Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

Is this what you were after ?

Posted by Tom.


what? dude, you took 40 min for another nonsensical.

i was just looking for a post in this thread, and you clearly have no idea what the context was in which that post was made, or why im looking for that post, or what my position is on the tom hill craze… but you are eager to answer whatever the fuck is going thru your head regardless.

bottom line is, your answers and what im looking for had nothing in common other than the name tom hill. and i already knew his name lol.


nope, im thinking it got deleted because there was a ton of shit show going on before and after that post (surprise surprise). but thank you man.


Dude I searched “Tom Hill” mentions for the last 3 weeks in this thread. Do you know what came up? Pretty much all posts from you or people replying to you when you throw stones… You carry a lot of water for him eh?


What specific quote or topic you were after ?

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honestly, i was just thinking about a cross someone else made, and how it ended up with a many “grape scent” phenos, when neither parents or lineage make sense for it or really justify it.

i wanted to see if that post had any other relevant information for note taking (and i was pretty sure it had been in this thread) - as a curiosity mainly, im high. wsnt looking for dogma or hold on to it like sacred truth.

his position was, that if you breed something long enough eventually it will start popping grape phenos, and he elaborated on that (i wanted to check out what he had said, again, for my own note taking from someone with more experience who had said something that seemed relevant to my case in hand - if anybody else had made that post id be asking about that other person, tom is just a coincidence).

Or maybe my weed is way too fucking good shit, and im making stuff up in my head, but i dont grow that well.


All my posts are about Tom Hill said this Tom Hill said that and about the collective Hempy bashing you trolls never get tired of. How many decades will you need it? Can’t you simply ignore people you don’t like?

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I dont remember reading a post like that from Tom on any Posi Haze hybrid to be honest.

If the grape “grape” phenos you mean being the purple plants it had to be lurking with in one of the parent sides even if it was ancestral for it to re surface.


it wasnt haze they were talking specificlly, i believe the convo (or fighting) had taken a general perspective. it just happened to be on this thread (maybe?)

but either way thank you, appreciate taking the time.

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Yeah I am saying you do more talking about Tom than anyone else… ironic as hell. I guess he is your muse?

And yes I called Hempy and you out and flagged your posts in the other Haze thread because you Hempy and others were not respecting the OP and his request that people not talk about what makes a ‘haze’ a ‘haze’ because it just causes a shit show. Respect is earned…


@hempy lol found it, it was on a haze thread. just not OG.

here it is… but there wasnt any other relevant/useful/verifiable info, just his opinion


You backed Wally’s attack post directed at me that makes you worse.

You guys know nothing about me and yet feel its your place and mission to join in on what is clearly a personal attack.

You need to stop justifying personal attacks and stick to talking about the topic at hand.


I remember that it was in reference to this Dutch purple line i think Posi crossed the Haze to.

Nevil use to talk about it with the same tone as Tom.


You mean Purple Power crossed with Haze?

Positronics Haze had no purple. If it was a cross of Purple Power the other Positronics Haze growers and Haze lovers in the world would have had purple phenos too not only a reseller in the USA.

Also, is he talking about grape or grapefruit?
I think grapefruit could be considered astringent rather than grapes but that’s just how I’m reading it. I could be wrong


Purple Haze is good. So is green Haze and Gold Haze. It’s all really amazing bud. One nice bong rip and you’re high for hours. The smell of good purple haze is one of my favorites of all time. It’s painful to read all this speculation and nonsense about my favorite variety. It’s like some people are just looking for excuses to not grow it. And then at the same time trying to talk everyone else into thinking it’s crap. Even though they have no personal first hand experience.


Yeah your right, your not my favorite. Your wrong though I do know one thing about you, I have seen enough Haze threads on multiple forums go to shit and have noticed that there is pretty much one common denominator. You couldn’t even help yourself chiming in and starting another discussion about “true haze” in the other Haze thread that the OP explicitly asked people not to do. That is incredibly disrespectful to him and everyone in the thread. Less than 12hrs ago. So don’t talk about yourself as if you are blameless or innocent. You made your bed, now lie in it. Stop with the victim spiel…

Didn’t someone recently get silenced for talking constantly about his haters and stirring the pot… :thinking:



It’s all very interesting that you get 5 keepers out of a pack of 100. In all this time has nobody made selections so I don’t have to run 100 plants?


I think it bares repeating:

There is some great information being shared in this thread. The random bouts of persistent bickering buries much of the value.

Life is short. Winning at the petty battles in life, while producing a sense of gratification, will mean little once time passes us by.

Please keep this thread topical and contributory. I think we can all agree that each of us enjoy respectful debate and learnings.

This is not directed towards any one individual but more along the line of what makes for a valuable discourse that we can all refer back to. Most seeking information and insight do not want to wade through long sessions of petty bickering, BS, and the rehashing of past slights.

There is also an understanding that, at times, tempers and disagreements do occur. Occasionally. Most of the time, for those engaging altruistically, things tend to quickly cool off. Most realize that differences will always exist and they do not need to be constantly re-litigated … which is appreciated.

While discussions between individuals develop, a devolving discourse and repetition that never seems to resolve to a positive resolution is when things tend to receive a dose of course correction.

Please keep these conversations respectful, topical, and informative.

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e.g. peace.