ABushOfKush's Cannabis Adventure - Michigan

@Kavman @Rabeats2093

This situation has gone on long enough that the price of new soil is really not bad at all and will benefit me greatly. I will have a much better piece of mind starting with maybe fungus gnats or thrips from bagged soil than pouring some insecticide in and hoping for the best.


Honestly happy frog gave me fungus gnats and those little fers annoy me so much …
I got some mosquito dunks for their ass !

In the living room there’s about 30 houseplants is almost like the main station if they get invaded it’s over :joy:


I always start with an inert mix and add my own ammendments. I find the bagged soils with all the goodies already in are just a magnet for pests during the limbo between manufacturer and customer.

I feel you on the houseplants. My main floor is full of them. Another contributing factor to my ongoing bug problems. Although I must say they rarely have pests and I think I just bring shit in from the garden every year. It’s inevitable.


@Rabeats2093 i used to use ocean forest. But that stuff gave me problems with bugs. Roots organics was consistent with its nutrients package. Some bags were hotter than others. The potters gold I use now is consistently the same every time. I hate chasing problems. Those other soils may be better now as far as quality control goes. I don’t know. So not bashing them in any way. @ABushOfKush i did the whole promix thing too. Mainly for big outdoor containers. The whole tarp mixing of the different organics was a pain in my ass. I am too lazy these days I guess.


Nailed it bro digging around in the soil outdoor the dogs being outside all the time …
It’s just a country thing :sweat_smile:

Mother Nature always fixes her problem outdoors …
Indoors we r trapped


That’s what makes potters gold so good. Locally bagged in an indoor facility and packaging is air tight. No holes in the bag. Heck it almost seems like it has a vacuum pulled on it. And it doesn’t sit around for months on end. They run out of it quite frequently and I have to wait for it be delivered by the company itself. It’s not trucked in by the semi load and sitting in a warehouse.


My whole grow room is probably using 1 bale all together haha. Pretty easy to bulk mix but I honestly just mix for each individual pot. Fill the pot 2/3 way, add the amendments you want, plop in the plant and fill in with fresh soil. Then for later feedings I just scratch the amendments into the top and water in. That way I don’t have leftover mixed soil attracting those pests.


Good to know. I was always worried of burning the rootballs by not mixing it up first.


Following the dosages that the dry ammendments bag states, I’ve never seen a problem. You may have been mixing up something more like “super soil” which for sure will burn some plants if not careful. I know a lot of organic growers will source a ton of different inputs. I’ve always been satisfied with the premixed ammendment bags that have most of those inputs all mixed into one. Keeps it very simple and very cheap!


Another week gone by. Just about 4 weeks in. Might pull some leaves here and there but mostly letting them ride it out until the end. Next run will hopefully have a bit more even canopy. Had to bend the Flo x Romulan as she was aiming for the roof of the tent.

Bubblegum Chem

Flo x Romulan


Snake Venom

Strawberry Guava x Black Lime Reserve



Looking good in there buddy. How ya liking the Flo x romulan so far?


Dying to get some dry flower. She gets frosty reeeeaaal quick I’ll say that. Next time I will have a higher performance grow for her. More light. I need to move my small tents and veg spot out of that room so I can turn the flower light full blast.


Full blast is good. I like strains that can handle being pushed. The Strawberry cough I grow haven’t been able to figure her out yet. I think I just push her too hard. To be honest I haven’t really tied hard. I don’t like making custom feed for one plant.
That other grow you are tending leads me to be believe those Phlizon light work quite well.


Can’t talk to longevity but yes so far it is an amazing value for the money. I did get it during a black Friday sale though. $390 shipped. I think it’s over $500 right now.


Caramelicious really turned around. Going to be a big honkin flower up top.


Day 31 of flower. I’ll get some closeups at the start of week 5. I’m trying my best to ignore the choas that is this canopy. My brain wants it to be more even. Oh well. Let it ride!


I get it with the ocd thing, but it sure looks great to me. Plants will be plants.


Some quick phone shots this morning. Things are looking great but it’s warming up outside which means so is my grow room. Having to dim the lights back down to keep temps under 83f. Strawberry Guava x Black Lime Reserve has some light green going on compared to everyone else in the tent.

Bubblegum Chem

Flo x Romulan


Snake Venom

Strawberry Guava x Black Lime Reserve



Yeah this time of year here in Michigan is up and down with major fluctuations. Keeps you on your toes that’s for sure.


Oof. This Caramelicious just keeps plumping up. The purple is coming in as well.