My dog's been slacking.. Beer me, Stan!

These dogs and their lucky owners really got it going on…

Stanlee, Fetch my weed from the Cannatrol!

I can only guess Stans response… we all operate on Stan-time :100:
Definitely need to help Stan realize his FULL potential :thinking:


My daughter taught our old Labrador to fetch water bottles from the kitchen for me. I’d tell him " get me a drink" and he would go grab me a bottle. RIP Canyon.


Thats one of so many great memories for your family and Canyon, I’m sure! Great name, by the way.

Stanlee is 10 feet tall in his head, but he couldnt even get a fridge door to budge, lol.

I watched that video and thought there must be so many more out there! When Stan is beggin for treats, he always throws out his latest “skill” first. So cute.


Must be one of those crack fetching dogs


Little Zoey refuses to bring me a joint when I ask for one. The strange thing is that he smells like burning pot all the time. :thinking:


I had a rotti years ago that would fetch my shoes on request. He was an awesome dog.
When he wanted to go for a walk he would come walking up with his leash in his mouth and carry it around until I got the point LOL
I bet if I drank beer I could have trained him for that too


Fuck if I know… Maybe Stan speaks spanish :rofl:

That would explain a lot. :100:

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My dog knows all the words but chooses to ignore them most of the time.

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