Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)


In fact, in 1499 the territory was discovered by his companion Alonso de Ojeda, who arrived there from nearby Santo Domingo, landing at Cabo de la Vela. It was not until 1525, however, that the Spanish began a process of colonization of Colombia, leading to it becoming an integrated colony of the Spanish empire.

Hemp farming began in Central and South America during the time of the Spanish Conquest (circa 1500 AD). Spain was a very strong naval power, and depended upon hemp ropes and sails to outfit their vessels plying the Atlantic Ocean to the resource-rich New World. Hemp was sown in many places almost immediately upon arrival, in the hope that they could produce their own hemp, and not depend on foreign merchants for this important strategic resource. Mexico, Chile, Peru and Colombia all had their initial crops, but only Mexico (California) and Chile had any long-term favorable results.
History of hemp in Chile


I wouldn’t use high times as a reference for cannabis history was it not high times that claimed the hippie growing the magic seed on a beach that we all now call haze ?


“tom said this,tom said that…”
No man! No no no
Sorry I can’t have a discussion with you
have a nice day.


Open pollination is the mainstay of many types of breeding, mass bulking, line breeding, synthetics breeding (nothing to do with anything being synthetic btw) all used for food crops all rely on open pollination as a significant part of the process. It’s only really heavily inbred and pure line breeding that don’t. Even single seed breeding uses open pollination for the bulking part on the process. There is much literature out there that describes these processes so it’s not just me speaking out my ass lol.


Forums are a very interesting place where people with different interests meet
You have professional growers, professional breeders, amateur and pro home growers, fans
Thanks to forums I learnt to grow from scratch and I have seen many useless discussions, similar to politics discussions, they will not make your weed better

Not enough to learn to grow, in order to have decent ganja in the 21st century you need to become a historian, a geographer, a climatologist, an electricity engineer, a farmer between other professions. It is certainly a challenge

For the history lovers in the thread, this is the history of cannabis in Colombia of the time called Bananza Marimbera written by a NY University historian. It is very interesting. It shows that the tale of the 3 way colombian is impossible unless the guy in California who bred it in the 60s had time warp tech and could travel to the future to bring Colombian Gold and the mauve…I dont believe there is any Punto Rojo in haze, at least from the weed available today. I believe the F1 haze weed of the 60s was very potent and it got touched a little bit too much in the 70s
10_Dossier08.pdf (815.9 KB)

This is the history of hemp in Chile in spanish. The jesuits were all over south american vice royalties and hemp was one of the main supporters of their economy. They travelled all around and broght seeds everywhere

The only reasonable explanation for the origins of haze is it is coming from the hippy trail

The massive colombian sativa weed export started in 1975. I dont feel anything similar to the high of old colombians in haze
Hippies were all over Asia in the 60s. There was no massive hippie tourism in Colombia at all, it was civil war in Colombia. The description of first haze by Nevil indicating it couldnt flower on 12/12 ND Had to bring lights down to 10/14 means it is probably a northern thai variety, the types that show sex in nature only when photoperiod is 11/13 and are the latest finnishers. Indoors probably this type of weed is never ending flowering and probably goes intersex

Home made Thai Haze winter grow
I can grow all winter and sativas have become a bad word at this part of the world. Everybody wants to grow and smoke modern weed with 30 min high and high munchies after these 30 min
This is the last run of this cut. I cant believe I can grow ganja and I cant believe I do love growing veggies as well. Without all canna forums this feat would have been impossible
Thank you guys for so much passion :pray:


Colombia doesn’t have the right climate for hemp cultivation, only Chile does in South America.
The article in the 1979 HT magazine was an interview with someone from a legalization organisation in Colombia.


Colombia grows a lot of sativas hemp is what the English called drug variety’s of sativa.


The Hippies didn’t go to Colombia, but Colombian weed came to the States…
For the rest I agree with you…
PS beautiful plants! I love thai haze

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There’s also the possibility of South Indian genetics in Haze. There are many references to that being part of the mix.

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Anything “haze” i’ve had here in cali has been hella weak.

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It is my personal opinion that there were more than 4 varieties in the mix, of which Thai and Lumbo dominated…
Just my point of view.

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From Rubins Cannabis and Culture 1980, Cannabis and Cultural Groups in a a Colombian Municipio by Partridge:

The introduction of cannabis into Spanish South America is not well known. Patiño (1967, 1969) indicates that hemp was introduced not once but several times by the Spanish: experiments were attempted in Peru, Mexico, Chile, and Colombia, but only Chile devoted the capacity to export hemp to Spain (Patiño 1969). In Colombia reports from 1607, 1610, 1632, and 1789 indicate that repeated introductions failed to produce a hemp industry for the rigging of the Spanish fleet (Ibid.). Silvestre (Vergara y Velasca 1901) in his 1789 description of the viceroyalty of Santafé de Bogotà indicates that hemp was introduced in the savanna of Bogotá, but failed so completely that no seed was available for further experimentation. He urged the reintroduction of hemp cultivation near Santa Marta or Cartagena and urged that seed be shipped from Spain (Vergara y Velasca 1901).

The deeper down the rabbit hole, the more I want to know. Where would Spain have been sourcing their seed from around that time? A lot of variables to consider, they aren’t necessarily air shopping them in bubble mailer’s.

The book suggests the first introduction of drug type cannabis into Colombia for intoxicant use seems most likely through neighboring contact with Brazil and their history with enslaved humans from West Africa. The book also mentions the infusion of laborors during the nearby work done at the Panama Canal as being a driver in the diffusion of drug type cannabis into the Colombian culture. The book adds layers of complexity to the diffusion of cannabis as a drug intoxicant in Colombia with mention of the large scale banana plantations and the subsequent socioeconomic impacts. Along with these banana plantations reportedly came Middle Eastern and Arab merchants opening up shops, restaurants, and brothels catering to the laboring workforce so there is likely a potential for genetic infusion of Middle Eastern genetics. There were also laborers from the West Indies on the banana plantations. At some point the banana plantation pulled out and drug type cannabis quickly became a cash crop that could fetch significantly more than other cash crops like coffee and many would make the bold switch in whatever capacity they could. Even to the point of large commercial farms setup specifically with the intent of exporting and fulfilling the increasing demand from the American market.

It would be awesome to find clarity on weather or not the Haze Bros went and collected personally or if the Colombian they were working with came to them as an import. Much love


Colombia grows the tropical indicas correct? Go north you start to get into the Afghani/Paki types. Hemp isn’t that more for fiber and non-drug applications grown in the 30+ degree north and south? So why throw all these terms that are creating some ambiguity? @hempy Did you ever answer what the statement meant how males pass on traits to the female. Never found any meat in this statement; of course the male is going to pass on it genetics to the female so what is significant about that?

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Here’s an idea.
Yall could start a New Thread. Maybe call it the History and Mystery of Haze.


Maybe a good definition of haze would be a good start, maybe that would take out some of the mystery? Is it all tropical or can it have some Paki/Afi in it? If so how much or am I getting something wrong here?


1922 Chile hemp farming


The only appropriate definition is a poly-hybrid of purely tropical cultivars. From there the rest is pretty much hype, mystery, mythology, hope, dreams, and who all knows what else.


I would like to add that you can’t cross another sativa into it and call it haze. Even though that’s how it was originally created. Those were probably extinct heirlooms that couldn’t be found today anyway.


See this makes sense in that Haze is a tropical only type but here is the rub, where is the cuttoff? Some say 30 degrees and below ok; are there any exceptions to this? Lot of gray area and much misinformation due to the elicit nature of the plant and the personalities that helped produce these types. Muddy Waters!


Does anyone know if there was “haze” going around before the Haze Bros came out with their Original Haze, or was it them along with Sam who coined the variety?

I read about the Original Haze posters or whatever they were, supposedly hung up at legit vendors spots so the customers would know it’s the genuine stuff. To me, what Original Haze by way of Sam and the Haze Bros is a brand and marketing strategy. Quite clever and pioneering in many ways. I wasn’t around so I don’t know, was there “haze” going around apart from that circle as well or was it just them? For example, does the Old Timers Haze come from the same stock or different?

I thought I read something about a commune. More and more I start to just think, what’s the most realistic chain of events across the variable scenarios. There’s definitely some branding to go along with Original Haze, as it should be. Provenance is important when trying to differentiate oneself in a market. What I’m interested in knowing more about is the history and etymology of the word haze as it relates to cannabis. Is there anything that anyone knows if that’s published before the Original Haze posters that were mentioned above? Much love