I’d be interested in is if it reduces yields vs the photoperiod parent since it’s shaving weeks off it’s life cycle or is it a more rapid fruiter that yield isn’t affected


I have been on an auto kick for the last year and a half. Usually no more than 3 or 4 plants and strains at a time. Too much weed to smoke :dash: and give away. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Thanks for the info I thought I had read about this just needed a refresher

I started with outdoor bag seeds about 11 years ago did that for around 5 years and for the last 6 I moved I doors and that’s when I got into that autos I just like how I can have so many in one little spot and everything I grow is meds for me and wife so I like to have all the diffrant kinds so we can awitch around and not get “burnt out” on one kind


That is exactly why I do it. I always have at least 20 to 30 strains to choose from. I smoke different shit every day!:partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::sunglasses::v:


:thinking: :face_with_monocle: :thought_balloon: :bulb: you know what I gotta try that

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Just found out what this is because it bleeds purple when ya top it pretty dang neat mu first time :eyes: this am I the only one??? I guess that’s probably got it name :rofl::rofl:


You should have seen how many @AzSeaindooin420 put in little space don’t know how he took care of all of em must have bin full time job

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The answer is 55 lol

It def payed off being flexible with some reach hahaha


I was just about to ask where could I see it thanks…sheesh

Yup, it bleeds red-purple and a very distinct trait for it. Wait till u see the color of the hash hahaha


This haze x cdlc from @AzSeaindooin420 is really taken off its over 3ft now
This one is one of the top gun xcdlc he did some really good work with these that’s for sure


There’s a thread on it, was my big blow out breeding run before I moved flipping a few cdlc females and letting em dust the whole room


Very nice bro! I tried warning ppl that amnesia is a stretcher, I’d run those in 5 gallon personally cuz the potential for them to get big

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Yeah figures crossed its female might let it go even if it’s male doesn’t have any kind of smell yet so not sure on the drago s blood we know the autos are female :100:

Not showing any preflowers yet? Just rub ur fingers on the main stem and smell ur fingers, pretty much all mine putting off something

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Yeah the haze plant is In preflower and has a strong pine :evergreen_tree: smell to it top gun not so much

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I was meaning the dbhp, u don’t see any preflowers in the “armpits”?

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No sorry I kinda bounce around no preflower on it yet probly couple more weeks it’s only about 25 days old

Beans landed today thanks! They are critical ? Can’t read the writing smeared.lol

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