SSH, white widow, and pnw hp x Puck f2

So as the title says I’ll be sharing my grow with these particular 3. All are grown from seed in ffof and full spectrum led for lighting. Don’t see many SSH or widow grows so here ya go. These are all from seeds shared to me.

First 2 are haze, next 2 widow, last 2 pnwhp x puck f2. Other stuff in the tent too, but I’m just featuring these as others are random stuff. Plan to transplant the haze and widow this weekend into 2 gallons as there needing more nutrients and space.

I tend to prefer old school strains to grow and smoke. So hopefully these will do that.

Hoping these pnw puck hashplants will come similar to my hashplant, love hashplant! Hard to beat that dank earthy smell.


Sweet, whose SSH are you growing?

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It’s a seed from my brother, came from his cola. Think I originally got them at greenhouse seed co via nasc. Not positive on that though. I grew it before and mine had that classic church incense smoke. His pheno was more nl leaning I think. All phenotypes were extremely potent compared to a kush or indica. Well worth the 11 week flower time.

Seed came from this top bud of his. If he stops by he can elaborate more on that pheno etc. I only smoked it, and it was stupid potent. Here’s the mother …


Here’s some recently harvested freakshow, hashplant landrace, and unknown kush. The blue hued flower is the hashplant she had a couple late sterile bananas . Last shot is of an unknown seed given to me pretty sure its another shiatsu kush( my favorite strain). My favorite by far it’s a super loud kush. Excuse the lack of trim, I don’t really bother with it tbh.

SSH repotted into a 2 gallon. Plant to flip in about 10 days. Always love SSH, such a classic. I remember it being one of the first named cultivars I was interested in. I’m a little biased to nostalgic strains lately.


I agree, and although I haven’t smoked it since I was a teen, I remember it being some amazing stuff.

Thanks for sharing, I’ll be following along.

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Thnx for looking. I haven’t smoked it since early 2000s that I’m aware of. It fell out of favor when all the big name clone onlys came about. I do remember it being very potent with acrid terps. I grew white rhino twice, and it was really good. It’s same as SSH for me, loved looking at white widow pictures in high times aa a teenager.

I don’t have any expectations for it to match today’s stuff, but let’s find out. Sucks I only got 1 to flower. Here’s she is at day 18 veg I think, pretty plant as you can see. Plan to veg it another few weeks before flower.


I’m curious to see your SSH part of this grow especially

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Thanks it’s looking pretty good too after repotting, SSH always turns into good plants that are easy to grow. The genetics are proven so not many issues with it ime like herms, weird growth etc.

I must have gotten a lemon in the potency/ terp dept…lol my 5 week culled lwr branch sample from current GDP grow gets me just as high

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It happens from time to time. How long u flower it? Haze hybrids take a bit usually 11 weeks minimum. If harvested too early effect will be clear and weak. Not saying that’s what you did just putting that out there.

Haze hybrids ime really shine when taken on the later side than early. Terps become much more prominent as well as the foxtailing. Here’s a nevilles haze i grew from 3 yrs back, went 12 weeks. Thos shot was at halfway point. Generally have to do alot of staking bc they’ll flop everywhere.


Was taken some point in week 12 trichomes checked under high magnification. Gut says could have gone longer but it was in the window…was definitely still popping some pistils tho. I have smoked early weed though that was still tasty and potent though 🤷

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Oh totally alot stuff is good cut earlier I meant hazes. Of course this is my preference, everybody likes to cut there stuff at diffrent points for preference. I just like things really ripe, and I’m probably in the minority. Seems most like cloudy trichomes

Just fed the pnw hp. I’ve heard their slow in veg so I’m in no hurry, SSH bottom left. Black runtz next to haze. I just had a do si dos x cookie come up, I’ll add it to this diary, 3rd time running it. It’s fire but shit yield

Here’s the do si dos last run, petite plant but very stinky. Terps are soapy shampoo, cookie structure with hard marble flowers.



Damn …those colors :hushed:

It’s quite a rainbow plant just very small yielding. Like 14 grams kinda low lol. This is my last seed of it so im taking clones for sure.But the smoke is on point with strong terps that taste as they smell. So my ssh is loking great 2 days after repotting. Still debating when to flip. Stem rub is skunky acrid…

I’ll add this plant to my grow diary, here’s a shiatsu kush in coco. As said earlier this is my favorite cultivar. Loud terps and strong hybrid high. Do si dos is the baby seedling above it. I just fed it full strength, and it immediately turned dark green from yellow.


Got a wonderful suprise in the mail, plant to start 3 of these for this fall/ winter. Dj stuff does great in cooler weather. My future project next fall is to cross the dj blueberry with pnw hp male to make the blueberry less finicky. If I’m lucky and have a pnwhp x puck male ill keep him to use asap.


Shiatsu kush coming along nicely.

Pnw hp x puck slowly surely growing, im in no hurry with them. Plan to flower them around Thanksgiving so hopefully they’ll be big…

Also repotted the white widow, its looking rough due to something. Im sure it was overwatering anyhow its now in its final 2 gallon home. Quite a aromatic plant when i actually pulked it out, skunky smelling. Its in recycled ffof, cow manure, and epsom salt. Leaving everything single cola to max my lil space out.

Im having a little trouble getting all these diffrent strains dialed in together. Each one is requring diffre t watering needs, nutrient needs, lighting etc. Think ill have it dialed by next week.


Everthings looking good, these 3 are getting ready for flower i just lollipoped them a lil bit. First is white widow, next 2 haze, next 2 black runtz. Lastly i got some of those f6 dj shorts soaking for my winter run to bring those blue colors out. Ive had amazing results with dj short genetics.


Those all look super happy

Love the look of the 3rd up from last shot

Thanks man shes a beauty, and certainly in full gear now. Probably growing an inch or 2 everyday. Im flipping to flower today, should be a nice run. Been loading up the ssh with nitrogen and calcium in anticipation of flower. Running out of nitrogen early is a bitch in flower, causes all kinds of problems.

Heres the hashplant and headstorm . Seeds are repros from afghanistan. Got some heavy hitters this run

Just got my closet set up for this fall and winter. Perfect size for flowering plants, got 8 ft headroom. Ill be using my big blurp light…