Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

you and hempy should get a room.:rofl:


I dont think Tom was responding to me.


all love dude.:slightly_smiling_face:

I imagine the finish date for up north at say 45 degrees north puts you in sunlight hrs of 14.3 hrs 5/2/and 8/8 14.4 which is too long for the haze IMHO. 14 weeks puts a flowering date of 8/20-24 and a day length of 14.3-14.4 hrs and a finish date at the middle of November. This doesn’t work for you, at this latitude you use light dep to finish. I imagine you have played with the 14 week types and found the threshold of when it will just start to flower or not? Thinking 13.6 hrs might be around the tipping point since flowering time is based on the plants internal clock and matching it with the available time left in the growing season.


I think you’re touching on important aspects of these heirloom long flowering haze lines and types. The day length is also changing much more gradually across the season closer towards the tropics where these plants are supposedly from. I think replication of those nuanced sunrise/sunset times from the traditional region would be cool to see. It’s not always as easy to re-create the heat and humidity of the tropics, or barometric pressure of a given place, but sunrise/sunset to mimic places of origin for these varieties is something that seems much more approachable. Once these plants are taken out of their places of origin and selected out of context from what made them into what they were, they’ll eventually start to evolve and become something new.

It’s theorized that some tropical plant species are triggered by: (from a paper about rubber trees in the tropics)

The bimodal advance of sunrise-sunset times, measured against the chronometer and The bimodal variation in solar radiation intensity.

The plants are trying to survive and will express what’s within their ability to best survive in a given environment. I believe they’re selecting within themselves too. The solar intensity and it’s variation across the season, along with the nuanced change of sunrise-sunset across the season seem important considerations for the tropical plants like these. Much love


Don’t forget angle of sun I think this affect all kinds of internal mechanisms from flower initiation to epigenetics there is still so much we do not know and so many subtle nuances I doubt we will ever know for sure cus each one effects the other and vise versa

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Do they say that the so called Afghani/Paki are from a more dry climate? What are we talking about as far as humidity? I am looking a Kabul and other places in that area and the humidity stills seems elevated compared to my area which is a high desert location. The light mechanisms for Skunkmans haze seem to fall more in the 16 week period, this puts a finish date of about December 5 depending on latitude. I would imagine that the sweet spot for THHz is around Nov 15. So it would make sense to go with one that matches your growing area like mine does for the haze.


OHaze 2 decades ago flowered a lot longer than what the current seed seems to now.

As long as the plants can fully mature it should not affect the quality but most cant mature Haze or sativas out doors unless they have Greenhouses due to frost or snow and that is why so many grow indoors.

Even places like Afghanistan (was once part of India ) has many micro climates.

You can flower a Haze indoors under as little as 7/17 light the flowering time wont change much but the plants become more manageable yield is reduced compered to say running the same plants at 11/13.

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Thanks for the seed @TomHill



Nice. Real nice!

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mindblower, thaihaze pheno


yes, I saw one, will not name him. he is nice guy, personally I have anything against him. he is haze enthusiast after all… but he “reproduced” your line with 30 seeds and said that every other pheno is keeper. I thought something :smiley:

also I saw few ones who grew like 10 females, and said it is junk :smiley: and also some people who grew 10 females and said “I think I have that 5% pheno” hahaha

I saw it all

I crossed 5% pheno with wild vietnamese male. vietnamese is different to thai, it has shorter duration and the effect is not so complex like your line, but I did and I managed to get it to two seedbanks, by miracle LOL and we will see what will people say about it, if there is better cure in F1 of it… 10 seeds Tom, only 10 seeds per pack :smiley: hehehe. it would be cheating with 100 seeds pack for F1 hybrid… let see if they get it from 10 seeds pack. super ambitious? yes? hahahaha but yeah in real 10 seeds are not enough for anything I know.

I dont agree I am growing now A5 cross and it is livery incense and to me it is very different smell to your line… it is fact that blood or livers have metallic smell, but far from metal shop smell. when I smell this livers, you can smell it in oaxacan79 too, I know it came from afghan. as it is masculine smell…

never got that high of your line from any Nevilles haze. your line is more energetic, is more emotional and more psychoactive too, has no, absolutely no, ceiling of the effect… and much much more complexity of the effect. nevilles haze is strong, but the effect is bit flat and boring… and it has ceiling. I smoked tons of it.


nice! this looks more similar to black haze than any other BH#7 grows I saw.


Why do you breed with Nevils Haze if you think so poorly of it Maha ?

Nevils Haze has no ceiling it flowers a long time longer than what OHaze dose now 19 weeks or over and its high is far from flat and boring.

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you are known, extremely annoying, troll and manipulator, dalaihempy from mr. nice seeds forum. and you are known liar, proved by so many so many times it is not even funny anymore… I didnt say it is poor, never. I compared it to original haze from Tom… when I would compare it to skunkhaze I rate it differently, probably you have problem to understand what comparison means… you havent grown original haze from Tom, so you dont know what I am talking about and thats why you dont understand it… also you are the one who stated toms haze is skunkhaze or that A5 is thai dom… you are clueless and you know that I think that. you just troll and provoke.

besides that if you can see I was talking to Tom… and have zero interest to discuss anything with troll. you are the one responsible for that icmag is total junk and the same lying agenda you will spread here. I liked OG, but when I see you I get vomit reflex. thats my last reaction to you here.


what is the lineage on Tom hills haze for the record here please?
vom reflex apart,that was quite a read🙂


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read his thread on icmag and you will understand vomit reflex… complete junk in my book

and read what Nevil said about beta pheno and omega pheno he got from seeds from Skunkman, 11 weekers, and then read hempler nazi comment about that original haze was longer flowering decade ago LOL you clearly see he is manipulative liar…

“5 plants A,B,C,D and E.
Plants B,D and E were females, of which B was the best. I tried all possible combinations and the best was B x C. BC was actually grown commercially alongside 5HzC1, so it was a 10/11 week plant. This fact alone indicated that HzB was a Haze Hybrid to something early. I suspect that most of BC’s quality came from Dad.
I planted the rest of the old seeds. One came out. O for Omega. It was a 1970 seed. I suspected that it was only 25% Haze with one parent being Indica. It too did not really pan out.”

of course 1969 haze is total lie

so when original haze was long flowering decade ago, where the hell Nevil got 11 weekers in it at 80s… LOL.

I am done with these liars for long time now. proof is in the plants.

everybody can grow NH and Ohz, and compare it… but somebody who never grew any Ohz is trying to teach us something about haze. typical fro trolls.


just interested in the lineage of Tom hill haze dude and wanting to see informed documentation on ppl growing and reporting on it.I have no interest in member defamation personally.

this haze needs to be factually presented now it has arrived.

and a fair few I would imagine would like to view it!!!

regards maha


nobody knows exact lineage… only speculation. but I agree with @TomHill that there are green thai phenos.