Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

First haze grow, madmac repro.

Planning several outcrosses this fall with possibly Oaxacan, Highland Thai, Honduras, Kullu. I was curious if anyone has firsthand experience with a better outcomes with haze being the mother or the pollen donor? Thanks!


Whoa those ladies are gonna be huge!


And the following screen shot is off IG posted by indian landrace exchange and they are talking about the maruf selection

And it appears that what you say is reality ! Thank you for sharing this realized experience :slight_smile:


you are welcomed bro.

bandaid haze #7 x black vietnamese


I have experience with both. I crossed haze mothers with oaxacan79 and black vietnamese males.

also I used pure haze males few times.

if you want to keep the most hazy terps, use mother. if you want raw power in effect use haze male. but I am talking about selections out of 45 females in case of female and out of 25 males in case of my male.


Why would you expect this?


how do you discern potency in males? by smoking them? will male flowers provide similar terp profiles - if not how do you select for a particular terp profile in a male?


And that’s a fkn Gold Nugget! Right there blessings on blessings:) thank you bro! He just can’t help but drop knowledge :slight_smile: PS @US3RNAM3 this kinda answers your question :slight_smile: I hope it helps

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By that previous statement I quoted the females will pass your terp profile look to the male to pass effect and you could smoke it but if you carry them to late flower look for that resin male if they occur in the se asian varieties for I don’t have enough experience with them yet to be able to make that claim with any certainty but maybe @MAHAKALA could help us out?

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the potency I recognize only after smoking male´s progeny. there is no other way

male mix some influence to terps, but usually terps of mother are dominant.


i see - so how do you go about selecting which male you will use? out of say, the 25 referenced above


Lol it sounds like he … Maybe cut clones off them all males , number them and let them go slow and then make seed and pop seed and have them all numbered some how so you know “who’s da daddy?” :slight_smile: Then grow them smoke them just to see which males passes “the magic” and then go back to your male cuttings and grow out your keeper maybe even cut more clones and grow them out and bauta bing bauta boom you got enough of that male too make a couple million seeds , I hope that helps:)


Thanks @MAHAKALA I appreciate the reply and insight.


Hahahahaha :rofl:

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green thai haze


So when you have a 14 week pheno or within that range, are all the hairs turned orange by then, or still some white hair?


I’m guessing but probably like 7/8 of them

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Never grown Thai haze so can’t speak with authority on that but some hazes//sativa continually keep putting out new pistils as the flowers develope

Here’s a Mango Hz (f2) that does that.

This other one doesn’t behave like that(also a MangoF2)

Doesnt have the usual strong smell that I associate with Mango - she has a rather sharp metallic kind of smell if I can call it that though I’m terrible at describing smells exactly but it’s certainly different.
On this one the pistils have oranged and are receding while calyxes are swelling
She’s be going at least 10 weeks possibly a couple more but I don’t count(I need to to start getting with things) but she almost done …Nother week or so and I’ll take her down.


hehehe like you think I tell you how to do that… there is no universal recipe… everybody has to find its own way to make it. it is not science. not for me.

to me it is kind of art, or better to say style. and it is like you would ask Salvador Dali how to paint painting like him… he can tell you but you will never make it like him, it is clear beforehand.

or like you know playing the trumpet. Miles Davis doesnt play like Clifford Brown, each of them had to find their own way how to make it. different styles.


One sign some look for in a male is Trichomes on the stems and leaves.