400 w hps in 2'x4'x5' grow tent

I currently have three clones growing under CFLs. My question is, if I am running a 400 w hps in there with 120 cfm intake and 6 in line 240 cfm exhaust, at what height would you switch to flower so you don’t run out of the room? I would use a 3 g or 5 g soil grow. Also, I plan on LST all of them and topping.


@gonzostongue , it helps if you know how much your strain stretches in early flower. With LST and training (scrog) you should be able to keep many strains pretty short, many people scrog under a trellis net until stretch finishes, then have a fairly uniform field of flowering tops to maximize light usage. In my experience, I always wish I had initiated flowering earlier than I do. ( I consistently underestimate my stretch) If you don’t want to mess with scrog , LST alone can provide similar results, just takes more time manipulating plants. Your airflow seems sufficient! Good luck!!!

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Thanks! I’m thinking of getting them to ~12 in after LST, flower, and then see how it goes. This way I have a better judge of the potential. These are hybrid and indicas so I’m banking on them not having a crazy flower growth.

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Thinking 12-18” above your soil should be safe. If you take clones from them you will know for sure how they’ll stretch for next time😎

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I run 600 hps in mine with a 4" in line fan and a turbo fan on the bottom blowing up to the light.
Air-cooled hoods help immensely.