Indoor growing design

I want to set up a grow room for a 400 watt hps. I also want a veg area for bonsai mothers as well. I have the option of going inside where we can control the climate. From what I have read, I’m thinking 4x4 flower area for sog. I’m guessing framed with drywall should be good. How about the veg area? How big? I will probably want some extra room to make clones for outdoor growing well, plus who knows?

Any considerations I need to take into account? I get that I need good ventilation and air circulation. I don’t think we will need to worry about scent control as we are out in the country. I just want some good ideas, so I do this properly., so we will have a constant supply.


For the price and effort of framing w drywall you can just get one of those grow tents. It’ll be lightproof etc and have all the holes for your ventilation and a door. Unless you need some weird custom shape they’re ideal.

4x4 is a bit large for a 400w light, but personally I like to have extra space. You can put plants up elevated around the sides to use the extra room.

It’s hard to say for veg, will you be vegging the next round of plants while the others are blooming under the 400, or getting them to size in the 400w room. If option a you’ll need enough room for those plants + a couple mother’s/clones or whatever.

Personally I’d go with a 3x3 or thereabouts. Get LEDs for your veg space they’re much more manageable than HIDs and use alot less power.


I think getting a couple of tents is a good suggestion. A 2’x4’ tent for veg and a 4’x4’ for flower would only set you back a couple hundred dollars. Far cheaper than lumber, sheetrock, screws, mud, tape, paint, flowing, trim, etc. Easier and quicker to get setup, and can be taken down and hidden if needed.

Trust me, I’m mudding and taping a 4’x6’ flower and 4’x4’ veg room now. It’s taken me about 5 months so far, though the lockdown has slowed progress for two months.


Thank y’all for the quick and kind replies. I think I will go this route. I had seen that 3x3 was pretty good for a 400 watt, but I’m like you, I wanted some extra room.


I just moved into a new place and had dreams of finishing part of the basement for an indoor garden with all the luxuries. When I started adding the costs it quickly went beyond my budget, so I’m doing tents instead. I’m running a 4x8 where one half is for seedlings/clones and mothers, and half for veg and Autoflowers. I have a separate 4x4 for flowering. I picked up some Octopots and, with their 18" footprint, realized I need to buy a 5x5 so I can accommodate six flowering plants instead of four. I can then use that 4x4 for drying, males, quarantine, whatever.


Tent city! I actually have a 2x4 tent in my workshop now while I finish the build.


OK, so if I get the 2x4 x6’7" tent, how many shelf levels would I need to use when fully functional for bonsai mothers/clones/ veg. I know it won’t take much to keep the 4x4 going, but I will also want to get up to 18 clones going for summer as well. I’m guessing 2-3 levels. I will probably do a 6 week veg, which was recommended to me. Use a 4 bulb T6 for each level? Seems like I may need a powerful vent fan for that. I know a guy that was burning seedlings and abandoned a similar but shorter setup.

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you could always get one of these types of tents, a 2x2 veg section with a 1x2 cloning section


I saw that type. I was leaning more towards the gorilla, due to longevity. Im going to look and see if they make that type of option. Thank you.

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