Dibs is great way to keep people coming back and watching for the next one, there are more important things the must be tended to… family, food, friends, life and work never takes a break.
@KanehB Congratulations! You have won 2 small OG stickers, 1 is for you and the other is to be given away to a OG of your choice. That person can be anyone on OverGrow, make your announcement of the prize winner and i will PM you both separately to ship your prizes this Friday. If you would like to offer a hand up to a second OG of your choice, they will both be sent a small OverGrow sticker and you will receive a Medium size OG sticker. Should you happen to choose to give away all three stickers to who ever you want, you will receive a mystery prize.
Gonna be a long day, won’t be back till tomorrow. Seeyah when i seeyah, be good to yourself.