A Man & His Space-Can #01

At my seedling Stage. Should I water every two times a week or every other day? I’ve even read once a week, but just a thorough water. I’m reading lots but still very new to growing.

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Don’t water too much, give them a chance to dry out a bit. Their small roots need to breath. In cups you can go 2-3 days at least between waterings, depending on the medium.


Once the roots shot out the bottom of the Pete pellets. I transplanted them into the fox farm soil to establish roots more firmly. As the sex period is what I am truly after, I can shorten the days after a month or so.

For now I added the coco-fiber over the soil as I’m allowing the soil to dry up some before watering. But wanting the humidity to stay continuous, not enough to mold up. So careful for that. Today I’ll be watering. As far as making a solution with the veg grow from fox farm I purchased, delaying that until I feel the veg has started comparison to videos and pictures I’ve seen. Or one of you can help me determine that. I’ve also not yet established the plants into a bigger pot to finalize its grow. So is extra nutrient even needed yet, since the nutrients will be there for plants in new soil. Also, I’ve placed the plants on a beer box I had to heighten the plants, so stretching doesn’t occur.

Also, the new growth is super green, light green. What can that be? Just new growth being established, later on then, defining its color?


Looking good!
With the peat pellets it’s easy to keep them too wet. Also easy for them to fake you out and look wet but be dry. A happy moist is ideal! You can touch them, gently, to find out.

Since you just transplanted into the happy frog you should be good on the fertilizer for at least two weeks. Probably water the cups every other day to start and maybe every day once they’re full of roots.

And introduce the grow big gradually. Start at the low side, (1tsp?) or less, and increase as the plant size, and soil volume, increase.


That’s pretty fucking neat. I’d move up to a 2x2 or 2x4 tent in the future if it’s feasible but props, looks like you’re off to a good start.


There’s a root sticking out bottom of cup. I don’t want the root to get damaged or plant to become distressed if damaged. Please help. Should I leave it or replant in larger pot.


It will naturally air prune, no worries~ :sunglasses: :call_me_hand:

It won’t be ready to transplant for a couple more weeks.
You can check the root ball (not now) by sliding the cup down.



I found small little gnat/fly on the top layer of coco-fiber. I don’t know if that’ll be bad thing. Please let me know on what I can do to prevent this. I read that peroxide solution kills the larvae and the gnats along any fungi. But I feel like that’ll damage my plants.

Edit: should I just add small little spider (long legged) to pest control them bugs?!

Peroxide is fine. Don’t put spiders in there. Or you’ll end with spidermites (well baby spiders in this case but either way you don’t webs in your bud) I just spray with neem oil or spinosad once or twice a week as preventive in veg. Not much to do about fungas gnats but put up some fly paper. The neem/spinosad keeps them in check too though. Lots of herbs help repel pests too. Got some rosemary and basil sprouting right now to help out with that.

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Seems likely the new growth is producing more fingers on nodes. Think it’s on the 5th node growing the 6th now. I am wanting to feed or transplant. The roots are starting to show more through the bottom of cup.

What is your opinion?
Should I wait sometime longer?

I’ve watched videos and read, but nothing has too much on the experience, and if so are individual to that grow/strain. Hope someone can help me; should I allow the soil to completely dry and then feed. Or transplant then feed. The new soil may be rich in nutrients, but the soil that being used will be depleted.


just stumbled upon this. glad you’re growing out some of my Apollo Ape. :+1:


They look about right to be up potted, both look good and healthy. Once they’re up and reaching out beyond the cup their roots will be doing the same, or at least trying to. They’re ready IMO

I water them lightly with just water before moving to help hold dirt together when transplanting. Just try to be relatively gentle so you don’t rip all the roots sticking out the bottom

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So it’s been about two weeks. Am I technically now entering the veg stage?

Edit: I’ve been thinking about just started the nutrients feeding once. Then once the soil drys out I’ll transplant it. That way it has its nutrients needed. Still not sure. I’ll figure it out soon.

Also, G said wait couple more weeks so I’ll wait until day 20.


It’s Veg time :herb:

Waiting’s fine too, they’ll just grow denser root balls

Give them a feeding, start out light, half strength or less and go from there, the plants will let you know if they’re happy or not

You got this :+1:


Now the real question is how much water to feed them. I’m planning on just starting the plant until some water starts to pour out the bottom.

As you can see there’s water floating at the bottom now. I’ll just leave it as is and see what happens.

The left plants node is growing the two extra fingers. While the right plant isn’t growing those same fingers on the same section of nodes. I’ll be attempting to top the plant in the next few days. Hopefully they both grow nice and strong. Is the Apollo Ape @anonymous4289 a cross of a Sativa and Inidca? Both seeds showing different traits of the strain?

Another difference is; the left plant doesn’t have as much of growth in the central leading node, while the right plant has more development in the central leading node area. It’ll probably even out, just different growth rate of each plant.


well on one side you have apollo 11g which is a sativa, but then on the other side you have grape ape with some og mixed in, so you should have a nice mix of both depending on phenos.



After allowing the plant to sit over night after its first nutrient feeding. I went little light on nutrients. Just to start things off.

Also, I stressed the plant some by bending the stems downwards to allow more light to be captured throughout the new growth. I’m glad to see the plant took the watering with small amount of nutrients well.

I’ll try to update my grow diary every week through veg to get aide while attempting to trim and LST the plants. Thanks for tagging along.


My plant has a small white spot on the leaf there. It’s been there for some days, or at-least When I noticed it. Anyone very seen something like that and lead to something bad? Let me know.


Hey bro, I can barely see it, but it looks to me like a minor imperfection. If it’s been there for days and hasn’t changed, it’s probably nothing but a beauty mark :wink:

If it starts to spread, or get worse, let us know. Other than that it’s looking really healthy. Nice work so far.