ABC x (88G13HP x Sour Bluetooth) Mutate with me!

Yeah I’m really trying to be an adult about this one and be patient. Especially since I popped all the PABs that were sent to me by ass-kicker extraordinaire @PineTarBastard. Around half of the seeds I pulled out of the purple pheno were light shaded, a color I usually associate with unripe seeds. I pulled them as I was seeing something that looked like mold. It had been raining big fat Texas rain from the gulf of Mexico for days and days and I almost hooked up a hair dryer once or twice to dry them off.

I don’t necessarily regret my decision there. In my experience, with some autos that flower right out of the gate, the flowering cycle is very short. Every hair was orange and the trichomes were milky, and the Shakey stuff I got after liberating the seeds gave me a really mellow but nonetheless strong effect in the chillum. But I am not super confident in the resulting germination rate.

I also used a strong desiccant to dry the buds. As a result I never hung the buds to dry. I’m just guessing, but maybe this would have allowed the seeds to ripen, pulling the last resources out of the stem and leaves.


Thank you for your kind words. I agree the seeds can be a bitch to germinate and get to maturity. Let me remind you these seeds came with a warning or two. lol I found the PABs take 90-100 days to finish from germination, with the terpine sweet spot hitting around 90 days, and potency increasing quite a bit after 100 days. And if you need more seeds, Iet me know. :grinning:


These look great. What’s the smell like?

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Yeah man. It really wasn’t that long ago that I saw a mutant weed leaf for the first time in real life. I didn’t know what to expect in terms of flower. I think the only thing holding back from being high times centerfold nugz was just that I never gave them a period of 24h light to let them leaf out a bit. I’ve seen some comically small autoflower plants, so I know it’s possible. But it was never my intention to have them flower so fast.

With that said, the bud development is impressive considering the root system. I definitely see a few ways that I will change things next time to really do these guys justice.


The male was extremely lemony. My last few smells of this female were definitely tasty, very green and fresh/grassy. As @middleman has told me, the terpenes are really developing near the end. I’ll report back when I give them an updated sniff.


It’s fuckin’ ON y’all!!!

I’ve finally moved into a house, with a yard. I’m so excited and so thankful for the beans that the community has sent my way. My love goes out to anyone else that is still growing in an apartment or duplex. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel and it’s a grow light.


IDK if anyone knows what Yopo Beans are, but they are a DMT containing bean used as a snuff. I’ve been growing this for years now and finally saw something today that made me super happy, it’s flowering! I didn’t know if it was ever going to. Fingers crossed for bean pods!!!


I’ve been slowwwwwly harvesting buds over time. There are some seeds in there that are fully mature, but only recently have the buds really filled out. I definitely see at least 2 distinct phenos when it comes to bud formation, with one being more full but a bit leafier and the other having a better flower ratio but smaller flowers. This entire run was pollinated with @PineTarBastard’s Purple Auto Bastard except for one that got hit with Kush Van Stitch.

Leafy Pheno above ^

Faster finish / high flower ratio

What’s the word on everyone cold-stratifying seeds? I guess I thought the seeds from this grow would be ready to go into the ground already, but now I’m wondering if I need to store them in the fridge for a few weeks first. Any tips? I know not everyone grows for seeds, but if anyone has knowledge to drop on the subject please proceed with the dropping. @PineTarBastard ? @middleman? @THCeed? @upstate?

Word up



Put your beans in the fridge.


@FeloniousMonk Your plants are looking great. All of this out crossing is leading to fuller bud formation. I noticed the same thing with the ones I grew last summer. Also, trimming the bastards are so much easier than lots of other strains. :grin:

Thanks! That means a lot. I was actually pretty surprised with the diversity. I’m super stoked to see what the second round brings. The ones I just posted were all pollinated with a really nice lemony resin male PAB. I’m gathering pollen from the males that were from the same generation of the 88 G13HP x Sour Bluetooth ABC from @middleman.

That same PAB was still sitting around with a few flowers just to see what happened. It popped some fresh white hair so I dropped some of @DougDawson 's Blue Kush

We’ll wait and see if this female will breed with a second male :man_shrugging:t3:


So I liberated some stone from the construction next door and I think I have enough for a couple nice raised beds.


End result!!!


Gotta make tea with them!
Try it, can give a nice soothing effect.
And the leftover plant material makes for good topdressing.

You can also make soup with them, nobody is stopping you.

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@Rogue Anyone who tries to stop you from making soup would have to be some kind of…

Soup Nazi…

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Final bud pics to compare. They are likely going to turn out a little bit differently if they were completely un-seeded, but here I go:

PAB “Green Pheno”:

ABC x (88 G13HP x Sour Blutooth) “Keeper Pheno”

Both have a very nice mellow effect. The PAB is more floral, but both are lemony. As you might expect the Sour Blutooth has a bit of a sour note to it. All in all I love smoking both of them.


Did you get bean pods? Plants look great. Your backyard reminds me of many backyards in east

Just updating here on my outdoor grow. I’ve been struggling against the heat, which got up to 109 over the past few weeks. Only the small tender plants got hit hard, but that meant I lost all but 1 female and 2 males of a Chitrali landrace that I am trying out. Luckily I stopped the bleeding and hope to still pollinate the lonely Pakistani lady. I’m happy to say that my FreakShow experiment is going pretty damn well and hope to have seeds despite the male flowers being very odd in that they are always half open from a very young age, but don’t drop pollen until they turn white and fully open up. I saved some pollen early on and then the male flowers really took off, so I am optimistic about the pollination.

I’m also enjoying this single Kush Van Stitch fill out. It reminds me a lot of landrace due to the lower flower-to- leaf ratio. This one has a number of seeds in it due to being dusted by a male KVS early on. Hoping there is enough of both Freakshow and KVS for me to do at least one giveaway.

Rock on!



Forgot to post pics of the KVS!

She’s a beaute!


The kush van stich looks pretty.