The cattle story

Hello, over ten years ago i heard this story from a guy that studied cattle. He was a part of a multi generation kettle family farm for milk production in northern Sweden(N67) . I met him at a collage mixer called Nollning(Ikea language, translates to zeroing) where we soon realized that both where stoners. This dude told me that he always grew autos around some of the electric fences. One summer the cattle ate his whole crop, it was in late July and he was just about to prepare to harvest. He could clearly see that most of the cattle was high as kites.
I was quick to discredit this part of the story since the thc is not activated. He then told me that because cattle got another digestion system then humans these processes would activate the thc. The cattle started to love eating his plants after that summer, so much that they would ignore the electric fencing. He had to switch to the winter grass production fields instead which was a bummer because of the poor soil quality of these fields. He told me that out of every single fertalizer he tried, cattle manure was the best for cannabis. The high fiber content of the manure gave the soil the perfect fluffyness for the roots to spread out wide.

This got me thinking and I asked If he noticed any seeds popping up on the cattle field, but all his plats where sensimilla so he wouldnt know, and If there were seed popping, the cattle would have ate it when it was just seedlings.

The most interesting part of this discussion was about his thoughts on cannabinoids. Since the cattle could get high from eating it and the manure was perfect for the plant to thrive. His thoughts was that the plant uses it to spread, like some plants uses nectar to spread/collect pollen. The cattle became totally addicted to the effects of his plants so his thesis was that other animals with the same digestion system would do the same in the wild. Eating all the plants, get high and then poop seeds all over the place with an already fertilized soil. There are lots of these types of animals roaming in the Nepal area so the possibilty is there.

I personally dont think that much of it. But its an interesting story and a unique point of view. I dont know IF any of the information is true, or If this is a guy who really loves cattle and want to tie it to his favorite plant. So i take it with a pinch of salt.

Pz OG fam :v:t2:


Sounds like the perfect story of the circle of life, just as nature intended.


The steaks were high.


I would normally call Bull Shart… but isn’t that what the story is about?

You had me doing the Googily Search on the Interwebs looking for “can cows feel the effects of cannabis if they eat it”!

Interestingly enough I found some interesting articles.

The only Down side I see is how are you going to get the cows off the couch to go back into the pasture after they eat the good stuff :wink:



I eat raw buds off the plant when they’re larfy or even a bit rotted…

The high is intense but short lived.

Really wish someone else would man up & see the light… :rofl:


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Bro Science is still science.

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Haha, hope i didnt waste your time googling! :joy: Interesting article though. Learned something new.

Pz :v:t2:

I don’t know if they get high, but a guy I worked with told me his father grew pot just to give to the cows, because it made them hungrier. They ate more and consequently got fatter.


Haha, sounds like they got the muchies :rofl:

Pz :v:t2:

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I had a cow eat a male this year. It didn’t tell me if it got high or not.

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You have cows?


Wow! Interesting story, I see it possible, and that method of dispersion of seeds is common in the wild, so shouldnt be rare.

Personally I found out that many animals love cannabis, my dogs eat the dry leaves, and love to chew on the stems, cats love almost everything on the plant, and I found curious that they only took cover from the sun on the cannabis plants, they didnt on the other veggies(they were big too), and finally I found that the ones that love it the most are chickens! They love to eat the lower branches, I usually drop them the leaves I cut and everything and I noticed an improvement on their health, less stress, better egg production and overall resistance to the climate. My guess its that animals love cannabis, and for many of them its beneficial, I hope soon there will be more studies around this(Thailand is on it).

So if you have animals, and you want your plants by your way, dont let them near, or they will help you do maintenance :rofl:

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Yeah, my dog always what to be around If I smoke. Ive started to use a smoke buddy to not cause any damage to their small lungs. But they love weed and be around it.

Pz :v:t2:


Nah it was at my FILs farm. I hook them up with seeds every year.


Dogs love weed for sure.

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My dog is totally uninterested in weed which is a good thing because it’s everywhere.