A little look at what ive grew over the years, pics

here are a few pics of finished flowers i have grew.
sweet seeds black jack in 2009 this was one plant fimed ots of times in veg, under a 600w hps

here is a flat top budded smellyberry from ugorg/ oldtimer1

cream caramel from sweet seeds

here is a old fave of mine, a nelly cut i used to run. its a northern lights x uk cheese

og kush#13 from dna

tga subcool plushberry

tga subcool third dimension below. loved this pheno, she was fruity funky smoke for sure,lemons and oranges in one, with a clear head sativa high


Your work looks great!! Inspiration!!


i have loads more pics to upload, and i have some tester regular seeds going from HSO they are gift of fire f2 and platinum yeti f3s. there from a guy called giestgrow from the us plus a lovely pheno from there dr greenthumbs em dog by k/s. i have collected some male pollen from 2 p/yeti f3 males and dusted the odd branch on the only p/yeti female i have to make some f4s. i gave a dusting to the gift of fire f2 and em dog aswell so i should have some seeds come harvest, just a hobby i like doing pollen chucking when possible. i have a blueberry x malawi i made years ago, tho they are hermie prone indoors i found tho, so i ditched that project. il update with pics when i can of the girls in flower. im using a dr120 tent with a 400w hps at the min, growing organic in soil, using bio bizz fishmix and bloom, plus some good old seaweed extract. pots are 3 to 11 liter.
i will be running bubba76 and sour 76 after these are finished above from the HSO regular giestgrow seeds too. the they are both crossed with a old 1976 afghan, so should be some dank from them. anyone growing any of the above strains on here ? em dog is a great smoke i find for my needs.


cheers, when in a good inviroment growing in soil, i find everything goes smoothly. ive tried growing in coco and bubblers but i always come back to organic soil growing, best taste and average yield im happy with in soil, tho i find em dog by hso is a good yielder when topped/ fimed out all through veg, before flipping to 12/12. i have tried 11 hours on and 13 off in flower with sativas it helps them speed up a little end of flower i found.


sweet seeds cream caramel

dutch passion lemon zkittles below pics are folks.

dr greenthumbs em dog by HSO below pics are

amherst sour diesel

this em dog i grew under a 600w hps was massive, big furry colas full of chemmy og goodness,my fave hso strain so far

this em dog loves being fimed out, and sprayed with seaweed extract all through veg i have found, and loves seaweed in the feed in veg, and a little each week in flower aswell
plants were the best ive grew in this dr120 tent under a 600w hps.

this pic below was taken about 10 days into flower, on 12/12. lots of stretch in the first 14 days flower, but then packs on the weight.

some more d/passion lemon zkittles phenos.


Are you going to grow some more?


i have a grow on now, i will get some pics of whats in flower at the min. mostly the p/yeti and gift of fire, em dog. and some sweet seeds gorilla girl, cream47, crystal candy, and c candy autos. and a g13 labs lemon amber kush, smelling real lemony, like the old dna lemon skunks. oh and i have a zkittles pineapple fruit sweets pheno, from a strain called zkitzo from the RGSC in the flower tent too. i will get pics took of them soon. plus my seed making run of the p/yetis and stuff i dusted with yeti male pollen.
thanks for looking in. bom shiva


Beautiful plants! You’ll fit right in here with your love of trying different strains!

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sorry i was ment to tag you in my comment above. i forgot. smoking too much high grades. lol
il get pics took and get them uploaded here to show what i have in flower at the moment. i have a dr120 tent with a 400w duel spec hps with 15 girls in , into there 5th week of 12/12 and are getting fatter by the day. i hope my pollen dusting has only pollenated the branches i put it onto, as i dont want a fully seeded crop. just the odd branch for a few seeds to play with and trade/ gift to other growers/ hobby breeders.
here is a list below of what i have in there at the min.
HSO em dog
HSO giestgrow regulars are gift of fire f2 and platinum yeti f3s.
sweet seeds are crystal candy, c candy autos, and a few gorilla girls that smell very funky, plus a cream 47
g13 labs lemon amber kush, smelling very lemony.
pineapple fruit sweets pheno from a zkittzo from RGSC, a zkittles x skunk hybrid with a great pineapple sweet smell and taste. only £30 for a pack of 6 fems, i still have 3 left to pop, with a few more d/passions lemon zkittles too.
oh and a singal dinafem blue widow in a little 2l pot.


thank you. yes i love the herb, i always have, it helps me through those bad days, and makes the good days even better. i cant wait to get some pics up of what i have in flower at the moment. there looking and smelling great. some are in 6.5 liter pots of soil, some are in about 2l to 4 liter pots, using plagron light mix soil. using bio bizz fish mix ,bloom and seaweed extract.
thanks for looking in, il get some more pics uploaded of what i have grew already to keep this thread green, till my new pics are taken.
peace all og , smokie1


a few more pics of em dog girls below

some of my indoor seeds below , i have a box of outdoor/ land race seeds in the fridge too.

em dog below, i had 2 different girls that run, now i have just the 1 em dog.

d/passion auto colorado cookies buds, was very happy with the smoke from them

serious seeds ,serious kush below

sweet seeds cream caramel, the cold night temps made most buds go purple

tga plushberry

bubble hash, this pic has me wanting to do a bubble run. lol

fire 99 from RGSC,made by KRK, very nice smoke these

well that’s enough of what ive grew in the past, il get pics of my current flowers asap, and get them uploaded in here. do i have to make pics smaller to upload onto here ? or does any size fit ? all so i guess that the site strips and pic info from the pics as you upload them ?, if there is any on the pics that is.
hope you like the bud porn og. kushty everyone, hope you are all well, and smoking something nice. im on a joint of sweet seeds crystal candy auto, its nice smoke for a auto. lots of flavor too.


Thank you for sharing i always enjoy scrolling thru looking at the different variety…


cheers. i know fellow grower, i am the same as you for loving looking at diff vars
there are way to many strains nowadays compared to say the 90s.
i have that many seeds ive collected over the years, that’s why i always grow multistrain grows, plus i love lots of variety in my jars.


Great work @smokie1 ! I’m seeing lots of :fire:



You still up at it?

Stay Irie! :sunglasses::dash::desert_island:

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hi there irie, yeah im still at it, had a little break from growing for a few months to take some time away, my head was in a mess from lockdown depression. but im back on the ball, and my jars are running low,lol, so time to crack some seeds, i will be getting a grow diary going next month in here.
hope everyone’s cool and smoking some fire. s1

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Awesome, glad you are out of the funk and ready to skunk. I’ll follow along on your next grow. :+1::+1:

Stay Irie! :sunglasses::dash::desert_island:

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