4x4 Genetix Boba tea Breeding Project

Whats up guys!!! I’ve been working in the lab on some stuff, DREAMING of the day I would have a full game plan… and here we are!

So, I have a nfsheeesh keeper by solfire that is a FROST monster. It has a very mild tea/cream flavor to it.
So… in the last few weeks I’ve been getting seeds and popping them to create a line with the nfsheeesh.
I love Boba tea and tea in general, and the nfsheeesh really does bring that to cannabis. So to create Boba flavors I have a few crosses I’m going to try.

Nfsheeesh x Vanilla berries= Triple Berry Boba

Nfsheeesh x Popscotti= Rock n Rye

Nfsheeesh x strawberry bubbles= strawberry Boba tea
Nfsheeesh x Game time = Boston tea party

The next step is to finish growing out the things that will be crossed to the nf and take clones.

Nfsheeesh will be reversed to be the male in all crosses here!

Edit: I may do a cross of the two strawberry strains as they create that strawberry nose from completely different genetics. So I’m wondering what will happen if I cross them!


Nice one @DannylovesCannabis! Sounds like a bunch of killer crosses. Do you have any pics of the Nfsheeesh in late flower? :grin::fire::+1:

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Yes! I’m got a samsung galaxy the new one and the file sizes are to big I’m trying to figure out to make it on here!!!
I did one run of the nfsheeesh, small plants and took clones! Selected from the ounce I got from each.
So now the next steps will be to wait for these seedlings to get a bit bigger than transplant into 3 gals, I’ll top at the 5th or sixth node and use that as my clones for each plant. I’m only expecting at most an ounce of each plant. Just enough to see the plant!
Then I’ll be down to 4 keepers plus the nfsheeesh.
Then the crossing will begin!

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Those Samsung cameras are awesome! I’ll be following along to see some pics when you get the files size down :grinning:

Sounds like a good plan man! The seeds you make will give you beans to hunt for a long while! :fire: :raised_hands::star_struck:

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Spent over 800 on seeds for this hunt! If everything goes smoothly there will be packs to give! Would love to see what the community thinks.
The plan is to create a line to sell!


There are loads of excellent testers on OG! I was just looking at pics of the Nfsheeesh, what a beauty! You will have no problem finding people willing to test these beans. I’ll be watching the thread to see how things progress! :fire::+1::star_struck::fire::+1::star_struck:

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All the strawberry bubbles in solos after tonight! Nows it’s just a waiting game (:slight_smile:

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Oh boy, nfsheeesh is going into flower so you guys can check it out!

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Sweet man! I’m excited to see her!

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