A Question For All You Bongsters

Got a link?



Roor usa probably sells them just buy carbon granular and wire gauge to fit in lower ring in glass

Edit : there’s better link it comes with everything as kit from roor : )
I see roor usa doesn’t sell it I don’t think , I’m in eu so was easy to get


Oddly, that page says “This product is not offered on our site,” which strikes me as pretty weird. Also, they are apparently sold out. :frowning: Dang!

Edit: I will totally find one of those!

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Hunt for it it’s worth it : )

Maybe other makes too


We switched to vaping in 17 and haven’t smoked since.
Can’t say I miss it a bit and my lungs are clear.
I must be a oddball as I get very strong effects…naptime if I hit it too much.

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Here they are in Canada : )

They come in 14 and 18 mm depending on bong it’s for

I’m sure they somewhere in USA or get Canadian or eu person on here to help : )


It appears they don’t ship to the US. Just tried to buy one. Damn.


Get Canadian you trust on here to help or an eu person , if you can’t hunt one down in usa : )


Okay, I just purchased one from Roor in Germany. Not inexpensive, and I got an extra bag of carbon, but I’m totally worth it!

Thanks again for the tip (or adaptor! HA!).


You will love it : )
Let us know how it is
I fill mine just up pass the dot

Coming from roor germany is very cool , deffo not fake roor then
You deffo worth it : )
Plus roor make is shorter hieght of them all so bowl hieght shorter too , so easier to use : )
Also use wire screen or similar in bowl so big ember not sucked into carbon adaptor


@ifish, I can’t thank you enough for your most excellent suggestion! I just used my new Roor filter for the first time and my lungs can feel the difference! Not nearly as much hacking! The Roor filter is far superior to what I have been using, which is better than nothing. Couch jumpers

I thought I’d better get a picture of it in pristine condition. It’s no longer sparkling new. HA!

I just realized there’s actually a secondary “benefit.” (I wonder what Mrs. mota will think of this…) I’ve been considering buying a new bong for some time. My two are beakers, 16" and 19". I’ve been looking at tubes. The upshot here is the filter will be upright rather than at an angle, so there may be less chance for it to fall out and break.

Once again, thank you so much, @ifish! d8JBdDJ


Don’t forget the kick clip , it’s a great addition for safety ( attach bowl to filter so one piece )

Yes stemless tubes are great


Can you see difference in colour of smoke in bong , white instead of dirty yellow
Plus bong stays cleaner ?

I see you got green dot , niiiice : )


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If I remember I rinse carbon in a tea strainer with ro and then dry on rad befor filling filter

You can play with levels of carbon to vary cleanliness of hit

Thank you again, @ifish. I have a keck clip and, perhaps more importantly, I know where it is!

Now that you mention it, yes, the smoke is whiter! And yes, I suspect the water will remain cleaner.

Yep, lucky green dot!

“…in a tea strainer with ro…” What is ro?

Reverse osmosis water
Can by it at aquarium fish pet shop cheap by the liter
Not really needed tho just extra step I seen on the internet , to rinse clean the carbon from carbon dust , but not needed really more for people with ocd


Not that I have the condition, but the letters should really be in their correct alphabetical order, cdo. :rofl:


Hahahaha I like it : )

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@mota the biggest danger to be very aware of is

You are used to lifting by the bowl to clear bong and not filter

You will forget , lift bowl and filter will stick to bowl and you think fine , then filter falls of and hits the ground
But with kick clip bowl and filter joined so this won’t happen

Plus looks fancy and is practical , not just for show