Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

Maybe there’s an answer buried somewhere, but it’s hard to break through the noise…

Can someone give some tips on pollinating Haze (or some other pure sativa if the same principles apply). When is the best time to do it, whether and when to repeat it, how long it takes for the seed to ripen…


Johnny Blaze was my favorite. With Super Malawi haze probably being my second. The Oltimers haze definitely had some phenos that had them Frankincense terps and haze high we all love. They flower forever it seems like. Lol 14 to 18 week average I in my experience. And they stretch like a Mofo which is to be expected tho.
For me Johnny Blaze although different flavor and smell was almost equal but almost in terms of high. But it grew faster yielded more didn’t stretch as much but with out training can still get tall.
I’ve also grown Zamadelica and I made crosses with it to Super Malawi haze and killer A5. I also have Snowhighs Black Rasberry haze. I popped a couple and got one female that was just Ok in high and bland in flavor but ill have to grow more to really give it a fair evaluation.

That should have said Jonny blaze where I said the flavor and smell were different but the high was close I corrected it


6 weeks to ripen and after thumbnail size buds and 3 weeks or so after and again for 3 times total and they might be a little bigger than that at first :slight_smile:


I haven’t pollinated a haze myself, but I have heard the males often drop pollen before the females are ready to accept the pollen.



very much so…lolol.

dated over 20 yrs ago and one of the greatest highs achieved to date was a selection of f1 nevils haze x superskunk gifted through the breeder and then given to me to test out.

soaring cerebral high with no ceiling and I took 10 11 and 12 weeks samples of this product and collectively floored everyone I met back then with potency that hasn’t been measured in my garden in that regard since,albeit maybe one or 2 times.

point blank the most riveting and invigorating haze I’ve seen in hybrid form over a very long period!

I have a love affair with haze hybrids dating back over 30


I’m slowing this thread down and cleaning up some of the pointless bickering.



Piloting Evening Eve, tie it up, tie it down, gears up, full on.
Those ladies are awesome :+1:


Thank you. Much appreciated.


Indeed, it happens all the way

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Positronics via Tom

So broad leaf now, right? These are at least 12+ years old seeds reps.


looks like thai :eyes:

good luck :four_leaf_clover:


that looks a pocket of beauty I have to say.
be lovely watching that mature.
thankyou for showing this haze!!!


Looking nice UHN what is ( Ace Positronics ?) are they a cross of an Ace line with Toms Posi Haze or are some of the pics of Toms and some pictures of a Ace line.


Biting my lips to don’t write a wall of text i will be the only one to read ^^

Just one point because i saw a recurrence, and it’s disturbing :

3way/4way usage is absolutely not to specify the number of outcrosses, it’s a specific manner to maintain a given central line for a (very) long time in avoiding a bunch of inbreeding problematic, unlocking capacities of evolution and generating a kind of “fake heterosis” on a regular basis. Without entering in boring details, a 3way imply to maintain and rotate smartly 4 lines : the three “P1” kept pures, and the main line (the “finality”). And i simplify as fuck, there is also the case to create intermediate lines in-between to generate genetic chocks or specific answers to epigenetics factors. If only one of all these “genuine haze” was created/maintained like this since the genesis …


Trying to follow what you’re saying. Do you mean like breeding towards each of the separate varieties in the 3-way. Creating a working line of each of the 3 genotypes plus a balanced hybrid expression and then recombining them all back together at certain points in the process?



The common error is to read this diagram as an unique step; in this case it’s just a poly-hybrid. Not a methodology.

The concept is to keep all pigs inbred and distant from each others, during all the existence of the ACD line (that is generally inbred, with plants).

If your final line start to drift and lose weight, you re-inject by example the C line in the ACD. You can also re-inject intermediate lines like the F1 CD to benefit from heterosis.

Another error is to fall in the necessary vulgarization of it and to consider that the initial lines are inbred for the final traits (like the image). In fact, what is selected and improved is what is “generating” the final traits.

Arbitrary example from nowhere : a mango taste in the final release, generated by the skunky taste of A, the lemony taste of B and the musky taste of C. All the three lines are reinforced in what is generating the “mango”, improving mechanically the ABC.

You can extend it to resistances, performances (cloning, flowering, whatever) and cumulate priced traits in specializing each line in a less destructive way that asking to a single line to do everything. Less genetic compromises, more stability. And also more predicability.


Me just being too gonzo, Hempy. Those are all the Posi hazes from Tom.
Here’s the Ace green OTH x A5


Maha’s Juicy Woo and Acid Beauty with Tom’s Haze crossed in


This is interesting a person could run say three land-race types or heirloom varieties, and maybe something else. This seems very doable if a person knows what to look for and how to accomplish it. Lots of factors in growing person can get very overwhelmed by it all.


“i need 38% thc or high because im a medical patient” is my favorite thing to hear from workin in a dispo. people get fished in to the marketing schemes selling whack as hybrids labeled as a 36% testing sativa oh and its purple. got a lil group of custies that ive trained to ignore the testing and buy from the 2 decent brands in my shop if they cant grow it themself, that and convincing everyone to just grow it themself.