Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

I joined OG well before i saw Maha posted and why should Maha get a free ride to post complete rubbish.

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tom hill price war


Tom has not worked the line what he has done is open pollinate it twice i think since he collected the seed in Amsterdam in the mid 90s.


Lol, ok im fairly new to growing… and i have already seen this debate of “i have the real haze” “no i do” “no, i sucked toms dick first” and so on, literally like every month.

Im pretty sure you guys are even older than me, how long do you guys plan on keeping this debate alive? its like the “do you defoliate or not” debate.

Damn that fucking haze battle thread has not seen ANY FUCKING battles AT FUCKING ALL. NADA, just fucking keyboard warriors trying to see whos dick is harder for a haze they only grow (usually Tom is key at instigating this as well).

I mean the first few times it was funny, now that i see this has been going on for fucking ages, it becomes kinda sad.

nothing wrong against any of you, i even follow hempy on other forums. but yeesus.


I dont see a debate coming from a set few what i do see is insults and a clear agenda to attack and rubbish Nevils work and Nevil him self and i am not the only person that feels that way.

I am not here to argue i love sativas have grown them for over 4 decades now and Haze for over 2 decades that is what interests me.


Ugh take this shit back to ICmag


Almost every haze thread I’ve been involved in or lurked since the 2000s has gone to shit mainly due to one person. It’s the same shit over and over, same quotes, same pics, same inability to have a discussion.
This was a great thread.

for those who wish to be prepared


Nevils Haze F2s i made the one on the left is a Colombian type the one on the right in a Thai Type flowering under 11/13 these take a min of 19 weeks.


I propose a new name.

Tom Hill + Positronic = HISTRIONIC HAZE

Histrionic is a decent mashup of Hill/Positronic but the real beauty of the name lies in the description of histrionic personality disorder:

Per DSM-5 criteria, a diagnosis of a histrionic personality disorder requires a pervasive and ubiquitous pattern of consistent attention-seeking behaviors and emotional dysregulation as outlined by specific manifestations. Diagnosis requires meeting five (or more) of the following criteria:

  1. Uncomfortable when not the center of attention

  2. Seductive or provocative behavior

  3. Shifting and shallow emotions

  4. Uses appearance to draw attention

  5. Impressionistic and vague speech

  6. Dramatic or exaggerated emotions

  7. Suggestible (easily influenced by others)

  8. Considers relationships more intimate than they are

These patients take repression and dissociation as a significant form of defense mechanism.


That’s really the most apt strain name and hilarious joke I’ve seen In a long time. Bravo, sir, well played XD

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So long as there are cannabis genetics and those who “breed” cannabis seeds, there will be stories told and arguments on the internet. Saw my first arguments about genetics and breeding on Usenet in the 90s.


They love to attack in packs like hyenas you notice that ? lol

Then blame the person being attacked for provoking the attack.

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This shit right here is why we can’t have nice things.


I mean you and Maha have been going on about this for years. Don’t act like you didn’t know your comment would start another useless argument.

Notice Maha was ignoring you completely until you quoted him and made a comment on him not liking Neville’s Haze… which you knew would get a rise out of him.

Pretty obvious who the instigator is imo. Please stop. This thread has been very enjoyable for the most part and I would like to keep it that way. I’m gonna tap that ignore button now I think.


yeah dude, but its like talking about fucking Cheers or Cher. its over man. dead. even tho shes still singing. catch my drift?

isnt there anything else about genetics to discuss? same topic, and no pudding. thats my biggest issue. no prove of anything i havent seen 100 flowering plants from Tom, yet he spews that all the time… where is the battle man? where are the plants? all talk (about the same thing for the past 30 years? its a joke) old blokes reliving the past.


The only thing I know for a fact about these things are what’s said. I was not present when seeds were bred. I did not see original genetics. So I can’t say for sure who is right about anything other than things I saw said on the internet.I cannot say for sure if the things said are true or not, only that the things were said.

It reminds me of a breeding group in the early 2000s called Dutch Flowers. Man, those guys could tell a story about their genetics and they always released a small amount of seeds to auction. their auctions always went through the roof! VERY expensive seeds. Was any of what they said about their genetics true? I don’t know, but it sure did pay off with some auctions netting over $100/seed.


That’s what this thread was mostly about a few months ago.

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thats all it is, marketing for forum people. dont eat that shit, its as toxic as mcdonalds.


They perfected Hype.