AC Infinity Cloudline fans, Free Controller 67 Upgrade

I have both the S6 and T4. The S6 is pretty quiet, but can get a little louder than the T4. Depends of course if you’re running filters on the ends of them or what. I’d say the S6 on speed 8 or 9 sounds like the T4 on speed 10, so close.

VPD is Vapor Pressure Deficient and in layman’s terms describe the environmental conditions in terms of how hard the plants will have to work to transpire or conserve moisture. If you keep the VPD in an appropriate range, the plants are basically much happier because they not working as hard to maintain the environmental conditions the require. Here’s a couple of charts I use and and link to a much more detailed explanation.


They actually sent me two on accident. I didn’t see it in the box, complained, then found it at the bottom of the box after. I kinda need a tent for some males or Ram for my comp…hmm


Thanks :blush: thats awesome


Nice i ordered another fan and 2 controllers. coupon code is thebigshowgrows. 228 to my door


I believe my T6 is pretty quiet, but my ears are old and worn out. Over all I can’t complain the fan is much quieter then the other cheap fan I have on my flower tent and have been thinking that I may pick up another T6 for the flower tent hear soon.


If you want measured sound level data… :smirk:



Got mine in July I believe… mine doesn’t have the feature for the phone app.
I don’t really need it though anyways I guess…I’d probably never use it.
Thing is fancy enough for me as it is. :laughing:

I’ll take your word for it :smirk: thanks for the info :+1:


Not to be the outlier here but my T-8 sounds a hurricane at level 10! It is moving a ton of air tho and I don’t think I’ll ever use it above level 5 which is whisper quiet.

I intentionally bought the oversized fan so I could exchange the air in my room in a hurry after an ozone disinfection run. This monster will empty my 110 sqft room in under a minute at level 10.


It’s worth noting that I’m pretty sure that they’re going to be releasing an updated controller shortly along with the release of the clip on oscillating fan. Not sure what all will be changed/upgraded from the 67 but anyone wanting to outright purchase a new controller may want to wait and see what the new one can do before jumping in. If nothing else there may be a reduction in the price of the 67


Another new controller eh… hell, have the model 67 still in box awaiting install from last summer…

I was waiting till i ordered up another T6 to replace the old Hydrofarm inline on my second tent.


WTF… I want the “Newest” controller now only because it says 69 on it lol


I had that exact thought :joy:

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I was going to say the same thing! When I first tested it on the ground, it went sliding across the room from the pressure. :rofl:

I finally installed controller 67, but haven’t played with the app yet.


Now that’s interesting…

There is no “controller 69” in their web site…or “SDK #28
(not really surprised)
and they are calling it a “developer’s kit”…

If you look at the specs on the AC Infinity in-line fans:
4" moves 200 CFM
6" moves 400 CFM
8" moves 800 CFM

It makes sense to oversize it because:

  • it runs quieter pushing the same amount of air
  • it uses less power (a little less) pushing the same amount of air.



I’m swapping my 4 for a 6 sooon as I see controller 69 debut… also I just emailed AC Infinity about the controller 69, I want info.

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i think they’re doing what they’re doing with the clip on fan which seems to be sending out a limited number of units to people they sponsor, or IG influencers and calling it a “Developers kit” i.e. “prototype” to build the hype, and hopefully, troubleshoot the fucking things before they release them. ive heard whispers of january as an official release date, but nothing firm from the company themselves. hopefully it doesnt turn out like the growbuds fan fiasco where they sell out immediately and can’t get more inventory for half a year.

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This is on sale $139.00

I Want the 3x3 version T33.

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whoa, i had no idea they did lights too

They also make Seedling heat mates.

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