A Man & His Space-Can #01

Thank you for letting me know your thoughts on my small grow @Dirtron I definitely want to grow some auto flowers… it’s just that I don’t have any auto flower seeds. When I do I’ll grow some. I’m not following any guides on pruning or tipping. I am just going by eye and what will work given the space.

I am so grateful to have been given seeds early on in my growing career… and more to come. Regular or FEM seeds, all is/was appreciated here. I started about 40 days ago on OG. Half way through my time I started a grow, form seeds I got through here. and here I am.



Day: 27

Here is my latest. I removed the big fan leaves. And took better pictures for you interested to see my grow.

As you can see with the blue arrow. Pointing at the development of sex.


I had to do surgery on my pant since the stem wanted to act fragile and break off some… sad sad about this.



Day: 28

Here you can see the branch that broke off… I am not sure if I should just clip the top half off… or leave it for now only allowing the one side of the node set to grow. As you can see from the circle and arrow, which is showing the broken off branch. Also, from that area of the branch, sex is showing! This looks like it could be a male or female. Need expertise advice here.


Not an expert by any means but looks like female to me, give it more time to show more fully though

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Day: 29

I upload so much onto my diary. I guess I just really like sharing my progress.

The plant is showing a better sign of sex. I think you’re right. @Stevie1durr It’s a girl! :girl:t2::sob::sneezing_face:

The other plant that smaller and bushier is growing differently. I wasn’t able succeed the same training with the bending of the branches early on. Let’s keep on letting time be the teller.

Here is the palnts side by side. As you can see I have removed all the major fam leaves allowing the new growth to take over. I’m sure I’ll have smaller nugs, but this way it’ll result in a smaller plant (or I’m hoping).

Also, can someone tel me why the plant on the bottom (larger plant In picture above) has a mutation in the leaves :maple_leaf:.


looking good. both are apollo ape right?

Yessir! Both are some Apollo ape seeds. They smell very very :fire:.


Day: 31

I’ve noticed weird growth through the plant. I’m not sure why this is happening. I was thinking my cheap light, but figured it’s not that since it’s just light. Then I was thinking it the way I’m handling the plant… or it can be the praying of water early on over the immature leaves lead to this result.

I’m ignoring the development of the leaves structure. I’ve been focused on the stem development and it’s gender. Still hopeful to get at least one female.

Thanks for tuning in my grow diary. Let’s see how it goes from here.

As you can see, the fingers aren’t developed well in picture above.

And here’s a picture of both plants in the space. They are different sizes.

Also, here’s my last issue. My humidity reader is showing the humidity at around 70-75% for week now. I left the lid of grow space uncovered for one night, no difference. I woke up next day with reader showing me same percentage while room is maintaining 40-55% on average.


Day: 33

Here checking on my plants. The issue with my grow space/container is the humidity. It’s just getting too high!!! I need to develop a way to potentially kill all mold growing already or ways to prevent what will be growing. The humidity has been over 70 for sometime. I came back home today after being in the mountain some. It shot up to 85% allowing to see droplets on the walls of grow space and leaves of plants. This can not be enjoyable for a vegetative stage plant? Please let me know

I have the plants soaking in some natural light to dry out the droplets and the soil. Should be ready for a watering tomorrow morning. Any suggestions would help.

Here are some updates of the plants.

As far as sex goes. Seems like here’s a good picture of what is growing. I’m still suspicious of what that small growth is on the bigger plant.


that’s a good thing. :+1:

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Day: 35

(I had labeled my grow-diary wrong in previous days, please excuse that)

Just was wanting to update some. I removed one plant out of grow space. It seems it’s only enough space for one plant, so I’ll make it a future fem auto grow space. For now I am using this lamp next to my bed and nightstand.

Here is the plant in the Space-Can. It’s thriving!!

Soon I am wanting to switch these to the flowering stage. Anyone help me complete that process and explain. Yes! I have read and watched videos on the process, wouldn’t mind some aid. Thanks for tuning in and tagging along this diary.


Are you planning on flowering in that bin also? If so you’re going to need some sort of net to do a sog type of grow, I can’t imagine you have much headroom left

  • or do a lot of tying down *

unless it’s a never-ending container


This thread reminds me of 2003 the first time I vegged a plant in a Rubbermaid bin (super high tech back then).

It just goes to show hiw this plant is a weed. I cringed at a few things you did but you’re going to have to experience certain these things on your own. But it’s awesome everyone was here to help you along.

Your thread is why this forum should even exsist: passing I. The legacy to the new grower.

You’ll be a full time farmer like me soon, I turned it into a full time hobby (growing plants that is). You’ll never see plants the same.

Keep up the great work :+1:

Oh PS I think you vegged too long, You’ll be cutting it close better switch to 12/12 like yesterday. Then again can’t tell the distance from the pic.

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Day: 37

That why I was wanting to low stress train it but im a huge newbie. @Stevie1durr I’ve read and read and watched videos, but they’re all misleading in the grow (since it’s a personal experience). I read the average schedules to growing stages. But they are also misleading. It’s all about experience. Awesome that I have people on here to guide/help me along the way.

Dude! Please help me! Your 2003 high tech technology is still being used! By me! Here are some updates on what I’ve done differently since last post. @Thedudelivesman

Before I post pictures, youll see the difference in the plants. Also note, that I’ve trimmed the plants back ALOT! Allowing new growth to settle in, so the roots are better structured and I read the veg can be where the “manipulation” of the plant occurs. So basically how you want it to be grown and to grow, This the stage for it. It’s can also be a forgiving plant in this stage.

Also, I’ve been wondering when the flowering stage occurs is when I should flip the lighting . I’ve also read that it occurs when I see the flower/buds start to grow or show identity of gender. Please give feedback!

Plant 1 (Grape Soda (this is the pants name, not strain))

As you can see, I’ve set it on top of my ‘Space-Can,’ since I received a light from my GF thats able to hang from a high fixture. This is allowing me to have more space for the plant to grow more horizontally, like Stevie had mentioned, to add a net.

Plant 2: (Fun Dip(plans name not strain name))

Removed the plant from container and placed on top of can to take a picture then placed in back into Space-Can

With this stage, having different lights. I’ll be able to see the noticeable difference advantage/disadvantage of led lighting and light bulb lighting.


Yes veg is the time to train your plants, as you have been doing and will need to continue doing. This is one advantage of growing photo period cultivars, they won’t flower until they receive 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness or better, the 12/12 people talk about.

Now is the time to get started with a net or just tying branches down and evening out the canopy, once you flip to flower schedule your plants will start to stretch and reach for the light. They’ll double or even triple in size if not controlled.

You can still do LST once flipped to flower you just have to be careful and try not to be too rough or stress your plants too much at once or there is the chance of herms happening. A lot of this depends on the genetics of your seeds also, some plants herm very easy with minimal stress others can go through a shit storm and not care less.

As far as telling plant sex pre flower usually around the 4-6 week mark you’ll see some sign but some plants are stubborn and just refuse to show what they are, in that case just flip when you are ready and you should find out in a couple weeks or three what you have, plenty of time to cull a male then.

I’m a new grower myself so am still learning but if there’s anything I can help with or any specific questions you may have just ask, I’ll do my best to answer you or get the attention of someone who can.


I would not use a regular bulb for the other plant. If you can at least use a CFL which is a twisty bulb basically.

In your case you cannot wait for pre flowers to come out. Example: I just had pre flowers come out 2 months later on 3 foot tall plants. You dont want that tall of plants because your plants may double or triple in size during the stretch I to flower.

When I was closet growing and bin growing I would flower after 3-4 weeks of veg. Sometimes sooner. Your plant is already larger then what I would have flowered with but good news you will get a better yield. But I encourage you to flower now or find a way to make the trash can bigger.

Also keep in mind you can flower photo period strains as fast as you want. When you switch the lights to 12/12 it will happen.

Check out the pic. It wasn’t my best training but ser how all the tips are mostly the same height? Thats because I slightly tie down the tallest ones.



Day: 42

I’ve done some rearranging to make a healthier environment with accommodated space for new growth/plants.

Here’s what I’ve done.

This picture shows a closet space with the Space-Can to the left. Then a(n) attachable lamp, with a clip on the end. The lamp has a bendy body, this is both good and bath. The bendy body allows to place the light according to canopy or plant necessities, and bad due to the bendy bodies potential of becoming flimsy due to wear over time. That is the heavy end of body where the bulb is, results in being weighed down so I feel like temporary use it’ll be fine. While I plan to upgrade (If I do).

This also is showing the plant underneath the clip on lamp. I feel like I can utilize this area, which has light ‘leaks,’ due to the structure of the lamp. Surrounding the plant, so I can have some smaller plants on the sides. Potentially adding some reflective material on walls, and/or building a structure/frame that’ll aid this space to grow better quality buds. Even to have on display a healthier, clean, and productive growing closet to meet my medicinal needs, and some.

This is how the plant in current ‘controlled’ environment is doing.

Note: this plant was the smaller plant that was being recorded earlier on in this diary.

This plant seems to look beautiful underneath that led light, even tho it was a cheap board. It’s doing all the different to the amount in comparison. The root structure looks great.

Here’s the plant growing outside the Space-Can.

As you can see, the fingers are pointed differently on this plant in-comparison to the plant in Space-Can. Let’s see how this one turns outs. If anyone has any suggestions on what I should attempt given I have the plant under an LED bulb, not Inclosed, and not receiving light to every fan properly.

I’m thinking on removing the bottom nodes, but not sure if I should. I’ll be flipping lights during this coming week to get sex to show and flowering to start.


They’re looking great!

If you wanna grow really cheap (only pay for the electricity of your lamp) then read up on permaculture. I just keep adding kitchenscraps and all kinds of “other weeds” to my pots like nettles, dandelion, grass, tree leaves, and so on. It’s a bit of an adventure as all kinds of little insects will be thriving in there but they add to the fertility of the soil. There’s much to learn about “covercrops” as well. Sowing vetch in your pots inbetween your grows works great too to replenish the soil with nitrogen. That way you can keep reusing the pots and sow straight into them. Might lose a few seedlings here and there, but that’s how it goes. I can always send you some seeds if you need some.


I heard that LED is cheaper. So I’ll be fine with what I am using for now. Additional things I am using is fox farm nutrients, the Grow Big, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom all liquid fertilizers. I have no experience with the fertilizers, so this is my first trial run doing so. The plants seems to be healthy and showing signs of good health being given the amount I have and am.

Currently I am using the Grow liquid plant food I’m adding into water feeding. I have been watering every 3 days or so, varying on how wet the soil is. Every time I water I add about 25-30oz of water with some of the Big Grow mixture in it. I’m going very light with the amount of nutrients being added.

Soon when I flip, I’ll need to figure out how or when to feed the plants the tiger nutrients, and how much of it. If you know or anyone else does suggest when to start the different nutrients, let me know. I’ll be reading up on it all. I am learning as I go. That’s the best way to learn in my opinion.