Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

What they call the church or incense smell comes from Haze being smoked or burnt you also get same like smells from other Sativa types to.


That’s an intriguing observation. Do you think the difference came by way of selections from further breeding by Sam or from the selections Todd made when producing his seed offering? Perhaps a bit of both?

What I’m most interested in about Original Haze is the genotype movement across populations from it’s origin. Where, and whose selections gave rise to the observable differences in the available remaining populations, as well as what were those selections and populations of antiquity like. Their respective environments too.

It’s understandable to see variability across the genome, it’s movement, when new selections are made outside it’s region of origin or similar. Which pure haze offering currently available has the longest flowering times? Much love

I think you’re kind of proving my point. All those Haze seeds being produced were hybrids. Do you think Skunkman Sam isn’t going to cross his number one skunk strain into the Haze to super charge it for the every day grower. You better believe he would. I’ve grown plenty Haze x SK#1 plants that will go until January. Late bloomers don’t prove that it’s pure


yeah i’ve come across similar smells in mexicans and colombians from snowhigh, and in the zamal too. the difference is the level of fizziness that frankincense has- that seems to come out more in certain hazes, but it could just be a numbers thing. (i’m not going to explain what i mean by “fizziness”- if people want to know, burn some frankincense!)


Every Haze ever produced was a hybrid. That is an important thing to keep in mind. The first year, they bred one cultivar with another cultivar. Hence, Haze has always been a hybrid.


It was a perfect union of heirloom strains. An absolute magical combination of the best sativa varieties in the world at the time. Just don’t fuck with perfection. Try it pure before you make an opinion that’s all I want to say.


The selections in Todd’s reproduction of OHaze was made by Rob Clark Sam him self posted that.

I think Tom said in his Haze19 you can still find long flowering types but most i think are in the 14 week range now be it Todd’s MM so on now.

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I’ve had it on many occasions, and what you describe is definitely a hybrid. Hybrids typically are improvements on both parents.


Take a look this was Sam’s seed catalog back in 1981.

I count 6 different O Haze lines alone.


That catalog is from California bro not Holland. Those different Haze numbers were just broken down into phenotypes. Like Green, purple, and some had different fathers. But it was all basically what we call Haze today

Yes it was and he took most of it if not all of what was listed there to Holland.

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After all that discussion and arguing,it still doesn’t take away the fact that haze is a 4 way will never end.


Yes technically Haze is hybrid. I think that probably goes without saying here. I’m referring to crossing anything else to that haze hybrid

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I’m definitely going to get me some THH seeds so I can see what I get. Just because the elite pheno will only be found in 5% doesn’t mean there aren’t some other good ones.
As far as the worked line aspect. I say can’t be.
I’ve never seen Tom say the line was worked. Just preserved. Shit he’d be calling himself a shitty ass breeder if you could only find the pheno the line was bred toward in only 5%. That alone should indicate the line has not been worked.


Original Haze was said to be a Thai/Colombian then other sativas were added.

Many years later that changed to a three way Colombian.

Burning Bush was a Original Haze type and that was a Thai ask Tom.

Sam has edited or removed most most now the story has changed over n over.


It’s actually better odds than what Tom is saying because in his own words he doesn’t keep the reality late bloomers. Those are the highest percentage of the killer haze types. You want that New Year’s Haze! So in a way it’s even better chances than we might think. Don’t be afraid of the Haze lol


Tom has only done two open pollination i think since he got the Hz19 and he wants the good the bad and the ugly represented.


Sometime it is really good to be “dumb” about things. This may be one of those times. Carry on WARRIORS.


I think there is some that gets lost in translation or whatever. I remember reading Sam say that there are a small percentage that are excellent with many being good.

In terms of worked, there’s this I read on icmag where a member posted this quote:

The 2003 seed lot was around (notes are not currently handy) 2-7 generations removed from Positronic stock. Let me try to explain a little better. Each year I pollinated females with male pollen mixes, then saved the seed from only the excellent females after the smoke was tested. In 2003, I gathered seed from all of the best plants from generations 1-6, grew them, and let them pollinate each other. Follow? But it gets more complicated, because each year I typically will sprout several generations of seed, not only seed from the latest generation. So that a high percentage of the later generations are products of matings to earlier generations. IE, there is a span of generations included, as apposed to an exact number of generations removed from the original source. -Tom

How does that compare with what is currently being sold? Much love


Tom stock is 94 stock (pre haze 19)
He even states by 96 it had changed , saying so at bottom of this picture

Too bad @TomHill not around but , all this is stated in thread

Just pointing out some things