A Man & His Space-Can #01

Depends who you ask, both should work alright

With good viable seeds they should do just fine put right in without soaking or popping first, maybe soak first if you like

Lol! Don’t mind my dirty laundry basket, since I have a small room and little space to work with. A tent would’ve worked fine. But I’m still following up on my initial plan. The unfortunate thing about this set up is how high the light sits or will from canopy. Please give more feedback and suggestions, given what I already have.

I was also thinking of the reflective material needed for the inside of the can, but seems like the light bounces off the plastic container pretty well… I might leave the container as is, allowing trial and error to take place.

Also, the hole I cut out for ventilation has lots of spectrums of colors escaping out. Again it’s a $30 LED light. Seems super strong.

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Nice - love the innovation!

My first grow was little autos in a couple of 5gal pails. I used just dollar store led’s in these:


You can pull the plastic bulbs off the lights to get more of the light directly down toward the plants.

Just a suggestion/option if you expand your grow space (this will happen…almost certainly!), or find you prefer working with white light.

Good luck, I look forward to following along.

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Two Apollo Ape seeds have been germinated. They popped in 24H. So I placed them in Pete pallet. Now it’s time to wait.

My plan is to leave them on a window to grow the beginning stages. When should I transfer to LED?


I usually put them under a low watt led right off the bat or as soon as they pop out of the plugs

Alternatively you could leave them in the window sill for maybe the first week but unless you live where they will get plenty of light you’ll get plenty of stretching to start with, too much for my liking but that’s just me

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Just removed the seeds covering the small leaf. I’ve given life, birthed two Apollo Ape seeds. I am a proud father. Hope I get female twins here.


Very nice, looking forward to watching them grow

They r kinda cute! It’s the start of something great.

They are stretching, and showing some purple on the stem. Looking forward to this grow. I have the dome on top of my console, it’s warm. But the window is nearby allowing some natural light to get though. Would I be better off just setting them in the Space-Bucket?

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My 1st batch of seeds i popped was under a very small t5 light and i noticed a pretty good amount of stretching. My next batch I popped under a 600w MH bulb and hardly had any stretching so what ive taken from this is more light is better!


Yeah seems like a good time to get using it, show them the light if you haven’t already

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Stevie you’re more than appreciated man! I have them under LED light when I’m awake. And when I sleep I have it off. So it’s irregular but sufficient amount. Let’s see how it feels following my schedule. I’ve been spraying them to maintain humidity, since they’ve outgrown the dome.

Edit; I’ve also been looking into more nutrients. Not sure what to get or if to consider anything but the soil and just light. I’ve seen people use nutrients and at home remedy’s. So not sure what to do. I’ll just be patient.

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I spray the side of can to let water droplets build the humidity inside container. I have a hygrometer wireless device(that’s the white device). I’ve also been spraying the tray to maintain it. I see purple on the circular leaves and stem. Awesome color! I’m super excited.

Also, I don’t have fans to circulate. I don’t see a point in allowing stem to strengthen since I’ll support it with stress training.

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I wouldn’t use anything just yet, you’re still in the plugs right? Once you see some roots popping out the sides and bottom of plugs then you can transplant into the next step container, some will go direct into the final container but I personally like to transplant a few times giving the roots time to fill space before up potting again.

When you do transplant them, again depending on what dirt you use, they should be ok with no nutes for at least a couple weeks or more

After that, as far as nutes vs the home remedy (organically) I can’t help you much there beyond saying find what you are comfortable doing. I use nutes, either GH nutes with dirt or Canna A+B for coco simply because it’s easy and does the job alright and because I know next to nothing about organic so you would need to ask others there

Good luck and if any issues come up or you just have questions then ask away, someone will lend a hand

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I read online that, the-grower manipulates how the plant enters the vegetative stage, also flowering stage. How does the-grower do so?

Example, “allowing the plant to stay in the vegetative state for longer gives a larger plant, producing higher yields.”

Can anyone explain to me?

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To keep the plant in a vegative state, keep the days long. An 18 hour day with a 6 hour night is typical. Cannabis is a short day plant, so when the days get shorter the buds will form. Indoors a 12 hour day with a 12 hour night will trigger flowering.


I’m thinking about transplanting today. Since one of the plants has popped directly from underneath the Pete pellet (for both plants).
I’ll be attempting to do this in two solos cups, then later on 3-gallon buckets.

Let’s see how this turns out


When do you guys recommend I use this? Or are there other ways to feed the plant nutrients naturally after it’s depleted from the soil.

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Seedlings are looking good, good luck with transplanting, should be no problems there just watch you don’t damage the roots by being too rough

I’ll let someone else chime in on the fertilizer/food as I don’t have much experience growing in soil, would hate to steer you the wrong way

Maybe tag some more experienced growers who can better help you


Just a couple to start, my apologies if you guys don’t wish to be tagged