Pre 4/20 sales… Thoughts?

So even well into adulthood, I am still like a kid in a candy store on 4/20. Heady glass, gizmos and gadgets, gear etc I always got a list. This year I am noticing a lot more “pre” or early listed 4/20 sales. What are your thoughts on these? I can’t help feeling like there’s a better deal coming. One example, @MarsHydro ts1000 is on sale now and how much cheaper could it really get, but maybe still wait? And seeds where stock may be limited? What are your thoughts?


I really hope AC Infinity has 420 sales!!!


I think everyone is trying to get the 420 sale, so early pre sales hopefully get people to stop there first. My .02 cents


Always a bummer to see things cheaper after you buy them. Knowing there are likely to be sales a couple weeks away does trigger a bit of fear of missing out and potential impulse purchases. I jumped on the first sale I saw for some beans I’d been planning on getting and don’t think I’ll have any regrets 2 weeks from now if a better deal happens.

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That was kinda my thinking, like in our changing world that’s just more inline with things.

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@Ris for 420 ?

Been watching here and there and I feel like prices have been rising ahead of the sales. Almost like an offset.

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not really seen anything worthwhile like i did 2 years ago… was really hoping to find a 2x4 complete tent kit but only if i got a deal worth it to me.

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@204medismoke Gorilla tents are half off at the moment


will take a look thank you


I bought a levo they’re having a good sale if you buy the colors they’re trying to offload but have only seen limited stuff for grow equipment

I’m holding out. These sales are just appetizers to the main course.

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I guarantee @Great_lakes_Genetics has an absolutely epic 420 sale! Drag boat kills it year after year! Sadly this year I’m not in as I’m broke af and in need of a new light first and foremost


Where @Dirt_Wizard

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If anyone knows any good deals on light, please let me know


I want a light but it has to be the right one and I can’t find it.


If AC infinity products pop up. Plz dm


I need a bar light for my 2x4 and all I can find is a spider farmer which I don’t necessarily want…


I want a Migro dammit but it’s not happening.

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The eternal cycle

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