A gift from Bodhi turned seed factory - Vintage Hawaiian Indica X Purple Unicorn

I got some plants from a friend of a friend. He heard I liked Bodhi’s work and blueberry stuff so he gave me some blueberry hashplant seeds and two lil baby Bodhi plants. He also gave me the seed bag they came in, which I appreciated. The cross is marked “Vintage HI Indica x pu f3 2022 gift blessing” I lovingly call it HiPu (high poo). The HI stands for Hawaiian Indica and from my research it appears to be a strain from the 80s. Purple Unicorn is well documented and used in a bunch of Bodhi crosses. PU, from what I researched, is Chem Dawg X Blackberry Widow. Not sure how accurate this seedfinder page is but here is the link.

I was currently dealing with over 60 indoor plants and just starting my spider mite farm. So I made the choice to leave them outside, which is something I had never tried. They came in hard packed clay soil that was so freaking heavy. Pretty sure it was just some native soil from a friend’s backyard. After a few weeks I decided to try out my new grobuckets on these babies. At the time I had some raspberries and some brussel sprouts in grobuckets and they were doing great. The Bodhi babies were looking rough and starting to yellow so it was time to get them in my soil blend and new containers.

I was pretty much hands off after moving them to the buckets. I would just fill up the bottom reservoir every 3-6 days depending on rain. My soil blend had nutrients and I hardly ever gave it more. Once in flower I did top dress once with bloom nutrients. Pretty quickly these started showing sex since these were started so late in the season. Quickly I found that I had one male and one female. I let them sit side by side for a while at the beginning. Then I eventually moved the male about 200 ft away to the back of the yard. I didn’t really have a plan but I thought, making some seeds of Bodhi strain would be fun. I couldn’t find anyone else that had grown out this cross and posted about it. Also, I didn’t see this cross available for purchase anywhere so I went for it. The male produced a shit ton of flowers especially on the top. The female was pollinated very early and I was able to harvest about 30 mature seeds just from the bottom of a few buds that were starting.

I just let the male die off on its own, I feel bad now that I probably pollinated the neighborhood. Whoops. I found out the guy across the street had a single male plant in his backyard as well. He had no idea there was male and female cannabis and once I told him he had a male he went back to the nursery he got it from and convinced them to give him another. So there was another flowering male about 300 yards away for a short time. So it’s possible it pollinated mine but in my amateur opinion, mine was pollinated from my male that was literally touching it. But who knows and I am a noob!

The caterpillars loved this plant and I was constantly looking for them and launching them into the yard. I was surprised that not a ton of pests were messing with the plant outdoors. My backyard is pretty wild and there is tons of life. I did find a few spiders making webs but never did see any mites. @Rhino_buddy let me know this was an assassin bug and I shouldn’t mess with it :slight_smile:

Below are some flower photos from random times.

I did a test harvest by taking one of the branches and digging all the seeds out of it. Saved the nuggets to try after a dry. I have since harvested and dried all of it but it hasn’t been trimmed. Out of like 2 branches I got another 70 seeds most of which look really nice. So now I need to decide what to do with the rest. I smoked some and its actually very good for being seeded and probably could have flowered another week. Do I want to break it all up to get the seeds out and then just roll a shit ton of joints to have ready to go? Or should I make edibles? I already have so many bags of flower in the freezer to make edibles with, so it’s not a priority. I could toss it in with the stuff that I will run through bubble bags… I just don’t know what to do with it. Mostly, i just want the seeds out of it so I can share them.

I did take a couple cuts off the female at various stages and I have been doing some really fun experiments training these fast growing plants. This strain is kicking ass indoors! I really should have sent the first clone into flower but I have been having such fun watching it grow.

First clone photos, this one was fun to work on evening out all the branches. I even had it under a wire shelf in this slow tent to work as a scrog net for while. It really helped even things out. These photos are from today, i plan to take a few clones, clean it up and put it in flower.

The second clone is in need of a final pot and I want to cut off a few of the lowers that I let stay just to get clones. But the first clone still has many clones to take as well. I have really been training this one hard to get it to sort of a main line structure. I love this plant and it has been so fun to train it. I can’t wait to flower some indoors without seeds to see its full potential.

Once I get these seeds out, I need to come up with a plan to get them out to the world. That is, if anyone would be interested. Obviously I cannot guarantee that they are 100% HiPu x HiPu, but the chances are good considering the plants were touching for quite a while and I have had no other cannabis plants in my yard and wasn’t flowering any males indoors either. Is this something people would want? A cultivar worth keeping around? Anyone grow this before?

I easily popped out this many seeds from this little pile of nuggets. I am sure there are more in this if i break it up.

Still have the below to trim and get the seeds out.


When you’re ready to pass out seeds, I’ll get in that Line. I “sling seeds” through BOTH Random and Seasonal Giveaways (NEVER A CHARGE!!). I’ll be more that happy to send your seeds far 'n wide, CONGRATS on your first seed-making adventure, stay safe and, be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


You had me at “Bodhi”. I would definitely be interested in some if you have enough.


was the unknown male upwind? what about the known male? when you moved him was he upwind or down wind of the female?


Love the look of the outdoor flowers. Always nice to see people growing out the less known / popular varieties. Great work!


Very cool! Love seeing these rare Bodhi gems being brought back into the light. Much respect I’ll definitely follow along


Unknown male was downwind, if i understand what you are asking. So the wind would have been helping to keep it’s pollen blowing the opposite direction of my yard. The known male, even after moving was upwind so its pollen would have been going towards my female. This was all unintentional, i had to look it up to figure it out when you asked haha.


i would be happy to have a few of these seeds if there are enough to go around. Count me in…


that’s good. you probably do have some pollen contamination but it would be less than 5%. personally, I would confidently call these HiPu and refer to this thread as a disclaimer.


That’s nice buds, love the color. Would be willing to try that for sure if seeds are available!

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I’d enjoy running these very much if that is an option…otherwise-I’ll lurk here and watch em grow! :slight_smile:


I’m super curious about his Hawaiian indica work. Would be very interested in working something out with you to give these a try


Cool project; I’d gladly put my name in the hat I’ve yet to try any bohdi work but heard nothing but great things! Thanks for keeping this around!


I want in on them should you get some beans 🫘 from that fire :fire:! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::jack_o_lantern::sunglasses::ghost::peace_symbol:

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Color me interested!
Thanks for growing these out and sharing the seeds, very kind of you. :+1:


Had me at bodhi… If you got some spare beans to throw my way I would greatly appreciate it if not all good :+1:

Like seeing the outdoor bodhi stuff



A super rare bodhi strain. Stop the modesty and start the presses! You got a gem. Thank you for sharing.


I am wondering if it is worth having a few test these out ASAP and make sure they are great before sending them all out. Curious to hear the communities thoughts on this. I can’t run the seeds myself until december or january, grows are planned out until then.


We all understand they’re untested since they were just finished. Just ask people to tag you, which I’m sure we’ll do, you’ll get them tested


Lol. We are salivating here.