
I tend to transfer sativas to flower after 10 days of cloning. I’ve been criticized by many of my friends for doing this. Some individuals prefer to wait several weeks after they clone in order to transition to the flowering phase. I’ve seen that sativas tend to do well with this stress. I don’t have any scientific proof, but I’ve seen with my grows that this helps them transition quickly to flowering phase. You can see in the pictures how small my clones look.

I’m currently pushing these plants to see their heat and humidity redline is. I’ve been leaving them at 90 degrees with 80 percent humidity for a whole week and they seem ok.

I’m currently growing these with
Advanced Nutrients Salts
Bloom A & B
PPM 1200
PH 6.1- 6.3
Coco coir



Why so hot? They would be much happier around 78. Also don’t forget to check the ph of the drain water… That should be around 6.2 ph. If higher you need to lower Ph of the feed water until runoff is correct

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Coco is passive hydro and they don’t need high PH. I ph at 5.8-6.0

Either way, those do not look that good with the pistils retracting already like that with barely any swell.


I thought the same thing. They look a little stressed to me. I always go by drain water. I PH coco at 4.5 now and it drains out at 6.1. They freaking love it. It also depends on the type of coco. But unless you’re testing drainage you don’t know what’s going on inside the pot


I use hempy system and never have this problem. Coco is not soil. I can tell what’s going on with the plant by looking at it.


What kind of lights are you using ? Thank you. :rainbow:



Thank you in your interest. I live on the desert and sometimes weather is above 110. I like to find genetics that will thrive in extreme environments. I like to redline plants to see their stressors. This is just a sample run I’m doing with this genetic. I’ll grow it properly later. Right now I’m trying to see if it will survive in extreme heat and humidity. I like to see their resistance to mold :slight_smile:


To me those early red hairs are a sign of stress. Plants will grow in harsh conditions but the quality of the flowers will suffer.


Current status of the plants

week 6


Looks good but seems you got a herm in the bunch got some seeds forming IMG_2414


It’s a leaf :slight_smile:


Kind LED X2

These are some pink runtz under the same conditions same nutrient :slight_smile:


100 percent seeds in there there are two green balls that are sticking out the early orange hairs are a sign of pollination


Nope, that’s a couple seeds.


Resistance to heat and humidity is not a common find. I was about to mention Balochistan genetics for their heat tolerance, but they would surely mold on you with high humidity.
The plants are looking really good. Always good to stress them out a bit if you’re doing some breeding, which it looks like you are. I picked some of these seeds up a year or two ago or whenever they came out… Should be some Champions With those numbers you’re running ( or are we looking at the champion now ?)and I’m looking forward to seeing what you find. Did you say what day flowering you are at now?
I see some seeds too… .
I hadn’t noticed them until reading the other comments. I was sidetracked by the resin😁
Looks like whatever did the pollinating is long gone now


Very Nice… You have a Jungle growing in there… :grinning:



Right now I’m going to try and reach the 90 day mark and go from there to see which of my three mother I’m going to keep. I just try to stay I little out of the polys and try to play with some building blocks that I have laying around. Not trying to reinvent the wheel jajaja. I have plans of going back outside and develop a genetic that would withstand horrible conditions and harsh weather changes. The desert is crazy jajajaja.

I’m pretty sure that if I babied these plants I would have a better pictures to offer. It really impresses me how they are still somewhat holding up with the crazy weather.

I have another post about some purple haze x Malawi that I grew in similar conditions and. Did pretty good.
I like to breed for bulletproof strains. It takes a while but I’m pretty sure I’ll find something interesting in the way, while I try to find a plant that will thrive in the desert.

Thank you for taking the time to write :slight_smile:


Tough conditions make tough genetics. Here plants deal with cooler wet/ humid conditions. The desert is another ball of wax entirely.
You’re skirting around the landrace periphery with that Ace gear :grin: Have you thought about running a pure landrace yet? I think you would enjoy yourself and find something worthy to mix into your keepers that you have going now. There’s so much available these days.
Looking forward to the next update!

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This is a little bit of what I want to germinate:)


What’s in the middle?

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