A sick baby plant :/

Hey just wondering if anyone could shed some light on what may be wrong with this seedling it’s 11 days old but she’s struggling. The seed itself got planted upside down but eventually fixed it self. it was planted in a mixture of (mostly) strawberry fields with some ocean forest mixed in. We had a humidity dome (tupaware container) over her untill yesterday since the RH in the tent stays pretty low I have two vipar spectra p1500s and the other seedling in the tent is doing pretty good so I’m not sure what the deal is

Here is a picture of the other one for comparison they are both the same age but different strains

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Not sure what Strawberry Fields is, but I’ve read that Ocean Forest is too hot for seedlings. I haven’t seen it before, but if I had to guess I’d say that’s probably it. Burnt tips and clawing, crinkled new growth on one says that strain, or that plant anyway, likes lower levels of nutrients; the other one seems just fine with it because it likes higher levels of nutrients.


I agree. Too much food.


So what would be a good course of action? A flush maybe?

Not a soil grower, so wait for confirmation from them.

But my understanding is if you attempt to flush a mix like this you will end up releasing even more nutrients in the short term.

Maybe a repot into a different mix?


If the soil is indeed too hot this is a valid thought.

I would also consider trashing it and starting fresh if you’re not too attached to it.


If nothing else, flushing it will leave it overwatered… if you can transplant them into lighter soil, that might help. If all you have is these, Strawberry Fields seems to be the lighter one, though it’s still pretty hot for seedlings from what I’m reading. You could also just go outside, get a handful of dirt and move them into that. :stuck_out_tongue:


Overwatered or Overfed. I’ve been here before with the overwatered but not over fed as I use promix + worm castings for popping.


I’m a lil scared to transplant it just looks so fragile besides the fox farms soils I have a bag of Coco loco maybe mixing some of that n the strawberry fields n a transplant to a smaller container then back into the 5gallon later? I don’t wanna waste the soil it’s in now lol


If you’d like to watch me struggle to avoid transplanting my overfed, overwatered plants when I first got here, here’s the link to my thread. :slight_smile: They got much happier when I just accepted I’d screwed it up and needed to start with new soil. I later used that overfed/overwatered soil in a larger pot, once I had plants big enough to handle it - it’s not wasted, just not the right tool for the job at this moment.


It it was me I would transplant that little baby into a solo cup with some Happy Frog or similar soil.

Don’t be scared to repot it.
You have two outcomes with a repot.
The plant makes it and you gain confidence or it dies and you pop another seed. :wink:
All I can say is Judging by the pic I would get the repot done ASAP.


Disco inferno


Because she’s on fire :fire:? Lol :laughing:

Burn baby burn

That seedling is about to catch fire, yes :confused:


I don’t have any happy frog but I have a bag of Coco loco which I think has no NPK and is just Coco fiber and perilite would mixing that with a lil strawberry fields be a good enough? I also have gaia green 444 maybe that plus Coco?

Unfortunately, I think @Mithridate is 99.9% correct here.
Only because, I am a “There’s always a chance” guy though. :wink:
I have been pleasantly surprised a time or two.

I know you don’t want to hear this but a seedling that looks like that is in my opinion not worth the time investment in saving (if that’s even possible) …
You live and you learn…

I would crack another seed.
If you need some more seeds PM me and I will get you taken care of.


Oh I wasn’t saying it’s doomed, haha. Sometime ago I burned allll my seedlings, filled my starter pots with dirt from the wrong tote. It happens.

I just flushed and transplanted in milder dirt and they all lived :wink: :v:


That is exactly what I would do here but the little guy is about to get crispy real quick…

@WataWoosta I would repot that seedling in your FF Strawberry fields (FFSF) soil only (NO nutes). Your FFSF has plenty of nutes for the seedling life in the solo cup. Water only!
I personally like solo cups for seedlings. (if you use solo cups make sure you put some holes for drainage).

If you have some mycorrhizal inoculant give the roots a quick dusting when transplanting.


Thanks so much for everyone who took time to reply I really appreciate it


I will give a +1 to all suggestions of repotting in a less hot mix. Have no fear, it will be much better off and have a higher chance of survival in a potting mix made for seedlings