ABC bastard cannabis seeds (CLOSED)

Ah yeah, they came up and got pulled.


Tall stuff growing on ditch lines, kinda resembles a Devils fork.
Much like that duck foot looks.


no worries really enjoy sharing knowledge

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ABC is a actually probably a landrace, and to my knowledge just naturally has always grown funky like that. The only landrace from Australia I know of, which is odd because the Aboriginals were always really in harmony with the earth, and it just seems that weed would have fit their culture, which I seem to remember dates back 40,000 years( just looked, says 50,000)., tho I know little about it. Australia is such a large place too. @curiouscat answered up above far better than me.


So its not a landrace then? You think Europeans are responsible for its introduction? Its so different from hemp. Quite the transformation.

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20 posts were merged into an existing topic: Mutants Walk Among Us

I wanted to add something to this about popping the ABC seeds. I was reading on @annunakigenetics IG page about the ABC seeds he has been working with. They delayed the release of the seeds because of germination difficulty. I had the same problem when I popped my seeds. I thought it was because the seeds were old or something.

I had 12 seeds and only 5 popped. That is horrible results for me. I usually get 90%+ germination rate. I used paper towel method for germinating. These seeds have extremely thick shells.


Thanks for the head up Arriba|nullxnull, I will scarify them a bit with sandpaper before plunging them, it will soften the shell and allow moisture inside to encourage germination … beer3|nullxnull


I planted one in soil a while ago and nothing ever happened. Maybe a chance to try some gibberellic acid.

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Some of them I remember I had to pry the shell open with my finger nails. It would shoot a tail out but it did not crack the shell.


Planted 5 so far 2 have sprouted as of last night, gonna check in a few minutes. These are same ones from the winter box right?


I have one planted, maybe 2 weeks old. I treat it like shit too. I think I’ll go transplant it right now! It’s growing well and is a bit root bound at the moment.


Next run I’m planting some. I’m so excited. I might try to sneak a few outside into the woods behind my place… lots of deer though.


My picture of the month entry shows how invisible it can be. It really blends in well


I read somewhere that this can be done with sand. But obviously it has to be contrasting colours.

I think I came across this information when looking into some humulos/cannabis cross seeds

Thanks, I have lost enogh seeds managing them to try now loosing them in the sand :sweat_smile:

Just a small pill tube or box coated inside with sandpaper and shake it gently, that would do the trick … beer3|nullxnull


Always learning. I just saw a dude use a nail clipper (as in fingernail) just a small snip at the stem end of the bean (the rounded part


Interesting with the poor germ rate. Found my auto abc had terrible germ rate but my site 4 had 100% germ rate.


The germ rate is to do with the hardness of the shell and not the quality of the seeds. Specially if the are a fresh batch… but look on the bright side, like this only the strongest and most resilient ones manage to grow. Nature doing its thing.


This is a great simple idea.

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