ABC x (88G13HP x Sour Bluetooth) Mutate with me!

I don’t think you can “over buffer”, but I don’t really know the answer. I do know that buffering is more about cation exchange (replacing K and Na), not necessarily pH.

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First leaves showing! I’m fascinated. I know Duckfoot takes a few leaves to really display the mutation, but even the first leaves look different with these guys. I guess I thought they would be more tortured and gnarly-lookin, but these seem healthy and like they are just following their regularly scheduled genetic programming. I have a couple of others popping and started a second round that are already pushing up into the light. More pics very soon.


Well, I was told they would start slow, and that’s exactly what I’m seeing. Even the Freakshow I started 2-3 weeks before seems to be suffering from the lack of surface area. Here are some updates:

The last one split one cotyledon at its base, so is struggling along at half-capacity on top of having tiny leaves. But the little guy (or gal) is pushing through just fine.


And the Real Seed Co Freakshow regular that was started a couple of weeks prior:


I’ll be following up on the original post as well, but there was one incident and I want to clear the air. That’s probably a dramatic way of saying it but I feel I’ve introduced some confusion.

So, I saw one little green meanie that is clearly displaying standard leaves. I had shot a question over to @middleman asking if the mutation was always apparent from the beginning, or if it’s possible that the first few leaves would look normal. He very quickly posted that his project was not the success he had originally thought. I’ve already said this elsewhere, but I thought that showed integrity. I’m afraid I might have been too hasty.

I am now on seedling number 10 or more (some still have their seed hats on) and all of the leaves are looking bastardly as all get out. I realize that odd things can happen, but I would have expected something like half of them or more to be normal if the bastard-leaf-lock-in project was a bust, not 1/10+.

So, its been a while since I’ve taken statistics (and, get this, I was really HIGH) buuut, it seems less and less likely that I would keep winning that coin toss this many times in a row. I could be wrong about the 50/50 mutation inheritance, it’s even pretty likely that I am, but I’m starting to compare that against the likelihood that I goofed somewhere (that likelihood is also really HIGH maan) and I may owe @middleman an apology. It wasn’t my intention to make him question his work, but I get why he sounded the alarm. I’ve @ mentioned him enough in this post that he’ll probably hear this loud and clear lol! Mea culpa! At this point I’m almost sure it’s not one of your ABC crosses.

I’m curious now though about what ratio I would see in the final cross before the mutation was stabilized. Thoughts anyone?


You don’t owe me an apology. It’s still quite possible that the errant seed was from my end.

As far as the occurrence of ABC leaf type in each generation, if it’s a recessive trait (l) and normal leaf is dominant (L), the first generation cross (LL x ll) would all be normal leaf heterozygous (Ll). The second generation would show 75% normal leaf (25% homozygous, 50% heterozygous), and 25% ABC leaf, which is always homozygous (ll).

By selecting only the plants expressing ABC leaf type to use for the next generation, it should remove the dominant normal leaf possibility (L) and all plants should be ABC leaf.

Somebody check my punnet squares and correct me if I’m wrong.

Regarding the statistical possibility of only 1 out of 10 being normal, I think you have to consider the probability that there are two different samples. Either from a multiple plant pollination (that female got pollen from males of ABC and something else). Or, that other seeds were inadvertently introduced into the sample when I packed the seed puck.


It def sounds like you aren’t blindly throwing pollen everywhere hoping that everything turns into a mutant. As time goes on, and more people pop these seeds, then we will really see more of what’s happening. I just don’t think enough beans have been popped yet to REALLY show what’s happening.


I’m pretty sure you can over buffer with calmag. To much cal or mag isn’t gonna be good, but calmag also has nitrogen in it. When I was first starting I tried it a few times, and plants always hate it. I’m in coco, but I’m also using well water that already has cal and mag in it, so now the bottle just sits there unused.

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Ok so the recessive trait math makes sense to me. I agree with @imstinky that 10 is probably not enough to be SURE sure. It will probably take more than just me to get a sample size big enough to be certain. I’ll keep reporting back. I think when all is said and done I’ll be up around 15.

@RandomHumanoid I agree that you could definitely do damage with too much CalMag, my question was more theoretical and much less useful. If there was no reaction to the chemical you are using, would you hurt the plant by over-buffering? Since the purpose is to prevent huge swings in pH, maybe not. But as I said, a useless question really because anything you used as a buffer would probably kill the plant through toxicity first before causing trouble through how it affects pH.

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Big shout out to @middleman and @PineTarBastard!!!


I’m so juiced on this grow. They were a touch slow at the beginning, but with a light feeding of N, they seem to be building and building. The folks mentioned above made all this possible. If I didn’t have mutants to grow I’d be sitting on my hands until I move in a couple of months.

@420noob @lefthandseeds and @Barefrog another shout-out. You guys have been a huge help and made me feel right at home here. Thank you each and all.


Got another shout-out. Honestly everyone has been so insanely cool that I need to go back and properly thank everyone that’s reached out with tips, to send me a link to a giveaway, to trade or to straight gift me seeds.

@Emeraldgreen and @BasementBeans! Thank you for making this new member feel right at home.

Just to show that nothing can stop your boi from poppin’ beans and choppin’ nugs, here is my micro-grow. These were cuttings that I held on to, because before OG, every piece of good genetics was like gold haha. It still is, but now gold just comes in the mail haha!

Lime Vine and Girl Scout Cookies clones that have made it through the winter outside :cold_face: (@BasementBeans don’t think they would have made it up where you’re at) they rewarded my neglect with some really good looking bud. I was ready to chop but still lots of white hairs so we’re gonna let this baby ride!!!

This is a 3rd Lime Vine clone, the other 2 were bigger and were recently destroyed in a suspicious series of small fires… :fire::dash::yum:

Much love all around. I honestly feel like I won the lottery since meeting y’all, and it’s not just about gifted seeds.



It’s wild how healthy the reduced leaves look once they get going. I’m looking forward to seeing how big they get.

Thanks BTW to @MissinBissin for sharing the love on a recent giveaway.


Oooh they Poppin’!

I am truly blown away with the work of mad scientists @middleman and @PineTarBastard. I realized that the Pinetar Auto Bastard would run on a totally different timeline, so I popped some other autos so I can introduce some new blood. I had some Skittles auto and some Kush Van Stitch that I am super excited about. Thanks again to @DonGnosis for the recent material!


Goodluck with the grow my friend!

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@FeloniousMonk I am germ testing the PABs and getting close to 50% within two weeks. I expect some will take longer. What’s your germination rate?

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I am actually closer to 75% germination. I have a few left to check on once I get home this weekend, but my rate was well over half. It’s possible I just got lucky with my sample.

Nice work BTW, the PABs have a purple cast to the new growth that I don’t see in @middleman’s cross. Makes it super easy to differentiate and it’s so cool having distinct lines within the ABC category. I decided to pop some freebie autos just so that I can do pure PAB as well as introduce some new blood while maintaining an auto line. Hoping to have PAB x Zkittles Auto and PAB x Kush Van Stitch (also an auto) and at that point I’ll have a bunch of questions about how you stabilized the leaves. Right now I’m just super impressed.


Thanks. And btw, P.A.B. stands for Purple Auto Bastard. :grinning:
The green pheno pops up 10% of the time, and are outstanding! :wink:


Purple auto bastards nice.

That… makes a lot of sense.

Haha well at least it helps me keep you in mind bud! PineTar’s Perfectly Pleasurable Purple Pot. I didn’t realize when I stuck them outside that it’s like 13/11 so I have a male that has announced itself. I think it’s so freaking cool that it’s auto AND mutant. I distinctly remember the first Lowrider plants I saw because before that, weed grew leaves until you flipped the lights, period. I think it’s incredible how adaptable our friend the hemp plant is. I am also blown away by the work done by yourself and @middleman here.

I’ll try to get pics of Mr. Purple tonight, but it’s already dark, so they may be bad pics.


So I promised pics and then spaced out. Maybe it’s on account of all the weed I be smokin’…

Anyway, as you’ll see, the male is gorgeous, but way ahead of anyone else. I know they go first, but now I’m worried he’ll be finished up by the time the girls are ready. I walked out to check them tonight and my headlamp made for some badass pics:

A little kung-fu visitor:

I’m tired, so more tomorrow, unless I “space out” again lol :dizzy_face: