Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

it didnt arrive now, I grow it from 2009


are there any short and squat phenos showing anywhere throughout the line currently?

I have seen a few collections of toms haze recently with reasonably short phenos showing,what does this suggest when you have haze attached to a title and you see squat fat colas and short plants?

be interesting to see in this new range of Tom hill haze if any short squat phenos turn up through the 100 seed packs.
even 1 showing would suggest haze in an original form shouldn’t be suggested?

just seems strange when you hear of short looking haze plants in pictorial sight littered everywhere with toms name on.

I’m not knocking anybody here but haze is haze.

it comes littered with unknowns and short stories!!!:slightly_smiling_face:


ask @TomHill please, he knows his line the best.


Hempy do you really have to follow Maha here from IC Mag to stir the pot? Why? Do you not have better things to do with your time?

You have had this argument with him how many times on IC… What are you trying to do other than antagonize Maha? Keep that shit over there please as it’s not wanted here.


Where can I get some of TomHill’s original haze? Lots of good reviews for it, it sounds great :+1:


How is Skunkmans haze bred and how is Tom Hills haze bred? Seems to be some confusion or am I mistaken?

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Tom got his haze from Amsterdam at positronics in the mid 90’s. It’s assumed Sam the skunk man provided the original seeds to them. It is still available at crickets and cicadas, seedbay, and zen house gardens.


I’ve been trying to put the Holland haze story together myself for about 25 years now. Nevil never sold pure Haze. Flying Dutchman’s Haze was half skunk. So that leaves Positronics Haze and the original Dutch Passion Haze as the only real Haze in Amsterdam. I kept the Dutch Passion line going and Tom keeps the Positronics line. Everything Haze in Holland is most likely from Sam.


Jeez . If you want Tom’s gear , buy it direct from Tom himself as others in this very thread have done . 99% of questions asked have already been answered in this thread . Most don’t bother to read or have problems understanding what’s written . Knowledge isn’t gonna come along & bite you , you have to seek it .


I will Probably look at the 15 weekers too!


Best breakdown ive seen of whats going on. Hopefully more people start becoming aware. But all I see is drinking the corporate koolaide.


This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I’m offering is the truth – nothing more.


What pill are they taking


Tom has apparently pissed people off at another forum so much that they’re calling his TH haze, Positronic haze now. I think it’s hilarious to see Tom cutting through all the bullshit like a samurai. Some people get offended way too easily. :joy:


Yea pretty ironic, because Tom never claimed to name the strain after himself, go figure.



Got no problem with folks having difference of opinion(s) . All that said we don’t need to sit by & watch this thread & / or forum turn into a 3 way goat fuck ala ICM . Real simple don’t like / agree with what you see , hit the ignore button & move on .


I ordered Fusion haze from LBH. The price is really friendly (like all his seeds)
Genetic make up is
(Amnesia haze, Jack Herer, oldskool original Haze) X (Meao Thai X oldtimer Haze)

Anyone here familiar with this line?


What’s ironic to me is that Tom is the only person in the world to actually save the old Positronics pure Haze line. Out of how many thousands of packs sold at the time? Yeah I’m calling it Tom Hill Haze now. Positronics lost it anyway. They were smoking way too much Chitrali hash to keep up with breeding. Haha


I remember well the community naming it after Tom, not to mention the fact that as he has worked it the line appears to have improved.


Haze heads are something else


Why the insults Maha ? clearly your incapable of backing your claims with facts.

You attack Nevil Shanti and any one that likes or grows their genetics you even attacked Nexus for posting pictures of NH f3s made by me your the one with the problem not me.

Nevil got 7 plants to germinate from 1000s of seed he bought from Sam a week or so after Sam arrived in Holland you seem to make this up as you go Maha.

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