A Man & His Space-Can #01

Yeah I’d say they look pretty healthy, just keep doing what you’ve been doing and like ^otug^ Said just watch that it doesn’t spread but it’s likely nothing, just a spot


Thank you I was thinking it’s just a mark and isn’t much. Hasn’t spread so I’ll just continue doing what I am. Appreciate you responding (:slight_smile:


That’s what I was thinking, glad I can double check with my grow log on OG. I would be struggling overthinking what to do next. Thank you!


I agree with everyone else, a minor blemish. :+1::seedling:


Plants are looking good! Keep on trucking buddy!


I attempted to top my plant, given it’s day 17. But seems like the 6th node is establishing some, and what you see there is the 7th node being ripped off. But, the 7th node wasn’t established well. Will this mess the topping process up? Or should I just remove the 6th node, given it’ll be above the 5th?

I only attempted this on the more indica heavy looking plant. While the more Sativa heavy is still developing the 7th node.


Sometimes they don’t miss a beat and respond immediately, other plants seem to need to ‘double clutch and down shift’ for a couple days before the side branches get going.

Give her a little LIFTA and she will sort it out. :sunglasses: :call_me_hand:


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Fuck you missed!
(Look up “FIMing)


Day: 18

What would you recommend if I accidentally remove a branch from node 6, attempting take off node 7. Should I just remove the whole 6th node. (Edit); I just went ahead and took the 6th node off. I’ll be interested to see if it’ll grow even more nodes from above the 5th. It’ll create a shorter and slightly taller plant right? By training the plant at a much lower node and topping as I go? I’m new and I’m not sure if I should be attempting these things. But I feel like there’s only one way to learn.

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I’m looking that up, ‘FIMing. Would this be good, given I started with nutrients. I’ll be able to see the new growth give me healthier, if all well, leaves and notice deficiencies.

All try this with the one plant I took a picture a day ago of, attempting to top. It’ll be fun to see if I get a male or female in at least one plant, given i might top it how you’re suggesting.

Btw. Fuck! I did miss…

Don’t mess with it any more right now. You did good!!!

Now give it a few days to recover from the stress of being cut.

I have never tried it, but to do the FIM technique you need to pretty much cut the apical meristem (growth tip) in half.

With the cut you already made you will either get a normal topping like you intended, or the crazy FIM multicola.

Now apply LIFTA…GENEROUSLY… :wink: (Leave It The Fuck Alone)

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No worries, once apical dominance is broken the lateral branches of the lower nodes will grow.

If I’m doing a manifold I’ll grow to node six and cut back to node three. The cut top section, goes into the aero cloner & I train the node three laterals to support eight colas.
If I’m just topping for a bushy structure, I top about node 5 of 6 and any branch that starts to grab dominance later gets topped.
When you get experienced at topping - then try FIMing, that takes topping to another level (one I have not mastered :laughing: :vulcan_salute:)



Day: 19

Decided to transplant today. Had to compensate for ovalish looking pots since the grow space isn’t big enough for them to sit perfectly round, I’m sure it’ll be fine. Again my first grow with these brutal lights. I’m sure the lights aren’t very good for the plant but we’ll definitely have to see with time.

Yep! Feeling good and hopeful all comes out okay with my very first grow. Nothing goes as planned, let’s adjust as we go. Thanks for tuning in and watching my success/failure.



I am very upset with myself… I read that stressing the plant in certain ways can mess up the hormonal process. Meaning it can result in a male plant. I’m mad at myself for this… I already damaged some of the leaves around the plant moving it and handling it. I feel as if this happens naturally, but why responds in such a way? Is this even true? Can someone explain?

Might consider germinating some more seeds. Not sure yet.

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It will take a he’ll of alot more stress to hermie her. Step off the ledge growmie and hit the bong. Shit if fine!



It’s more things like stress from light leaks during your dark period or extreme temp changes, super rough handling during repotting etc that will cause a plant to herm but a lot just comes down to genetics themselves, some plants will take anything and never look back, others need a bit more care.

Tearing a few little pieces off some leaves won’t affect anything, she’ll be fine

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If you look closely at the fingers growing on the very top, they’re showing small holes on the smallest leaves it has. What can this be? Is it a nutrient burn? I may have sprayed the leaves a couple times while the lights were on.

Also, I’ve been thinking of removing those stems/leaves that are damaged to allow more light to enter through the body of plants. And less wasted energy. Would you recommend topping in next week? I see some leaves towards the bottom of plant aren’t getting sufficient light. Lollipoping is the term I’m looking for. Only thing is I don’t have enough space for that type of grow. I need a smaller plant more bushier approach.

Edit: this is true for both plants that I have, same location.

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Wanted to ask if I should leave the e bigger set of fingers or leave the smeller ones to create a bushy pant. Just not sure how the Yield will result in. Anyone suggest a tipping or nothing at all yet?


Day: 26

This is a side view after pruning some.

Overhead view after pruning.

Edit: one of the plants is looking like sex will start showing. Seems like male plant for the first one. If they both turn out to be male, will start a new germination. I’m not giving up on the plant I took pictures of above.


Zooming in its a bit too pixilated to see any pre flowers. But looking good. Plants look happy and green.

You may want to try some of the super quick and small auto’s next round. Maximizes yield from your small space and lower wattage by keeping them lit 24/7.

Keep trucking.

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