Abbbian's Triple Thanks!

Evening everyone!!! It’s been a heck of a ride!! Learning by making mistakes!!!
Actually, even the good results of my bad mistakes wouldn’t have accounted for much had I not been graciously gifted the beans of strains I’m about to show you all!
And the ones involved in this triad are @PhilCuisine (Matanuska Thunder Piss), @Floyd (GB x Tomahawk) and @anonymous4289 and @DougDawson (Blue Cookies). I’m deeply humbled and appreciative of your beans, I’ve been learning with them and they’ve been teaching me miles every day!!

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve started seeds from @ReikoX and @Mr.Sparkle, Blue Cookies from @Eagles009 besides the OG Kush on my own…
Long story short, here are a few pics of week 9 of these three strains which came from OG! And I am deeply thankful for that!! And all I’ve been learning here!!

This is the MTP… As @PhilCuisine mentioned, looks like it’s got nute burns!!

This is the Blue Cookies…

And now the GB x Tomahawk

Well, that’s it!! A huge thanks to OG! And especially to all these amazing people who make this site one of a kind!!!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :pray: :hugs: :crazy_face:


Nice looking stuff brother. Good job!


Youre doing well keep it up

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Good job man, beautiful plants… I’ll be around… Be safe and in peace :pray:.

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That looks fantastic, nice work!

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“We who cut mere stones must always be envisioning cathedrals.” Great work!


Hi folks! Updating on the ladies! @PhilCuisine, I regret to say the lady went down, though I saved what was left of it!! No worries, there are two coming to replace it, maybe I’ll keep one as a mother! Thanks a million, you were one of the first to show this amazing OGenerosity we all see round here!! They’ll be reaching week 10 next Thursday!! More than triple, a shout out to the one and only @ReikoX !!! A huge thanks! Only hope I don’t kill it till reaches harvest time! Ghost Rose!
:confused: :thinking: :neutral_face: :flushed:

Hey @Floyd, look at the lady!! GB x Tomahawk! Fat and beefy buds!! I saved a mother, and I’ll try to reveg this one!

And last but not least, a huge thanks to @anonymous4289 and @DougDawson for allowing me to raise this baby, Blue Cookies!!

Is it harvest time! Dare to ask!!
@Gpaw this is the baby!
Thanks everyone!!


Looks like you got some great stuff going on, nice work bud.

@Abbbian i didn’t have anything to do with blue cookies, i’ve only contributing mainly soloberry 2/3, apollo ape, and black snow.

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So, @DougDawson, who should I be thanking!!?? One option left, @Eagles009 ! It’ you! Thanks!!
Well, thank you kindly @Eagles009! Even though your (mine/the seed you gave me) plant turned out to be a boy, I still must thank you the same!! :hugs: :sunglasses: :flushed: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I sent you Blue Cookies and I bought them from Mark on Strainly. They were some of the few I kept when I put on the last server auction. So I guess me, lol.


Thank you kindly @DougDawson !! You’re super! :hugs: :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :canada: :hugs: A good dude is a good dude, always!!!
On the same note, some OG Kush which has been in this journey since the beginning!!

It seems as it may take some more time! Thanks!!


And some fabbbbulous garden you have!

Those blue cookies show a bit of amber in photo !

I wouldn’t make any harvesting suggestions though!

Patience is a virtue in this hobby!

Great work with the trellis.

Amazing of you to grow out your seeds you received from members and Sharing The flowers of your labour :slight_smile:

Loook forward to future posts .

I enjoyed you’re posting very much