ABC x (88G13HP x Sour Bluetooth) Mutate with me!

Looks like I spaced as predicted. Here are some more pics:

I fricking LOVE these little guys. I am seeing some little white hairs on some of the other ones. SO pumped to be growing some seeded bud.


@PineTarBastard I think this might be one of the Green phenos you mentioned?

No purple anywhere that I can see


@FeloniousMonk Looking good. :grinning: The purpling will often express itself during flowering.


Nice, yeah did you see the male? I can definitely see it there and in some of the grow logs. Maybe it’s the cold spring weather we’ve been having, which is down to 50° F at night. (My Canadian people are laughing at me RN).

Here is a pic of the latest news:


We have Seed Increase!!! Bum bumbeddy Buuuum!!! Maybe 50 or so, but it’s happening. And the buds look bonkers. I can’t wait to see them fill out, AND I can’t wait to see them as sinsemilla!


@middleman @PineTarBastard @420noob

Just calling a few folks out that might know. When do I pull these and let the seeds dry? I am very happy so far with what I see considering their comically small size. I’ll do better in mid June I think.

@PineTarBastard is this the green pheno you’ve mentioned? Gotta say I’m in full agreement that she’s a bad mama jama.


I always try to let them go at least six weeks after I chop the males. That may be longer than necessary. You can check a few seeds and see if they’re ready.

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Looks like the green pheno to me. I found the fruity terpenes top out at 90 days or so(from seed) and potency would increase if you let it go another 2-3 weeks after that, but the taste gets hashy. You could split the harvest and compare how you like them.


What’s the word on mold resistance? It’s raining cats and dogs so the buds will be soaked all day. I’m considering putting them in the shed for today, but I feel like I might stink up the place. You think they are good for a day? If it rains for days and days I might erect a structure of some kind.

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I’ve never seen mold on mine. I would keep them outside 24/7. Let’s see how they do. I can always send you more seeds. :partying_face:
What kinds of smells are you getting?
@middleman Have you ever seen mold on the ones you grew outside?


Nope. No mold or problems of any kind.

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I have really made seeds sorry bro. I’ve dusted a couple of branches and found seeds in harvest but didn’t have a clue what I was doing. Good luck! I’ve seen comicly small seeds and seen coconuts both grew well I think color is more what you are going for but again just going from what I’ve read not experience.


The smell on the purps are very nice and grassy herbal kinda hashy. One of the males is a standout with a sharp clean lemon cleaner smell. Like some organic cleaning product from a health food store. Of the 2 purple females, one has a bit more skunky funky rotten undertone, but it’s more like a variation of the purple smell, whereas the male is completely from left field.

I have one male pollinating some feminized Zkittles Auto, as well as a Kush Van Stitch male pollinating one of the PAB females. I guess we’ll see how well I understand recessive traits. The plants are fairly well blocked from each other, and I really bombed them with pollen, so I am hoping there is little cross-contamination by virtue of “No Vacancy”. I figure if any normal pollen slips through they will be very obvious.


Yeah right on thanks for your honesty. This is a first for me. Really the male was the first one up and it smelled so nice I decided everybody’s getting jizzed on! Plus I was down to 3 PAB females so I decided this first run is a good way to amplify the gene pool for the pheno hunt it deserves!

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I need to get me a pack of the ABC


So I’ve been doing it natural style leaving a few males to blow pollen onto the autos that are budding already. I feel like I’ll need a more targeted approach in the future. Are you saying you chop the males and harvest pollen and store it until the females catch up? If you could tell me or show a link to how to chop and catch pollen that would be super helpful.

BTW I for sure have 2 female Freakshow and managed to re-veg a male that fell for the 12/12 spring light schedule and started budding. I was like “NO! Not yet!” But now they are back on track and I might even clone the male for safety.

I’ll get pics but there’s a million people here for Mother’s day. Everyone is walking right past the fire-ass chronic and complimenting my Mexican marigolds :laughing:.

I did snag a pic of the biggest yellow mushroom I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen them pop up in potted plants at like 3 inches max, but this one is a beast. Coming out of a Pecan tree waiting to be planted.


I want to test my new batch for germination and check to make sure the ABC leaves are breeding true, but I’d happily share a few if I see they are something worth sharing.

This is the first time I’ve done a fully seeded grow. I might have gotten one or two along the way by accident or from hermie spermies, but never like this.


Totally forgot to add the picture. I’m high off weed, sorry. Man, my wife’s mom, grandma and 3 aunts are here today and I am playing my vape pen like a mad clarinet player. Happy Mother’s day.


I typed out a whole long reply and somehow I lost it.

Short answer is no, I don’t collect pollen for regular seed runs. I flower the males and females together. After the males drop pollen for a week or two, I chop and dispose of them. I generally don’t collect pollen.

Fem seed runs are sometimes different, but even then I’m not collecting a significant amount of pollen.

I think there are probably good posts about collecting pollen to be found on OG, but I don’t have any links off hand. I think @DougDawson and @Budderton have posted how they do it.


I go through it in both my Blue Kush and Sour Bubble redemption runs. Here is a link to help you find some info.


Hell yeah! I’m honored to have you stop by @DougDawson, if anyone knows how to collect pollen it’s you.

I also have some Kush Van Stitch and it’s looking like the males might be completely depleted by the time the female puts out flowers. I knew they pop first, but I’m surprised how long the female is veging under the exact same conditions as the two males that have been flowering for weeks. That’s my other reason for wanting to learn how to save the precious powder.