Keeping VPD in check in a un-insulated garage

Hello friends, so far my first grow has been honestly amazing. Beginners luck or good research preparation? I’ll take either lol. Orange Kush Cake - 2x2 (First Grow)

Now I’m at about 2 weeks into 12/12 and need to think into really dialing this VPD in for flower and drying in this tent. The lung room is a big garage filled with shit so…yeah. Temp has been around 70-80 lately and I took the humidifier out around week 5-6 of veg. It’s been around 55-68 since.

Now dehumidifiers are cheap if it gets too humid, but spring gets hot and humid here so I’m trying to think of options to keep VPD in check if temps spike up.

I have a super small portable ac unit that runs off ice/water I was thinking I could put outside the tent pointing towards the intake vent, then rig a small dehumidifier somewhere in my tent to counter the moisture in the cold air? Definitely don’t have like any more space in this 2x2 either though, 3 gallon fabric pots for my 4 plants in there. It’s tight lol.

Can’t afford one of those $300+ Stand up dry AC units to put outside the tent so cheap options only please, thoughts?

Edit: I’m running in a AC Infinity 2x2x6, AC infinity t4 w/smart controller, SF1000, (2) 6” fans for top canopy, 1 for bottom.


How hot and how humid in the growroom?


Only advice I have is good luck. I’m in an uninsulated shed, that I’m currently trying to insulate before it gets too hot. LEDs on only 12hours of the day and I also have a 10kBTU ac unit. It’s maxed the fuck out and it’s still 84 in the tent with the lights off. That’s with it being 82 outside the shed.

Im over here looking at 15k btu ac units and how to properly insulate the roof of the shed. I may have to just wait until Autumn to start up in the shed again.

Good luck. I’ll be watching this thread for any other tips I may not know of, but I’m starting to worry myself


Never recorded the temps and humidity in the garage bc this is first year I’m growing so idk how It’ll be in there. But outside it’ll be up to 90’s some days and lots of rainstorms. Might try and honestly just make some room in the guest bedroom for two weeks of drying and move the tent up here if the girlfriend allows it haha

The exhaust has a smart controller to trigger it on and off when the temp and humidity go out of range but it doesn’t work amazingly bc it’s just pulling more hot air in from the lung room (garage).

And wym about the space heater? I don’t need more heat just cool dry air.

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Yeah wish I would’ve gotten things set up and running sooner. Time to adapt and overcome though!

I started in a shed… and am still there. Ran September through May typically and shut down for summer.

Over the years I picked up gear and improved on shed. Removed roll up door, framed it in, insulation, and even did an addition… lol. Last summer was the first that I ran, after addition of a window ac unit through the wall.

In the early years I tried a bit outdoors in summer months, with mixed results. Keep working at it, improve what you can to better environment and you’ll get there.


With limited options like that I guess it would be best to keep your soil as dry as possible and only water when absolutly necessary and your plant is wilting or about to wilt.
These plants grow in deserts, remember that.

Better to run them a little too dry, they’ll perk up quickly after watering and no damage is done, but once you get budrot the damage is already done.


Still pretty warm in the nights here, but I get what you’re saying!

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Gotcha yeah I just needa figure something out for drying, aiming for that 60/60 for two weeks.


For drying you can wet trim them roughly and cut them up and put the buds in paper bags.
A good handful per bag or so.


Depends on what the max temps are in that garage. You can get creative with ducting and duct the output of the stand up AC unit into a 6” duct like this but just keep the whole unit outside of the tent and send the cold air inside.


This :point_up_2:, as the saying goes.



Very cool, very smart idea

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Love it!

Would like to see a close up pic of exactly how you did this please!

Don’t need indirect airflow around it? I’m assuming the paper bag pulls the moisture and you just want the buds roughly the same size?

Can’t afford to get one of those things right now. I would love to but they’re like $300+

@Habibi You can do the same thing with a cheap window unit if you have one.

I’ll grab some pictures when the lights turn on later, but it’s pretty straight foreword. Measure the approximate size of the output vent if your a/c unit and get the closest size a/c register box you can find at Home Depot, and with a little cutting and all weather duct tape you connect the two. You can do the same thing with the output vent of a window unit as well.

Edit here you go.

Those cooler-ice combos are only good usually for very small spaces. Not saying it wont have an impact, but man, what a pain in the ass. How about just putting a small window AC unit into the garage?