Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

Is it really a secret? The only real way to test is the progeny of 1:1 matings compared to the progeny of other 1:1 matings. Thus, isolating the recombining parts. The resources available may differ, though I’m unaware of any other traditional ways of selecting males (and females) against one another. Genetic recombination can be seen best in the resulting progeny. These are my thoughts on selection. I also believe that it’s energy, and as much as humans select and find plants, plants do the same with their humans. Much love


not at all as it is like with females, the most resinous females are not the best ones… usually.


yes, everybody has some opinion. this is boards so everybody can present some opinion. why not… some general talk… nothing concrete about certain genetics.

but selection is not about opinion. it is about some concrete lines…

besides that I didnt say it is secret.

one male can hit two different females, one will be bomb prgeny, other just average progeny, with same male… thats why I was talking about style of work. not about secret recipe, not at all…

if it is true what you say. than take oaxacan gold, chocolate thai and afghan, and create blueberry weed :smiley: show me, that recipe is not secret… you will not be even close to it… cause you are not DJ Short and have no clue how is doing it, even if he would tell you how to make it, you will not repeat it.


See and I feel this to be true , it also has the veritable of how the plant chooses to express :slight_smile: and each our journeys are different, how we experience things can even be slightly different:) but all that being said @MAHAKALA I do appreciate the bread crumbs … Further down the rabbit hole :slight_smile:

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you can see that people are talking about these styles… like about dubi from ace, he is doing this with this and that with that and somebody is satisfied and some people are not. but you can see his fingerprint on it… there was bangi haze bred by estai and then dubi took it in his dubi direction hehehe, and it is different now. it is his style.

but by style I dont mean fashion, trends or anything from mundane world…

by style I mean spurs… there is great book written by J. Derrida, Spurs: Nietzsche´s styles… I recommend… but look out. sometimes is easier not to know what is written there LOL


Lmfao :slight_smile: this is true lol sometimes It is way easier to not know, ignorance is bliss lol that phrase always makes me think of an ostrich sticking his head in the sand :slight_smile:


excuse my absolute ignorance but why not just take the most resinous male and hit the best smoke of the females with it?
i guess a way of asking at what point/generation does the taste get so bad you cant tolerate it.


Well you see it’s not really taste we are after more a certain buzz/effect PS and it can’t be found by one plant alone it takes a certain combination of plants


isn’t taste is tied to buzz/effect, since terpenes affect the taste, and also determine the effects?


Well sometimes but not always, :slight_smile: I think there are so many nuances and subtleties in cannabinoid profiles and terpene profiles I don’t feel like one can say that would be an exact science :slight_smile: I think :slight_smile: lol @us3rnam3 I could be wrong but I feel, especially with like THC p, v, b , c , g ,h ect the smaller ones
… Sublties

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I’m probably wrong or not understanding it right but there’s also flavonoids and I’m sure that some smells like carrots or sandal wood when smoked is trip weed and sometimes it’s not

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I gotta admit, this sounds a lot like chasing that dragon :smiley:


Just saw your post and you worded it well. I can’t hardly talk to any pot nerds under 30. They have bought into big canna bullshit and they won’t even consider the idea that we don’t know much about this plant. That the study of this plant is in its infancy, and there is more we DON’T know about it than what we do. Well how can you say you don’t know much about the plant and also present yourself as an expert? It is a catch 22. A problem that leads to our hobby being full of not only ignorant experts, but arrogant ones as well.

My biggest pet peeve… is the industry influence in peddling marketing bullshit. Did you know there is only THC and all of the nuances of the high is from the terpenes. Yeah man. It is just THC and aromatherapy. It isn’t that the market has been reduced to a commercial cash grab and they aren’t economically capable of producing a unique product, it is that unique weed doesn’t even exist. Do you believe that? If you do I have some wonderful properties for sale cheap. London Bridge. The Pyramids. How about the moon? Unfortunately big canna has convinced a lot of people of their absolute bullshit.

The company doesn’t have it for sale, because they can’t make money off of it, so they tell the new generation of smokers that it does not and never has existed. In fact there isn’t even such a thing as Indica and sativa. Did you know that? It definitely isn’t that growing a 16 week strain that yields half of a commercial crop in twice the time isn’t economically viable for them to grow. You see the problem isn’t that they don’t sell them, the problem is they don’t exist and never have.

Again if you believe that I have some wonderful properties available for you. The legal market has done an amazing job of producing remarkably bland, generic stones, with absolutely amazing looks and smells and they are for sale dirt cheap. Unique weed? Not so much. Weed that gets you high and not stoned? Not so much.


I’ve heard someone refer to strains as “obsolete” and it just about turned my eyes backwards they were rolling so far. I guess if you think THC and yield is all there is, then that makes sense. But it really demonstrates inexperience running the market.

It sure is a mystery that I can buy some 32% thc crack rock looking nug from a dispensary and it barely has any effect on me. :thinking:


When you make distillate from different strains and the terps are removed. You can sometimes end up with a concentrate in the 90% THC range. I can assure you that the highs are definitely different for each strain. THC is not just THC. Each phenotype of every variety will make a slightly different form of the THC molecule. That in addition to the other cannabinoids, flavos and terps make up the high.


I agree with most of the above but I don’t know about this one.

This sort of nuance is only interesting to nerds like us. Your average consumer doesn’t give a shit. I’m sure you’ve seen their eyes glaze over when you start talking about weed. I sure have. I preface it with “bear with me, I’m going to nerd out on you for a minute.”

Would I pay $40 a gram for fancy low yielding 16 weeker weed? No, I’d pay $100 for seeds and grow a pound of it.

We are not the market they are after. We don’t need them.


My personal speculation, completely devoid of any science… is that we will discover one or more new compounds that dramatically effect the high. Chemicals we don’t even know to test for yet.


Yes I do but not like you say , I believe that a majority of people believe that it is also the same issue with microbiology , most of those products are the same lab grown lol it’s just hype in a bottle same as npk products smh it’s sad but true “snake oil” @Motaco natural farming is the oldest form of agriculture and right now it’s on the cutting edge of the research there right now are scientist’s trying to understand how we are able to do what we do and the who what when where why :slight_smile: but we don’t have to understand it like that to be able to grow food and medicine for free and food so healthy that it is medicine:) lol Long Live the Natural Farmer :slight_smile:


I think there’s a lot of experience in the horticultural side of things, but not in strain diversity. I have a good friend who runs grow operations. He’s amazing at running the operation, and very skilled. But he doesn’t have full reign over what is grown.

A lot of that is determined by the numbers people, monitoring what sells and what doesn’t. In the end, it’s really being driven by the end consumer, who has nothing more than a minute or two to look at the product, smell it, and read the label which usually just indicates THC and CBD percentages.


Agreed. And it’s a real shame. But from a business standpoint it makes sense.

I’m currently growing something that isn’t going to yield well, isn’t going to be particularly potent, but fuck does it smell amazing. The only thing it has going for it commercially is that it’ll finish quick.