Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

Geneticist who truly understand this will simply giggle at your long tall tales of improvement. This is the reality of the situation


If that is Greek to some cannabis is a diploid and strawberry for the most part is an octoploid. We don’t even let our egos have a say in the matter we do not try to breed strawberry from seed. So too it need be with drug type cannabis. So yeah, it’s all a joke to me and I gunna get hammered and let bombs fly from the balcony Mussolini style. Pucker up here I come.


= Watermelon so the plants become sterile thus that is a good marketing scheme for cannabis?

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Cucurbits and most plants are easy, until you start evaluating how they make you feel when you smoke them. We do not ask this from hardly any plants.


I do not see men here willing to accept the epistasis actually occuring. Until I do, I’m kinda feeling like being a prick :joy:


“WTF kind of incense smells like liver?”

Im pretty sure in this context people are using “livery incense” referring to church incense smell, as in the Catholic type.

A Livery is a symbol or emblem of a brand, or a group, could also be a recipe or formula.


Incense is incense and liver is nevils understanding of a high school metal shop. Rc might call it citrus Thai, Aussies might call it mango heads, and I might call it sour apple. It’s the same plant guys Thai import '76-'86.


Tomatoes are monoecious, and in nature they will self pollinate for a majority of their reproduction. They’re great for inbreeding, and it’s very easy to do because it’s their natural method of reproduction.

But in comparison to cannabis, it would be more akin to selfing. But of course since cannabis is dioecious, it’s not the only method of inbreeding. Sibling mating is also an option, and one that is common in nature, but in large populations. I think it’s the long range of the pollen spread that indicates how cannabis prefers to reproduce.

I’ve read people saying cannabis is obligate outcrossing, and it might be my own ignorance, but I’ve never understood how that can be an accurate term for cannabis. I thought obligate outcrossing describes a mechanism to prevent self pollination. But it seems most cannabis plants are capable of selfing.


Cannabis and all plants in fact are on a journey from monoecious to dioecious. They do that because dioecious has a better chance of survival. But it all folly to peg a plant as one or the other when it is clearly in flux




You posted a picture of the scariest “IT” I’ve ever seen! 🫣


Lmfao that is too funny lol :joy::joy::rofl::rofl::laughing:


As for the strawberries bring bred. It is to my understanding that have been and continue to be. Only instead of selecting for high type twerp profile and whatever, they were selecting for things like flavor and or sweetness or tart.
Not trying to debate of the similarities between that and drug type because I can’t. Lol
I will say this tho. I am a Certified uncertified horticultural botanists who specializes in genome sequencing. So there’s that.


oh epistasis might complicate things but it can be worked around once all the right genes have been fixed. The real things keeping me up at night are penetrance and expressivity :eyes:

Pretty much. Obligate outcrossers are either too sensitive to inbreeding depression to create viable progeny by self pollinating, or, in the case of most hermaphroditic plant species (according to allard 1960), have some kind of self-incompatibility mechanism to prevent self pollination from occuring in the first place.

Since weed has neither of those traits to my knowledge, I think it shows the plant evolved to be very self compatible, and hence there’s no “obligation” to outcross.


From allard, buried all the way in the back on page 14 :joy:

The garden strawberry is one of the best authenticated cases in which interspecific hybridization has contributed to the development of a series of cultivated varieties. Prior to the discovery of America, European gardeners had domesticated their native species, but progress toward developing superior types was slow, apparently because the necessary variability was not present in the germplasm of the Euro¬ pean species. Real progress in strawberry breeding was delayed until early in the nineteenth centuiy, when hybrids were made by English gardeners between Frag aria virginiana, an eastern North American species, and F. chiloensis, a Pacific Coast species. Crossing and re¬ crossing between these two species and their segregation products over the last century and a half have combined in some measure the large size of the Pacific Coast species with the fruitfulness, quality of flesh, and excellent flavor of the eastern species.


Assuming what we have… Said that the Haze Brothers weren’t breeders but made a huge mass crosses. Somewhere out there in a small town in Cal some might still have the line.
Might be there. But what the dutch preserved was good material for sure. The Flying Dutchmen seeds itself declared that their Original Haze was not that strong enough except if it was crossed and this statement was very true.
In the other side we have the awesome work of Neville where Neville’s Haze by Shantibaba was truly a blast.
Cuz the haze line itself was a mass crossbreeding “project” with a lot of variation and a weakened progression over the time.


But there is a very interesting fact about the original haze males from flying Dutchmen, it literally takes over whatever it polinates


Every time I expected a mid term outcome POW, the sativish profile dominates on and on