AC Infinity Controller 69 WIFI

AC Inifinity’s Controller 69 WIFI

AC Infinity’s Controller 69

I have been waiting patiently for the new version of AC Infinity’s Controller 69 w/ WIFI. Well, I’ve finally received one that was on pre-order from a couple of months ago.

The initial version of their Controller 69 is Bluetooth based. Which is nice but I’m often not within Bluetooth range or am simply too lazy to get within Bluetooth range. WIFI helps to alleviates that. Some of the benefits of WIFI also includes the ability to insert the device into your home/business network which provides the ability to remotely access the device (appropriate security and firewall settings suggested) from practically anywhere and, hopefully, will be able to access the device API (application programmer’s interface).

USB-C style device interface connectors & phono-plug environmental sensor connector.

Remote Interface

The controller can communicate via a remote application (available for Android and IOS).

In order to utilize the remote app, the user must first register with AC Infinity. I was unaware of this requirement and have mixed feeling about this. On the plus side, I presume that this device will operate in a similar manner as how the Sensorpush gateway operates. Data is sent to the cloud and can be later retrieved during periods where your Android/IOS device is off-line. The data is stored outside of your firewall / domain and, as such, you essentially bypass home server / firewall problems. On the downside, there could be privacy concerns as with just about everything cloud based. In addition, it’s not yet clear whether an API will be published where an enterprising individual could directly control/pull data from the actual controller … one of my primary interests.

The user interface overall appears fairly polished. A new controller is easily registered and will appear within the app. Presumably, multiple controllers can be added. It is not yet clear if multiple independent controller can be linked together to operated in sync.

Front panel:

Clicking on the synchronized controller within the app:

In the above case, two ports are utilized for LED fixtures. Clicking on one of the ports provides the device status. In this case, the LED is set to full on (10) :


… additional details to follow …


Now I have to get one !


time to spend more money…



This is very exciting! It would be awesome if AC Infinity developed a WIFI hub allowing all us users of their “classic” controllers to somehow get them all talking!

Looking at 1 app and seeing all my tent’s data is something I’ve wanted to BUILD but am not smart enough in those disciplines to do the work myself :rofl:


I just installed the controller 67 I bought as an upgrade last summer…

I’m on top of things eh…


Thanks @Northern_Loki , I have been interested in these new controllers and your reviews are always incredibly detailed and informative. Looking forward to reading your findings.


Does all the old equipment work with this? I accidently got the inline fans that work with a controller.

:green_heart: :seedling:


I also have a newer one of these, I have no idea if it’s Bluetooth/WIFI capable or not. :grimacing:

Time to start watching YouTube vids I guess, that’s been my usual “go to” in past, when I’ve had to DIMyself. :grin:

Happy to have found this thread and will post any relevant findings or links to video tutorials “worth their salt”! :+1:t2:


Yes, I’ll post up photos and additional info soon re: the molex connector.


I’ll add my gratitude for this in-depth review of C-69, many thanks.

I’ve been struggling with C-67 for some time now as the BlueTooth comm seems unreliable. As soon as I move outside the growroom the connection kicks on and off randomly. Wifi should rectify the problem.

Strangely, the AC Infinity website doesn’t appear to offer C-69 as a purchase option. Perhaps I’m just not looking in the right place? How did you get on the Pre-order list?



It remains as ‘pre-order’ and does not appear available via resellers yet. Here is the link: Controller 69 WIFI

WIFI should certainly help with range if you have decent WIFI coverage within your home. I did have a network glitch with this unit where I had to re-register the device a second time but since then it’s been stable for a couple of days now. For remote control, you’ll need an Android or IOS device (tablet or phone). I need to research whether there is a published API for DYI.


Thanks for the link and your review of the product

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Hot damn!!!

Now :crossed_fingers: it’ll be available in :canada: soon :smiley:

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Got one on pre-order. Need the remote tweaking ability and bluetooth doesnt give me that.


It’d be rad if they ended up making wifi-remote molex dongles that allow you to plug them into your inline and have the signal sent wirelessly to the c-69 instead of needing the usb-c to molex adaptor.


I agree. Seems everyone wants a proprietary connector and software etc. Lets get a comprehensive control head and a multiplexed bank of outlets.


I like AC infinity. They have great build quality and outstanding customer service. Currently using the controller 67 (BT). Been eyeballing that 69wifi for a while. I really dont “need” it… he keeps telling himself!!! Thanks @Northern_Loki


I’ve moved onto the niwa’s for my tent and never looked back tbh


Thanks for this! :face_with_monocle: :smiley:

I have been captivated, and confused (:blonde_woman:t3::grimacing:) since located!
