4/20 Promo - FREE Seed Giveaway!(Closed)

ECSD is shorthand for East Coast Sour Diesel and it is Diesel crossed to DNL. i got S1 seeds in NY state in 2009.
Diesel is Chemdawg/Mass Super Skunk/NL 5x2.
DNL is (Really Fucking Killer Skunk x Hawaiian x Sensi NL (5x2).

My M10 is from SSSC, it is Afghani #1, which is originally from Sacred Seeds. It came to my area in the late 80’s or early 90’s brought by outdoor guys. It was inbred, and was also outcrossed and used to hybridize with local sativas. Its been indoors for a couple of decades now.

You are very welcome. Please enjoy them and share the weed with your friends.

Thanks for the kind words. I started to write something but it ended up being a novel in length, so i will make a rant thread on chunking in the lounge, lol…
I breed in a traditional sense, and am proud of it… but I confuse the issue, because I also have made poly f1’s; I’m carrying some now.
In the case of the Ogers, my goal was preserve it (as much of the integrity as possible) in seed form. so to do that, i only had two options: either line-breed a bunch of generations, or cube it. I chose to cube it. I know the NL2 well, so i simply selected away from the NL. I went 3 times back…

Some f1s that we carry are only temporary placeholders. The permanent version would be stable, but in the journey along the multi-year process to stabilization, i may have extra f1’s or something that i would push until the stable version was available. I think, as long as i am clear that its not stable and u gotta pheno hunt, then people will know what they are getting and those who want to hunt will choose the unstable precursors on their own volition. To me, the F2 is where i really begin my selection. F1’s dont show u everything. but lol u will see the variation in the f2 for sure. So for a multi-year project, I will typically make less than 100 f1’s seeds, and instead make tons of f2’s to truly begin my selection process. The extra f1’s are good seeds, just not needed for breeding anymore, so we push those until they are gone. and sometimes i mess up and make way too many F1s lol…
