Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

i live in oregon so yea bro rosin is the only thing of value here :rofl:


Y’all boyz have a good weekend take care Fam ! :pray:t2::+1:t3::wave:t2::v:t2:

Pa if anyone has some of our boy THH beans they wanna come off of from his last drop shoot me a DM we need to talk! :joy::pray:t2::heart::raised_hands:t2::+1:t3::v:t2:

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I don’t drop. I take care of my own biz and slide a few to the community on the side. It’s about me, not you.


Step into the Haze thread, and then have to step off because it blew up. Man, Love me some Haze and Haze hybrids, and I ALWAYS put the like on the photos of the grows. I’ll be back when the karma goes good again and the sharing of the sticky goodness happens again… Peace out.


The annual Haze growers / breeders meeting.

Fast running out of venues to host them :crazy_face:


i think he can answer the first one again or you can look back in the thread.
second one im gonna go with whats so special about it are the thai phenos that have been bred out of all other cannabis, pretty self explanatory if you read the thread. wild guess here, its almost completely about the effect it carries and aesthetics are just a tool to spot the pheno.
hempy explained why nevil bred haze out, nobody wanted to spend the time to flower the original.
not a kid, not an old man. growing this plant made me leave the country i loved probably for good and the only person who probably really understood me. lost friends and enemies found new ones and lost them again. no more energy to get worked up.


Fair enough


Now thats a great quote

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My last P420 heavily seeded with Sowahh pollen


Wow, well done!


I’d much rather some FMCD no matter how quality the flower is, the more refined product will always be superior to me. Nobody said they have to smoke resin. We get to. I would totally be down to smoke some fermented/cobbed original haze flowers though.

With respect to the Original Haze work in both California and Holland, I think more emphasis needs to be placed on these populations and their propensity to violate the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Would you agree with that?

It’s often mentioned that there’s Thai in the haze you got by way of Positronics. From what I’ve read online most attribute that to the often observable lime green leaves and unique effect while others disagree. The prevalence of female individuals in the populations and the correlation to Thai types is not often discussed. Do you think that’s a solid indicator as well? In The Great Books of Cannabis Volume I: Book II by Cherniak it is quoted in the chapter about Thailand as saying:

The plants are often grown monoecious; thus, if they are cultivated properly, most seeds can be grown as females for producing sinsemilla.

Also, to tie in the fermented aspect while Thai sticks weren’t necessarily cobbed in a banana leaf and wrapped up to ferment, they were as quoted:

Thai sticks are a specialty item enjoyed by many grass lovers. The best Thai sticks are made from resiny buds, well manicured by through removal of stems and seeds. While the buds are still fresh, they are tied into and around various small lengths of bamboo sticks, ranging between four and ten inches in length, and wound with hemp fiber or thread. The sticks are the tied in bundles of 20 to 25. The best sticks are fluffy buds called “Buddha sticks”.

I think it’s quite likely that the technique described above would lend to favorable conditions for those Thai sticks to begin fermenting.

The book also speaks of the bright green leaves with mention of occasional white and brown speckling as well as their extremely long leaflet length and the extreme height of mature plants up to 20-25 feet tall.

I think the likelihood of females in haze, if the Cherniak quote is accurate, would suggest that all haze lines expressing as mostly female indicate a common Thai ancestor, possibly the mythical “Burning Bush?” even if selections across populations from there result in different observable traits. Just some random thoughts and opinions. Much love


Updated @34 days Mango Haze x (C5 x Mango Haze) Made by Wally. Looking through some males of these. With Mango Haze in the mix, she has produced some exceptional polys.


Really like the looks of those.

Also what kinda nutes are you running they are super dark green, I like how the lime green flowers look :eyes: good job


Amnesia Haze!


I prefer my plants a dark olive green color, I dont add anything extra… The only additives I use are Microbes and Silica. Switching from outdoor to indoor decades ago a Soilless medium was more of what I’m use to using. I use PBP grow in veg than I switch to V&B dirty in flower. I check my PH before I feed anything everyday by hand. When I started using Promix HP I was told to use a PH of 5.8 but I struggled with deficiencies for a long time until I started tweaking to a higher PH of 6.4, Since than everything has been super happy/Healthy,


What sort of lighting and intensity are you running? Do you think that has an impact on the deep verdant green color? Much love

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No it’s got to do with nutes, ph ect…

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Positronic via Tom Hill old school seed pack.


Acid Beauty from Mr. Shine. She’s a shiny one, no?


Juicy Woo’s

Ace Green OTH x A5