4/20 Promo - FREE Seed Giveaway!(Closed)

Are any of these Still available?



This was a promotion by @deep_rob for deep ellum seed that is now over. Shoot him a message if interested in his excellent seeds.


Thanks again the gifts just arrived safe and sound,wondering what the genetics on the blackberry marshmellows are ? Also curious was ogers that gypsy had the same cut that originated with orgnkid , if so that would be rather interesting and fitting to have found it way to OG again :grin:



Thank you. I would have never have had the chance to run these if it weren’t for you all!! Thanks again!!


AHHH HELL!! lol I can’t believe I missed this. 4/20 is my Birthday, too, heh. Congrats to everyone.

Hey, deep_rob, very cool of you for the giveaway. I’m wondering if you could PM me some info on your company. I live down in Trinidad and have been wanting to connect with more local breeders.

Maybe I’ll catch the next year’s giveaway, lol. You stuff looks yummy and I’d love to get a menu or a website from you. I’ll Google real quick, too. If you guys ever end up down here in SoCo give me a shout. We have a nice laid back scene here. It’s a very pot friendly little town.

Happy growing to all of the winners! I hope we get to see pics one day soon!



Hey, I found your website @deep_rob and I have you bookmarked. I dropped you a note on your site as well.

Best vibes!



Thanks again to everyone, hope yall enjoy yur beans and share the weed you grow with your friends.
I forgot to mention that some of the packages had extras in them… we made them up ahead of time and threw some unlisted strains into some of them, and added addresses later on as we received them, So, idk who got what, but if got bonus seeds and have a question about them, u can message me and I’d be happy to fill u in.
also, i know i said “retail packs”, but to save on shipping we pulled them from the packs and repackaged them, in case any one was wondering why they werent in the breeders packs… i think some got the insert cards though… anyway, thanks again for all the support! Overgrow is the shit!


blackberry marshmallows is blackberry x chocolate marshmallows.

Deep Ellum Blackberry = (The Black/Blue Oaxaca/'99 Sagarmatha BlueBerry)
Exotic Genetix’s Chocolate Marshmallows = (Mint Chocolate Chip x GG#4)

The ogers kush i got in 2008. i didt know what it was, had heard a lil through the grapevine about this new kush out in Cali, but knew nothing really, other than my buddy said it was good weed, and i knew gypsy given it to him, and he didnt sell garbage. cheap seeds yes, but never garbage… i teamed up with another forum member and were growing at the time. we swapped some beans and that how i got it. i gave him Blockberry (Legend Blockhead x Blueberry) made with steves and dj’s genes in switzerland, that i traded for the og. It came from gypsy, so whoever gypsy had it made for him… It actually wasnt a trade, i handed him some beans to show him so he could look at them. But he took them and said thanks and held onto them. I didnt want to correct him, so i said yur welcome. thats when he gave me the ogers kush in return. When grew i out the ogers, i wasnt impressed at all. The weed was great, but it had a long flower time, yeilded very little and was tall and lanky. The exact opposite of the short dutch indicas that u normally run for production. I had heard the hype from cali, and after growing it, it seemed like thats all it was… i didnt think i had the right strain, ya know… Because og kush took off and became so popular, i was like i guess its only related in name and the ogers i had wasnt the superstar strain. later we learned it was, and the poor pattern is just how it grows. and thats pattern is now reffered to as a cookie pattern, i think… so i still have it. bc its important and all that. I dont like to grow it myself and if it werent for the sake of perserving history and all that noble, selfless stuff, ogers wouldve been 86’ed a long time ago.
Its not pure, tho. when i got it, it was s1 seeds, all female man… so to make a regualr line and turn it into seed (bc thats what u did, so if u lost the plants, you would have seed, ya know), i crossed it with the only “kush” i had. Because i figured if they’re both caqlled kush it would be less dusprution to the gene pool. not very scientific, but i know the NL family backwards and forwards and therefore it was easy to select for anyhting that wasnt blantantly NL. I used NL#2 from TSB. it was brought here as an F3, and then inbred and backrossed by people and passed around, back when clones were a relativly new thing in our area. i picked it up idk around the turn of the century. I crossed ogers to nl#2 and backrossed like 3 times in a row to the ogers. to create a regualr line…
So my ogers, if its the same, then its not anymore, because there is a small percentage of NL#2 in it.

Gaz we have a few strains. im slowly trying to get Instagram going, add more strains to Strainly and get retail stock to vendors.

i have some strains listed on the website deepellumseeds.com, but not all are available. some were short run, to see if they would move, ya know, and they did lol… Im working on sweet strains right now, like fruity strains. The next thing im doing is we’re bringing back our oldschool grape.

Doctor Dank is back from his hiatus and hes working with his Black and he is running some sativas also, like silver haze hybrids.

he is the people person, u can buy seeds from him in person if you’re in CO and are 21 or older. You’ll have to pay sales tax as well.
If youre outside of CO or whatever, u can find us on strainly, or message me here or email me.

Yeah a few are still in stock. You can message me here or email me.



Just showed up today. Thanks so much. Can you clarify what these are for me? I will start a grow thread as soon as I have room under my legal allowance. Very excited.


M10 I figured is the first half. Ecsd (exotic chocolate)


Hello out there :yellow_heart::green_heart::heart: realy Hope i can get some seeds to try somting new . Hope and pray i am one of the vinner to get a few seeds . Love and light go all you growers .


It’s east coast sour diesel…I’m pretty sure. I got the same thing. Yay! :heart_eyes:


thanks again @deep_rob, I got my package early this week in great condition. I won a pack of the number 4 mendo lights. beautiful looking seeds, and a really well done title card go with them. thanks again to everyone, I’ve never won anything like this in my life haha. Very excited to try these out soon in my indoor grow.


Yeah those sound amazing,I am very hopeful! Although I’d love to try their stuff! Yeah spreading the love! Beautiful!


It makes me very happy to see somebody @deep_rob doing at least 3 crosses back on a line to call it a strain , we need more people work ij ng on stable breeding practices like that. Btw I’m referring to the g13/n2 being crossed to ogers 3 times back.
(G13 x nl2 ) x ogers
(G13nl2 x ogers) ogers
(G13/nl2 x ogers x ogers ) x ogers
This is how good lines are made my friends


Agreed pollen chucking has become very frequent. Not a bad thing but hardly what you would call breeder selected quality.


2 and 3 wouldn’t mind to have any seed is good thanks

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So mine came today :smiley:

Thankyou very much @deep_rob for these beanz when I have the space their getting thrown in, and as a side note my wife said the smile I had opening them to reveal strains is better than the look I have after I smash her backdoors in :joy:


oh sweet momma yo daddy got them deep ellum blues right on my brother


ECSD is shorthand for East Coast Sour Diesel and it is Diesel crossed to DNL. i got S1 seeds in NY state in 2009.
Diesel is Chemdawg/Mass Super Skunk/NL 5x2.
DNL is (Really Fucking Killer Skunk x Hawaiian x Sensi NL (5x2).

My M10 is from SSSC, it is Afghani #1, which is originally from Sacred Seeds. It came to my area in the late 80’s or early 90’s brought by outdoor guys. It was inbred, and was also outcrossed and used to hybridize with local sativas. Its been indoors for a couple of decades now.

You are very welcome. Please enjoy them and share the weed with your friends.

Thanks for the kind words. I started to write something but it ended up being a novel in length, so i will make a rant thread on chunking in the lounge, lol…
I breed in a traditional sense, and am proud of it… but I confuse the issue, because I also have made poly f1’s; I’m carrying some now.
In the case of the Ogers, my goal was preserve it (as much of the integrity as possible) in seed form. so to do that, i only had two options: either line-breed a bunch of generations, or cube it. I chose to cube it. I know the NL2 well, so i simply selected away from the NL. I went 3 times back…

Some f1s that we carry are only temporary placeholders. The permanent version would be stable, but in the journey along the multi-year process to stabilization, i may have extra f1’s or something that i would push until the stable version was available. I think, as long as i am clear that its not stable and u gotta pheno hunt, then people will know what they are getting and those who want to hunt will choose the unstable precursors on their own volition. To me, the F2 is where i really begin my selection. F1’s dont show u everything. but lol u will see the variation in the f2 for sure. So for a multi-year project, I will typically make less than 100 f1’s seeds, and instead make tons of f2’s to truly begin my selection process. The extra f1’s are good seeds, just not needed for breeding anymore, so we push those until they are gone. and sometimes i mess up and make way too many F1s lol…
