Thc/cbd for dogs?

I don’t know if giving animals thc/cbd is allowed here but if so I’m wondering what products are recommended? Yesterday my sister’s dog came inside limping, he went to the vet today an somehow tore is ccl and dislocated his knee. He must’ve tripped or fell on the stairs. His surgery isn’t scheduled until July, so until then she’s looking for ways to keep him pain free. The vet prescribed pain medication but he haaaates taking it.

It’s rough having older dogs, we’ve currently got 5. 3 are older an have health problems. My sisters other dog has gotta be in her 20s by now, she still runs around like a puppy but recently had a seizure. My chihuahua has as bad as a heart murmur can be. It’s swollen to the point it’s pushing on his other organs. Thankfully he’s getting on with medication.

Can’t take much more illness in this house :pleading_face:


I’ve seen cbd products for animals. Try a pet store or check with vet


Sorry to hear it, you’ve got them here, during the fires they were giving them free to the injured pets … Arriba|nullxnull


Ive been giving this to my 13 year old Golden Doodle with bad arthritis in his back/hips for a couple years now. I honestly feel that it’s given us a couple years longer with him. The anti-inflammatory pills didn’t really do much for him.

I just bought 2 more bottles the other day. He gets some on a ritz cracker every morning and night.


Let It grow Hemp is a really good dude/farmer. His stuff is direct from farm to table. Small business, with care for the products. Haven’t seen him mentioned in a while.


Hello OGs,
our dog got cbd oil again his pain from cancer and arthrosis. It worked and he had less pain until he s gone.
Got the tip from a naturopath for dogs.

Best wishes



Thank you for the reco I will send the link off to my sister

It was being sold on the Growing Organic website for a little while but I didn’t see it last time I went. I trust those guys so it was a no brainer for me to scoop up.

Too many people around me peddling “cbd” with no testing documentation that I didn’t want to waste my money, and more importantly what little time I still have left with my pup, on some fake shit.

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So sorry to hear about your pup’s knee. My 6 year aussie/golden mix had to get both knees done last year so I understand. CBD helped but she’s normally so active that I had to get a tranquilizer from the vet to keep her from doing more damage while we waited for surgery. She really wasn’t in noticeable pain as long as she didn’t try to run or jump so confinement helped too.

Also I don’t know if your vet made your sister aware or not but if one side tears there’s a 50% the other side will tear. On the plus side the surgery we had (TPLO) was very successful. It was about 3-4 months of recovery but she is completely back to normal.

I’ve also got a 10 year old mini aussie with an enlarged heart. He’s now on daily medication and I’m planing to start giving him CBD daily to help with his anxiety. I going to try and grow some CBD plants but in the meantime I’m going to order pure CBD from Full Spectrum CBD Distillate (40 Grams) - CannaClear and mix it with coconut oil. Its way cheaper than ordering a premade pet oil, 14000mg for $30 and then add some oil.


Didn’t we chat about this on another thread? They still have a picture of what’s labeled Broad Spectrum on their COA for the full spectrum you just linked… :red_square: red flag to me.

Didn’t I also link you to the futurecompounds where it’s 100,000mg already mixed in coconut oil for 100$, which is a much better deal?


Mine get 20mg every morning :man_shrugging: (40lb dogs)


Yeah I had another thread about this just the other day.

And yeah you did link to futurecompounds, its just been a few days and my stoner brain forgot. I was hoping to find something full spectrum but its probably just easier to buy the 100,000mg coconut oil.


Can’t comment on the CBD. But for the CCL tear there are 3 typical surgeries. My pup tore his last summer, and our vet explained each option (two of them are more invasive requiring bone cutting, one is less invasive using 2 x 150lb test nylon lines). We went with the less invasive (and considerably cheaper option, by 1/2!!!) and couldn’t be happier. You DO gotta work the pup / be the physical therapist, but my boy was back to 100% in 4 months… Regular, SLOW walks forcing the dog to use the leg instead of hopping. Manual movement and flexing. My boys an 8yr old boxer / pittie mix (got his leg caught in his lead when chasing a groundhog and the force just tore the CCL). Hope this helps a little and the pup feels no pain. I know my ex was exploring CBD and was even recomended by her vet, for her aging dog, but she passed before getting any… So its not uncommon for even vets to recommend it…


Green lipped muscle helps a lot with my lahasa apso and his arthritis. Thing is it helps with his bones BUT it effects his digestive system and has him scooting around writing his name in brown on the floor :roll_eyes:
I tried CBD with my bullmastiff that went lame on her front leg but it didn’t help much other than put her to sleep and increase her appetite. I suppose if you was to put your dog through treatment that stopped it eating then CBD will certainly help :v:


I think @LabRat has a dog that he treats, I could be wrong though.


CBD with a small amount of THC, such as 1-5%, will help relax them as well. I’m of the opinion that THC isn’t bad for dogs. They clearly get “stoned” from pure CBD, at least mine does, so the idea of them getting relaxed from the THC didn’t bother me one bit. Turns out, she loves it! We just make sure to limit her consumption so she doesn’t get baked and stumbly, which I’ve seen happen to other dogs in the past who ate edibles.


Ask Bob Hemphill…he definitely knows…


Not treating our dog. He’s a young one yet not even 4 until Oct so pretty good shape so far. Needs something more sedative than CBD. :slight_smile:



I knew you were making for your wife, I was also talking to someone with an older dog but I can’t remember who it was now.

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bumping an old thread.

so, my old dog just had another birthday, and I’d like to get her something really nice.

so is this stuff really legit?

i’m all for getting a good deal, but will never compromise on quality or safety when it comes to my dog.

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