Dope_Heffalump's Garden Of Obsessive Love

Hello, since deciding to move into the OG community, I figured I now feel comfortable enough to start my own garden journal.

I’m about halfway through my current garden.
I grow in 15 gallon tubs of coco coir.
I do drain to waste and use what is known as the Lucas formula and Cal- Mag for fertigation

I feed 3x daily with roughly a 1.2 - 1.5 ec I try and read what my plants need and adjust to those needs.

I’ve got 2 grow areas. One is full of my pollen Chucks and the other is my sativa room.

The Sativa room room is lit by a single
1000 watt DE HPS in a 5’ x 5’ area 2 tubs
I am 5 weeks into flower (Old Sog cut) Super Silver Haze x Destroyer

In my chuck area I have 2 @ 630 watt CMH lights with
1 @ 650 watt led quantum board in a 4’ x 12’ area.
Week 5 of flower
I have 5 tubs

1 tub is Lemon Royale x Blissful Wizard

1 tub is (Black Afghan x Tk/NL5Haze) x Black Lights

1 tub is Pearl Necklace x Mac Stomper

2 tubs Malawi x Goblins Gold


Hellll yeah :sunglasses::fire: welcome. Your pictures have been nice. I love the big pot style. I like that ssh x destroyer. Definitely checking back. Thanks for putting this up here. Super cool

What’s the golden goblin in the malawi cross?


Thank you for showing an interest. :grinning:


Nice one, I’ve noticed you keep a nice garden and produce some nice flowers :bouquet:


Same with you, kind sir.:facepunch:


Nice setup with some old-school genetics. I like it :sunglasses:

I’ve seen you around in some of the other threads I watch. Thanks for sharing, I’ll keep an eye on this one too


Love your avatar @DirtySlowToes Jorge Cervantes Indoor Marijuana Cultivation was the premier indoor growing guide back in the early 90’s when I was first learning. I don’t think he gets anywhere near the recognition he deserves by the current cannabis community.

Back in 16, before I had access to GG#4, I grew out
Red Eyed Genetics Dogtrap (UW Purple x Locktite) and crossed her to Golden Glue (Jew Gold Og x Locktite)
I called the cross Goblins Gold
The cross produces large Og Kush type buds with tons of frost and terps. Pretty good stuff if you’ve had Locktite it’s GG#4 x NL5 x White Lotus

Heres the Goblins Gold males used in the cross.

I’ve got a bunch of crosses I had made with the Goblins Gold and still have tons of seeds I need to work or give away.


Everything tidy and clean. You, obviously, know your stuff. A pleasure to sneak in amongst your plants, indeed. Continued success, take care, stay safe and, be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Like I said before you grow some stellar looking plants for sure pulling up the bean bag chair and bong to follow the show :v::heart::seedling::sunny:


If you EVER want to get your work out to the “OG-Masses”, I can aid in doing that, as well as several other members. I do periodic, random, and Seasonal Scheduled Giveaways, NEVER a charge to ANYONE. You get 'em to me, I’ll “sling 'em” far 'n wide, GLOBALLY!! Heck, I’ll even reimburse you what it’ll cost you to send them to me. Food for thought, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That’s a riteous offer.
Thank you @misterbee :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s a little chilly this morning.

The grow room went down to 49° Fahrenheit
If it gets any colder, I’m going to bust out the space heaters.
The cold doesn’t seem to phase the plants as long as I can get the temps back up during the lights on cycle.


True words. Everything about @misterbee is 100% righteous :green_heart:

And I’m loving what you’ve got growing. Pulling up a chair, and rolling one up for the show :+1::sunglasses::fire:


Beautiful grow


And here we are looking at 8 and 9°C this coming week! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

1 Like

:open_mouth: :fire:


I’ve grown a few of the Goblin Gold crosses.

Lucky 7’s (lucky Charms x Stardawg) x Golden Goblin

Wicked Clementine Bx x Goblins Gold

Jelly Pie x Goblins Gold.

Here’s the Malawi x Goblins Gold that I’m doing the larger run of now.


I am such a Dope :elephant:
I had drank an 8 grams dose of Aminita Muscaria tea last night when I made this post.
I accidently called my cross Golden Goblin when in fact it is Goblins Gold.
Golden Goblin was the metal band I was rocking out to at the time and insperation of the name.


I saw that post you made where it was something like -40c. :cold_face:
It’s been 16 years since it’s been that cold here.
We haven’t been above 0 Fahrenheit in the last week and it sucks!


It was sooooo cold. My Diesel was pissed everytime I’d start er up. And that window…its all thawed but now there’s water between the panes…I dont know what happened. This house is junk lol. Watch next it freezes the glass break :man_facepalming:

Anyways…dude your plants look spectacular. The goblins gold must carry that gg4 funk pretty strong yeah? And how’s it mix with the Malawi? I have plans to dig further into Malawi strains, looking for that head in space high! I’d love to see the Goblins Gold hit with Wedding Cake!