3rdgengrower greenhouse grow photos & autos even some giveaways anyone welcome

I got.to find a new way to do it everyone that I have sent stuff to said its.hard to read and they are critical cookies I used sts on a twisted cookies and the pollen hit a critical from 207 genetics both autoflower


just a little of what’s going on in the greenhouse


just thought I would put Pic up to show the growth over 11 or 12 day period crazy how fast some of em grow


Wow looking good and plants seem to be rocketing! I found masking or athletic tape works to write on and doesn’t smear. Just an idea.


Thank you I got a new marker to permanent lol


just wanted to give ya little look at how your haze x cdlc cross is doing @AzSeaindooin420 getting a different nose to it already pine is still there just real light the Chem smell is coming on now can’t wait to see how it turns out


big thanks to @darkillusion couple of the royal procession up


a big thanks to @hoss8455 for the impure kush


U need to get those in a bigger container asap, they are extremely vigorous and just hauling ass in my grow! Don’t throttle em back!!


anyone here mess with clones much got a question how big should the branch be when your going to cut it


I try to include a couple 3 nodes depends on how long you intend to veg take 6 inch clones root and flip or grow some 6 footers.
Smaller clones require a bit more veg time but 2 inch clones are fine also.


I would say those branches look perfect. I’ve barely cloned but I’d say at least 3 nodes

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The plant in the pic is my very first clone it’s from the 207 plant that’s outside it stinks Luke a skunk when the wind blows the right way I can smell the mother from my back porch about 30 yards away but I cut 12 off and tried to put them In dirt with humidity dome on em and that’s the only one that took the rest died if I can’t do better that that no sense even doing going to try some other methods before giving up thanks for the help first time was 12 small ones when I try again I will go bigger

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few pics of my autos they really starting to take off now comes the fun part where ya can see big growth everyday


the two Copa deisle project really doing good :+1: thanks @OhNo555


When I finally did it successfully it was in an upside down Tupperware bin with the cuttings in solo cups of just water. I learned 100% humidity with low light and they will root.On top of the scraping the bottom and cutting back the top leaves and such. Just make sure your careful when removing them to slowly introduce them to lower humidity and higher light.


Buy or make a bubble cloner with a manifold and pump . Almost 100% success rates for me and clones.


That is probably the way I will end up doing it just trying to keep it on the cheap for the moment I bet if I dig around in all my junk I might just have the stuff to put a small one together thanks for the input

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Keep us updated. I’m going to try my hand at cloning and I’m leaning to root riot cubes. It’s what I use to propagate actual tomatoes and works super well.

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starting to fill up since I have more beans of the ones marked I think I’m going to move them out doors none of em will get very much smoke on em but they will give me good idea if I like it or not