6 years of OverGrow Anniversary Party $500 in prizes! A pot for pot Medium grow kit winner announced Sat. July 30th 2022

HOJ KOL 2.0 Magnet split pipe. This product was purchased from HOJ and is made of metal, comes with 3 specialized screens.

We want to give this gift to a OG that will use it and show us how it works and if it’s worth the money. If you like what you see, post “HOJ KOL 2.0” and please show a picture of your current pipe if possible. If you don’t have a pipe please post how this product would help you keep moving forward and have a positive effect on your life. If you know a OG who could use this pipe, please announce who you would like to see win this gift. If your choice is chosen to win, you will receive a extra large transparent OverGrow sticker for yourself.

8 hours from now a winner will be selected by Mrs Helios and myself. An announcement will be made at that time.

I’m off to smoke that pre-roll from the exspencery of Siberian Peach and work on my grow.
Have a fantastic Friday. :sunglasses:


I would like to nominate @HorseBadorites ! Great friend, Great OG! Always lending a helping hand and spreading the knowledge! Bless up!



“HOJ KOL 2.0”

I don’t have a pipe currently. Waiting on my grow to finish up so I can smoke again. Will have been 4 month’s since I was able to take part in the sacrament. I’m poor and on a budget, so I won’t be able to even afford a dedicated piece for awhile. I am still trying to figure out how to afford a tent for drying lol. Anyway, that’s my r reason why, but no more sob stories. :peace_symbol:


I would love to try this pipe. I can’t use edibles (they are ineffective) and smoking a joint or a bowl with my cheap pipe is rough on my throat. I’ll normally use my bong but the cleanup is such a pain and seeing how this breaks apart for cleaning looks like a breeze.
I’m still newish to smoking and I am finding that smoking is affecting my voice. I’m a musician (unpaid lol) so anything that might help (and reading up on this pipe I think this might) would be put to good use. Like every time I medicate.

Thanks for all you two do for the community.


I could definitely use this. My current pipe is getting old and the bowl hole is chipped up and it doesn’t clean fully anymore. Can’t afford to get a new one, so just like me, this one is gonna get worked til it dies.


Super cool thanks I’ll pm ya my address

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I made this pipe in my mid 20’s and I’m 53 now so I’d say my little hashpipe is pushin 30 years old. It’s pretty crude and I could probably use a better pipe LOL but it works for a little puff now n then. oh and “HOJ KOL 2.0”


There are so many :star_struck:, :nerd_face: but for this I’d chose Mr @Cannasaurusrex something nice. :blush:

He is always in someone’s thought’s and prayer’s. :pray:t2:


I do not need a pipe I just want to post some more pictures Overgrowing the World!

This plant is a forgotten seed. It has had thin bladed leaves since it got hot here. When it was cooler the first leaves where much broader,

This one in the garden is an accidental plant. It is a Spirit Train from the seed run I did at the first of the year.

I like this pot of flowers. I have had it for four years now. The Petunias started out as a candy strip. The first year it was a washed out purple and red color, since then it has gotten darker each year,

This one is a Wishbone from JBC Seeds a Pistil Positive Creations


HOJ KOL 2.0”

Got a old glass pipe no picture of it a new fancy state of art pipe would be excellent to get. Good luck everyone


“HOJ KOL 2.0” I have an old pipe that is pretty crusty, had it for years. It’s getting harder and harder to clean, and is full of hash. That Kol pipe looks amazing and would probably work way better with the way I smoke.

Overgrow the World, y’all! :cherry_blossom: :man_farmer: :man_dancing:

after further inspection…it seems my pipe is being held together by the hash/resin one more clean on this ol girl and she’s gonna fall apart. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:



I would like to nominate @Pigeonman because I know where he lives and can steal it at my leisure.

(I actually do want it for myself :rofl:)


Well thought out plan, but you made the number one “super villain” error @Foreigner .



My supervillain powers are weak today. I was evil all yesterday.

Here is my pipe.

Don’t you think it’d be nice for me to have a shiny new one? :love_you_gesture:

I’d like to test it with flower and hash too.


I’m old school here. Metal pipe…


That’s one I’m after myself. Just haven’t had the good fortune.
“HOJ KOL 2.0”
Old faithful is 20(ish) years old metal pipe. Last piece i bought before my son was born. If give something new a shot!


Hay Sonny, I’m not sure if it’s legal to nominate relatives, lol!

I’ve been sucking on this 419 for so long it’s an old friend.

So, as cool as HOJ KOL 2.0 looks, I’d like to pass my nomination on to @SHSC-1 , it looks like he could really use it :slight_smile:


Okay @Foreigner fair!

Here’s my REALLY CLEAN hand blown glass used about 25 years.

I nominate @Yetigrows !


Pipes? No.

Bongs I have a few…

I nominate @Hemlockgrows


I’m always down for whatever and here is a look at my grow platinum g. Mob boss runts and an Afghanistan kush

@SensiBowl @Kasper0909 @THCeed @G-paS