Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

The business isnt about growing good weed.

Im 28, I spent my late teens growing with an oldschool cat for the blackmarket, and I only know what he taught me and what I have wittnessed.

Dispensaries got a good name because in the old days, cali dispos were supplied by local growers. This had a whole lot of grand effects on marijuana culture, but for the sake of the topic, it made dispensaries look like an absolute miracle to those who lived and smoked through prohibition. It remained this way for years, even after big farms took over.

When other states started to legalize, something happened. People with connections in the industry and more money than god contacted their welthy friends, or just straight up moved to places where legalization was potentially on the horizon. They didnt take over, but they took a big bite out of the production pie, and they set a standard for getting products on shelves, and money in their pocket, quick and efficiently. This happened in the 2nd (3rd?) wave of medical/legalization that started in the early 00’s, which coincided with what strains popularity? Girl Scout Cookies. Right product at the right time, nothing conspiratorial or anything, but I digress…

Now, dudes who bought 80 dollar eighths in college of schwag get the best weed they have ever smoked, same with the old school smokers who quit when they started a family or a career or whatever, and came back when it wouldnt potentially ruin their life.

Heres the silver lining. One day these motherfuckers will go to a party or a bar or a concert and see a joint being passed their way, and they will say “oh man, this is going to be sweet! I havent done this in years/ever and I am at a point where I can handle this.” They will take one, maybe two hits, and realize they are higher than bird pussy. Some will sleep it off, but some will start digging, they will find the world of cultivar marijuana, and we will welcome them with open arms, even when they ask if a plant in week 4 of flower is ready to harvest.

End of rant.

edit: not early 00s, early 10s, my bad


20 weeks to flower those tiny little foxtail buds theres no way you guys are doing that for the taste lol
but clearly breeding the pheno you all seek through is elusive, eluding the science.
the knowledge from the breeders in this thread is great. im going to just lurk and soak it up from now on


That’s what I been doing! And when I have my “eureka!” Moments I chime in and add my two cents or ask another question and they are great about it! :slight_smile: Much love and respect!


Yep and even in a non legal market the range of product is limited again to the hyped lines and speed of flower.

In short if you want to smoke a good quality sativa or Haze you basically have to grow it your self and its been like that for some decades.

A Haze may take a lot longer to flower but they also yield a hell of a lot more.


And so. The fully formed white seed has a higher chance of being the product of a late male? I’ll take a couple dozen of those :joy: I never seen a good early 12 week haze man.


Interesting I never thought about it! But I did notice that it’s a question! Lol so I’m not sure if you’re serious :slight_smile: LMFAO PS hold on I gotta do a dab for this shit lol


Perfect answer. Yeah man me being here got zero to do with you cyphering it.


It depends, I heard on a podcast somewhere that some people intentionally top their early showing males so their pollen is intentionally delayed. I think overall, it’s likely though there are other variables like earlier showing males that keep producing pollen even without being stalled. Could be an undeveloped seed from early pollen. Could be a lot of things. If they germinate give em a go and the progeny and subsequent populations from those individuals will show. That’s how it seems to me. Much love

All them pods are full of shit. Get pollen on in an early natural way. Your timing ain’t better than hers.


Yeah Matt I talking to you


I thought that was from your Potcast interview where I heard of that stalling method for the early males. I must be mistaken. Much love

Cough! Cough! Sorry bro I’m outta likes cough! Once my lungs stop quivering shit! Lol ok so I can kinda “drift off” with a kinda super human skill it’s a curse of doing like 8 months solitary confinement :slight_smile: anyways so that combined with that big dab I just did I can see this huge clearing of haze in the jungles of veitnam :slight_smile: and I’m seeing males plants fling their pollen this way and that way and I’ve seen the white viable seed oh it’s from the 3rd pollenation ohh, maybe lol but in order to raise the possibility of it being the later males you would want the white seed from the longest flower females my reason for saying that is by the time she reaches her mid point all the early males will be done :slight_smile: I think lol

I wouldn’t consider using a early male to breed with but what are we talking about when we say early male in a Haze ?

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Nah man you heard correct. We stall them cuz premi’s ain’t right. Unless you know, they like me or you. :joy:

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Haze early is 12 weeks. Haze late is 16+.

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The heart is 14 weeks


I mean the males Tom and what do most consider a early male (in they show sex ).

70% of that line is female 50% of that line is resinous it still gunna fuck with you at 5% good I been dancing with this bitch for quite a minute.


Cheap ass dates and others think they know something but it simply does not roll out like that, ever.

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I am correct. And you are full of shit.