ABC x (88G13HP x Sour Bluetooth) Mutate with me!

Here is the trio of FreakShow I am veging. I was worried because the male was starting to flower, not little fake flowers at the base of the petiole, real flowers. I hit him w N and tried to make sure it got as many hours of daylight I could. I’ve heard that even hitting them with the beam of a flashlight can be enough to interrupt the light cycle of some plants, so I was out there w my headlamp every other night.


Awesome plants love seeing how the freakshow grows.

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What’s the nose on those?

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The nose knows that the nose on those increases as the FreakShow grows.

Lol It’s still very green and grassy like a lot of weed at the early stages but I can tell it’s going to have some dimension to it eventually. Stem rubs have shown one to be slightly skunkier than the other, and some herbal fresh smells for sure.

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Lmao like Doctor Seuss chronic style…heard the freakshow carrie a lemon Citrus sometimes pineapple smell.

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Oh hell yeah. My long term plan is to add some indica influence in there. I’ve seen it listed as both sativa and indica, but you clearly can’t tell by the leaves lol. Pineapple sounds good to me!


I think I understand now why you’ve been doing Blue Kush pollen giveaways for weeks and will be at it for weeks to come. To see a tent set up just to snag pollen is a first for me. I have to say the thickness of those Blue Kush leaves has me weak in the knees. I’m happy all over again that I’ve got some headed my way!


Yeah the genetics are somewhat of a mystery, aren’t they? A nice stable indica will make some nice hybrids with them.

Latest shots of the garden:

This one is the green pheno of @PineTarBastard 's Purple Auto Bastard. Full of seeds from another PAB male. I couldn’t be more excited to crack into those buds and liberate the seeds. There will also be plenty from her sister who is a bit more purple:

The rest are not auto, but the Feminized ones do seem a bit more light period sensitive. All of them were probably exposed to 12/12 by being put outside in late March/early April but the regular ABC x (G13 x Sour Bluetooth) don’t seem as eager to flower. As a result, any seeds I get from a feminized plant will be half PAB. I am starting another 20 or so so I can have a clean run without fear of “contamination” from the PAB. But the way it played out I’m glad to have pure PAB, PAB x ABC (88 G13HP x etc.) and now working on pure f2s of @ middleman’s ABC (88 G13HP x Sour Bluetooth)

The Freakshow is bopping along beside the rest:

Peace to my OG fam



Those are F3s already (well, 3rd generation anyway). Seeds you make will be 4th generation, (if you want to call them F4s)


Awesome plants, it’s amazing how much the Freakshow looks like tomato plants.

Yeah I guess just because I’ve never grown them doesn’t turn them into f1s. I pulled some of the seeds out of the Zkittles Auto cross that are drying now. A few a little bit green, but I should have enough to work with. I guess that’s the F1 right, then F2s have the mutant leaves show through in some, but not all plants. Finally, f3 would be the first generation of all ABC leaves provided an ABC mom and poppa are found out the f3s? Do I have that right?

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Yes, as far as I can tell. But I’m certainly not an expert.

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Well you sure fooled me. I have one sad ABC from some seedbank that clearly even says that getting mutated leaves is a crap shoot. I think they just jumped the gun a bit and started selling seeds before the clearly crucial final cross. That marks the last time I buy seeds online except for maybe a couple more from Real Seed Co. or Ace Seeds

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I think it’s chopping day? I’ve been looking at some of the seeds that are peeking out of the bud and they are finally starting to turn grey/brown. I got seeds from PAB x PAB and PAB x Zkittles Auto but they are a little too light in color with some greenish areas. In order to prevent the same thing happening with this guy I’ve been forcing myself to be patient. @middleman @PineTarBastard do you reckon this bun has been in the oven long enough?

Some shots of the ABC x ('88 G13HP x Sour BT):

I think I have 5 males, here are a couple highlights of those guys:

This is corny but made me think of y’all:


@FeloniousMonk Doesn’t look ready to me. When did the PABs germinate?

Wow glad I said something. I know I’m not the first OGer to waffle back and forth about whether to chop, and if it were just for smokin’ I would feel good about harvesting. I’m seeing cloudy trichomes and 98% red hairs, but since I’m pretty new to seeding I wanted to ask the real experts. More pics:


Looks done to me but I’m no expert.

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Really good looking plant.

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You can always pull a few seeds from random spots on the plant to check for ripeness. When I think they’re ready, I always try to go another week or so just to be sure. It won’t hurt to go a little too long, but you could lose a large part of the harvest by chopping too soon.

In my experience, the seeds that are exposed will always be more mature than the ones that aren’t. I agree with PTB that you should go a little longer.