A Man & His Space-Can #01

I have an issue here with my plant. Seems like something is impacting it… I need to spectate further. The new growth is showing signs of potential deficiencies…

Underneath the LED Bulb.

Underneath ceiling light.

This is the other plant inside Space-Can underneath ceiling light.


Is it just the top/new leaves doing it? It could be a nitrogen deficiency but if that was the case you should see some yellow and dying leaves at the bottom of the plant

I would say it’s either an issue with your ph being off some or it’s a result of over/under watering


Dang! I don’t have a pH reader/meter. I’ll see how all looks tomorrow. Might have to water soon with some nutrients again. Maybe a light watering. Thank you for always being so active and engaging on my grow diary. The feedback is very helpful, always taking into account. Thanks!

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Here is an update of the plant growing outside the Space-Can. I was worried about this weird color appearing on new growth. I flipped the lights… so I’m worried this will affect the buds that’ll potentially grow… this plant is being stressed out… might be a goner here soon or waste to just keep/maintain it alive/

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Your plants are 100 percent fine. You are slightly low on Nitrogen. New growth sometimes is slightly lighter also on some plants.

I reccomend 1 tablespoon of Alaska fish (home depot) $8.99 a quart I think.

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Day:49 week1(flowering)

I have officially entered the flowering stage with my healthy Apollo Ape plant. The other isn’t doing so hot…

I’m a little scared to the coloring that’s being shown on the pants. Would be sad if any deficiencies start to pop up. I watered with all three fox farm nutes I have last night (Big bloom, Grow Big, Tiger Bloom).

Might end up tossing away this plant here… seems like to seeing stunted by something… not sure if it’ll even survive but I’m still giving it a fighting chance.

Here’s a clone I have, still hasn’t shown roots.

And here’s another Apollo ape

So far I’ve learned LST, About nutes, deficiencies, and diseases. Taking away a lot so far. Hopeful I can make shot happen here shortly. All I need is two separate grow spaces, and I’m solid after that.


This is what I’ve been up to. Cleaned up the closet space. And hung up the light higher. Now I need to get Mylar onto the walls.

For now I added a blanket to cover the space. Then I hung the light on the closet hangar. Mounted an extension block onto the closest wall. The plant was getting too big for the bucket space. So I took it out. Let’s see what plans I come up with here shortly.

Still not sure what to do with plant on the right side….

I can see a ton of wasted light, directly underneath the LED board on the wall, shows me where it’s most concentrated. Any suggestions?

Should I hang the light lower? And add the other light as well. So both plants have concentrated light directly overhead?

Edit: update:

Added a fan, have the hygrometer, and two lights with more than enough space now.


Just because eine plant is bigger then the other doesn’t mean there is a “deficiency”. Just like your brother may be taller then you plants have differant “phenotypes”. Even if they were the same strain they wouldn’t look exactly alike.

You’re feeding what’s needed (really wouldn’t use the bloom again though until you see flowers). Don’t over think growing plants. You dont need mylar however it will help capture more photons. Because you only have 2 plants I wouldn’t even worry about it. I’ve got almost the same light as a veg light on my bubblegum right now and I have Grey painted walls no mylar at all.

Check out my grow log under that light and check the size: Pinkleberry x Black Widow 7/31

Fear not my young friend you’re learning valuable information that will serve you for decades while your friends have to hire someone else to do what you already know :+1:


Do you still think it’s only a nitrogen deficiency?

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I see what you mean about the dark edges and the edge on that one leaf being wonky.

It looks like a wierd K deficiency maybe?

Either way you just fertilized with everything which was a good move and ots only the one leaf. But yes I would ha e hit it with N also because I like my Veg plants super green and gradually wean them off the N.

Another thing to remember is whenever you fertilize or change something it takes a week to see the results of it. So it’s good to see a problem like this, adjust and see what happens from there.

Anyway keep up the updates, they will be flowering soon I bet.

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Day: 56 week2(flowering)

Here’s an update with me two Apollo ape plants. One showed signs of male organs, while the other female. If breeding seeds is that easy, simply by leaving the two plants side by side. Then should I just carry out and do so? Resulting in lots of seeds?

For now I’m wanting to harvest the female Apollo ape plant. And with the male, might want to cut it up and use it as compost along with it’s soil.

Here is the female plant.

Here is the male plant.



i’m not sure what your goals are, but you could always take clones and harvest the mother female and kill off the male. again i don’t know your plans.

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Would it be best to clone the bottom most branches? Since those are don’t receiving as much light? My goal for now is to simply grow my first plant and smoke it. I don’t want to get into the breeding. Just figured I would have lots of seeds if I do so. But I see clones is also a thing. I took one clipping off and have it waiting for rooting. I know they are difficult to grow, but I’m testing my boundaries by just having it in a water bottle filled up with tap water. I’m just seeing what’ll happen just by attempting it with little knowledge and experience.


if you just want to harvest some smokable weed you might as well just kill off the male and let that female flower on it’s own then. if seeds is your concern i could always send you more, so don’t worry about that.

also realize making seeds takes a while so that would make it a long longer for you to get a second grow with smokeable weed.


Yeah that I took into consideration. Just thinking about the reward. More seeds more flower. I appreciate your generous offer! I just killed it and added the soil and cutting into my compost bucket. I rinsed the fabric pot, will it it dry out then pot another plant in there. Don’t worry about sending more seed! I have some in possession that I really should get to growing. So many strains out there! Thank for the Apollo ape seeds! They were my very first seeds! And hopefully if all goes well with this plant, my first harvest then cure to bong rip.



Not much of an update here… just trichome development and some bud formation. I have noticed some deficiencies on fan leaves, not sure what it may be. Possible thinking pH. So I’m watering more often to regulate that without having to use a pH meter since I don’t have one. I am assuming the pH is most likely above the recommended since I’ve been feeding with nutes. I think I messed up topping and F’d that process up. I only have two nodes growing from plant lol. Probably small yields.

Here’s a pic of her.

Here’s a pic of her potential deficiency.

Here’s her nudes.


Week:4 flowering

I’ve been following same feeding. Been seeing a slight curling downwards on the leaves. Might be a pH imbalance, a possible calcium, potassium or magnesium deficiency. The thing is, only spotting on the highest fan leaves. Don’t think it’s a light Burning. Sigh… seems like permanently damage. I mean it could be overwatering but I don’t think that’s the issue given I have fabric pots and fan blowing straight at it.



In the recent days I’ve noticed some browning to the white pistils. Wasn’t sure if it’s a sign of stress to result in early harvesting. Or natural process. I’ve also noticed minor vertical growth, curious to know if results again, of stress. Or could this be the transitioning into the blooming phase? I’ve had problems with pH so I’m hesitant to say it’s fine and all good, but letting the trichomes do the talking here shortly. Grabbing a x30 on amazon. Given I have some pH down, and entering such a phase I’m thinking I’ll be okay in weeks to come. Also seeing the small brown pistils makes me assume it’s attempting to finalize it’s process sooner. What stage am I really in? Any feedback or experience similar to my situation.

Here is the plant
main cola

lower cola

Some browning to pistils



If you use a heat mat in the clones your success will go up. Also try to take more then 1 per plant as they will most likely have a high failure rate without clonex/heat/humidity dome (optionally I use mykos I put into the plug for help with the roots once they grow they’ll have beneficial microbes).

You could separate that male and when it starts to throw pollen use a brush or q tip to apply to just one or 2 bud sites. First plant I ever grew I did that and had seeds only on the spot I put the pollen.

Don’t let it blow all over the plant or your potency will go down alot.

The curling you had looks like nitrogen toxicity possibly? Anyway don’t use anymore nitrogen just bloom from now on. You’ve got plenty of green for the rest of this run.

Keep us updated I love this diary.

Ps you’ve done a great job don’t worry about micro managing spotted leaves etc. You got some nice trichomes showing already on the leaves and stuff, looks perfect :ok_hand:

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Today I finally harvested my plants. They looked decent enough to harvest and I wanted to clean then use the same space for new grow. So I’m here wanting to show you the harvested buds.

Through my first grow, I’ve learned a lot and done some stupid shit while attempting to make the best possible outcome occur. I was just doing way too much with no experience. Doing so have me good experience for my next grow.

The clones I had didn’t show much growth and progress given then started flowering I just trimmed them and had a early bowl. Had me head buzzed for sometime.

Thank you everyone that helped me through this run! I especially appreciate the Apollo Ape strain for being very damn tough with all I did! Still turned out to me a female!

This is the buds all trimmed and hung up to dry for 7-10 days.