Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

In that quote by Tom, are we to infer that the Haze seeds he purchased from Positronics were actually Sam’s greenhouse grown seeds still yet to be worked by the Positronics team, or is it saying he purchased original haze from Positronics that they worked but before they had the Haze #19 cutting to work with? Much love

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Do you really think Tom knows where Positronics got the haze seeds from? Like they told him that at the counter when he was buying them? It’s all a best guess type of thing here

If he got under the counter seeds off menu, had they even been working Haze at Positronics yet? When did Positronics get Haze from Sam? Much love

It’s literally on the menu right above in 1994 and then again in 96

seeing that caption from Tom mentioning Thai recessive as the haze that ticks all boxes,you have various reports online of this same haze growing 3 and 4 footers?
I’m not a breeder nor am I that highly intelligent in reality but even I know if you give me a 100 pack of seeds and an indi leaning chunk pops up in a haze, there’s nothing original or positronics haze about it.
it’s straight hybrid with variant phenotypes.

I will go to my grave knowing that Tom haze isn’t haze,I’d bet my life there is skunk somewhere hidden and the salesmen make it so obvious.lolol.

something has definitely been bred into toms haze,and it’s certainly not Thai recessive from what I’ve seen.

the next stop is ppl growing this stuff out so the armchair viewers and poirots can piece together the lies being told.

and there’s plenty of them going around at the

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@basildashwood I think you are talking about the short wider leaf mexican throwback. It’s very rare but not an indica.

The first image by oldtimer1 is from 99 and doesn’t specify 1994 anywhere in the image that I can see. Literally nowhere do I see it referenced as being a description from 1994. At the top it says ACC92, is it from 1992? The second image for 96’ also lists haze x skunk as being 8-10 weeks. So what’s more realistic, they selected only shorter flowering types and bred them to perform as such indoors within a relatively short period of time, or they were fudging the flowering times on the ad to sell seeds?

The first description that oldtimer1 shared from the early Positronics catalog sounds like something Sam would say when describing haze. Much love

Presumably it’s the 92 catalog that was still in use when Tom went there in 94 if I’m understanding it correctly. Then in 96 they have a 10 week flowering time for their Haze and also have the Haze 19 SK#1 hybrid. And a regular haze x Sk1 hybrid. I got my haze in 94 too. Maybe that was the last year to find the true un-skunkified haze. From 96 on it was all Skunk haze.

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Ok, so why go on and make theses statements?

It’s from 94 positronics stock, said and shown from the man himself. No debate

Bold statement for a non breeder, you think?

Bold statement to make when Tom Has the proof of packs, Bob hemhill has proof of Tom/posi packs and says so here

Bold statement for a non breeder, you sound so sure.
Do you have an agenda with these statements you repeated more than one post? Are you on a missing edit in: mission to discredit TH Haze? I may wrong in the direction, apologies. If not, answer please


So what’s the deal with the whole under the counter off menu seeds story? If they had original haze seeds since at least 92, and offered worked hybrids by 96 it’s likely that Positronics was doing their own selections. That’s the stuff I’m interested in. Following the genome movement as it passes hands.

It is what it is. Some of the last reflections of antiquated old world traditionally cultivated weed. If it’s got haze #19 or not won’t make me feel differently about it, it already is what it is. If it’s actually got golden Buddha Thai in it or if it’s just a Thai like expressing Colombian doesn’t matter to me. It already is what it is. People say THH is good so I’d like to try some and form my own opinion. Much love


The sad truth is that people complained about the long flower time, loose fluffy buds and the difficulty of growing pure haze plants. So the Dutch made it more appealing to the market at the time by adding other things to it to fix those problems.


And this was an error imo

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I don’t know if it’s this golden Buddha you speak of but from what I understand is the uppity clear rushy trip weed phenos is Thia leaning and the lumbo "mudded it up " but to understand this statement one would have to understand 1700- 1800 slave trade Columbian has never been a pure sativa and I’m not saying it was afghan cross either more likely some Indian influence that’s where the muddiness comes from but this is only gathered bits of info like bread crumbs


I usually refer to that as “Dutchifying” :laughing:


calling a man full of shit whos been hiding in the trees evading helicopters for half a century is not a good look, unless you’ve been making similar sacrifices to propagate this plant as well?
i read some of his and hempy’s old chats on ic last night while searching for info, not hard to see that they likely have a mutual respect as he said.
i really liked the discussion last night, and im sure TH will not make it boring when he returns.


Lmfao :joy::rofl::joy: that’s for sure :slight_smile: it’s going to be great!


First off let me make clear that I in no way trying to discredit Tom. As I stated soon as able to grab and grow some I will and judge for myself as I always do.
With that being said, I stand by what I said. I’m not speaking of the seeds Positronics made. I’m strictly speaking on the seeds that Tom is producing. So to me if Tom or anybody else who worked a line where you can only find the targeted Pheno in only 5% out of a hundred or more seeds than what the hell were they working toward. So If y’all are saying Tom worked this line then y’all are also saying he’s a terrible breeder. Now remember im not questioning the authenticity of the the seeds. And like I said I have absolutely nothing against Tom. But If it’s worked then what generation are the seeds that are being distributed now. Like f4 f5 f6 or what? If I’m wrong please correct me. I like to learn.


See the only thing I know is Tom preserved it , and from the way the story goes y’all should all be eternally grateful to him for doing it or it would just be another afghan cross like the rest just saying I don’t know why y’all give him so much shit smh but whatever I know and respect what he did!


dude just read through the thread this has been gone over a few times already


Honestly seeing how much shit Tom gets for being the only one to actually save a valuable heirloom. Really makes me want to keep my valuable heirlooms to myself forever. People are the worst. I see why Tom has that attitude about all this shit now. It almost makes me want to be the same way sometimes.