Addicted to HAZE - Haze only thread (Part 1)

Not many people have original Haze and even less have the space and environment to do decent breeding. Tom like a lot of old school growers is picky as shit about his weed and what is crappy to him is really good to others


If he’s so picky why doesn’t he take the 5 keepers and roll with those?

I can run 20 plants so I can find one keeper.

“Hey guys I’ve got this wicked unworked line that has a 5% chance of success.” I would not take on such an endeavour.

All this fighting over a 3 headed unicorn.


Do you have any idea how much the horns from those 3 headed unicorns are worth??


Yeah but they’re hard to move on the black market.

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What about the legal market? Do you think it could ever get popular? Everyone wants sativas now


No I don’t think so. A 15 weeker is not viable from a business standpoint. I doubt people would pay double for a crop that takes twice as long. $35 grams I don’t think so.

Also your average consumer doesn’t know and/or doesn’t give a shit. It’s only nerds like us.


" august 2 2006

“Purple haze was a strain from positronics .
Which is haze x purple#1 . Before that was no such thing as purple
haze . There was only haze from the haze brothers”

What a crock, Positronics did not even have any Haze until I gave it
to them after the mid 1980’s. They crossed Haze with a local Pars
Purple outdoor variety that was weak shit pot that had a nice color.
FYI, Purple Haze was sold in the early 1970’s by the Haze Brothers
in Santa Cruz, I should know I smoked it back then every day for
BTW, some of the Purple Haze needed cold to turn purple, others did
not need cold and were purple even if never cold. Purple Haze was
pure Original Haze, and the purple color was not dominate, so easy to
I also like the Silver Blue, and Lime Green Haze better then the
Purple Haze, because they were more up, clear, and energetic in the
high. But the Purple may have been the strongest Haze and got the top
prices. It also looked great.
Did eneyone ever hear the band the Original Haze? Jerry Miller from
the Moby Grape started the group in the 70’s after smoking the
Original Haze in Santa Cruz. He loved the Haze and bought a lot!!!


The question is “i’m pretty sure the haze bros have kept a clone or
two or original haze”

First of all neither Haze Brother is still a grower, second they
never made clones or used clones when they were growers. But if you
are pretty sure then you must be right, even though you have never
met the Haze brothers or smoked any of “their” Original Haze, have you?


The haze bros. gave birth to the strain that is the real purple haze.
The columbian part of the haze was done by the haze bros. It is this
original columbian pheno that came to be known as the purple haze.
Their original haze was created by using several landraces: mexican,
thai, Indian and columbian. This line was never stabilized by them,
but passed on as seeds and eventually clones. wernard of positronics
fame had two or three of the original clones and made seeds with them
years ago. Among the clones he had, was the purple pheno or purple
haze. nevil and Shantitaba also both posess the original haze
line(haze bros) and are still working with them(although they only
sell hybrids). Purple haze is still out there, either in seeds or
clones. I know several people with seeds via the bros, but haven’t
seen the purple clone in several years. But I’m sure there are many
others who hold their clone or seeds very close.

I think alot of the mixup on this strain and doubts have stemmed from
songs and for the fact that many people call any purple weed, purple
haze due to it’s hype. Although, this makes it more difficult to
verify for some and a myth like G13, there is still a real purple
haze around.

That being said, there are probably 5000 to 1 hybrids of the haze
around compared to the original. This is for many reasons. easy of
growth and finishing time being the most common. And this has not
really diluted the line, just made it much harder for the average
customer/grower to obtain, as many haven’t preserved or sold their
original, never crossed lines.

I also have to say, I find an African haze very hard to believe. I
have grown pure sativas for close to thirty years, many being
African, columbian, and thai. I have never once found an african
sativa that even slightly resembled a pure haze. Don’t get me wrong,
I’m not ragging on you or anything, as it’s possible you may hold the
only african haze in your garden, and it’s never seen
the light of day or by anyone else for that matter. Just my personal
experience. take care


I passed on the Purple Haze from Positronics, but Posi was the source
of my Haze pictured, Positronics “Original Haze”. Their “Purple Haze”
was a hybrid i believe w/maybe purple#1?. You’ll have to check with
Sam Skunkman as to what the other component in the Purple Haze was,
he was doing the breeding for them at the time. What folks really
want is the pure haze, but they just can’t get that song out of their

Best Regards,
“Eat the fish spit out the bones”
Hapi haze growing


@Chara In some saturated markets(IE Maine), people are paying double for pure landrace sativas @ $250/oz versus $50 and $100/oz of the commercial polyhybrid blockwork - and they are selling out regularly


Hey that’s awesome if people are willing to pay for it. I doubt it’s the same here though. Everyone here wants the cookies whatever.

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I think the wine industry is a great analogy, you have fast-maturing grapes that makes for great table wine and are quicker ca$h for farmers whereas the long time flowering grapes yield wine with richer, more complex profiles that ultimately fetch more money on the open market. Now ofcourse, there are many risks / challenges for the longer maturing types and I can’t imagine that any exceptional brands were built overnight.

There’s an anonymous sativa steward on the west coast that has a saying that comes to mind,

“That top shelf life ain’t easy.”


Selections are bred to other lines . Thing is depending on which version of pure original haze one starts with results vary considerably . As with all lines it’s about selection & as we all like something different that’s what we got a " heinz 57 " . Cornucopia or Pandora’s Box …

Ah… grape FRUIT!

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You should see what’s been done. If someone did an open pollination to preserve the line, you will probably want to do some pheno hunting to get a better pheno.

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They’re only worth money if you lop off all three heads. I’ve never had success trying to sell them separately.

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Thanks for posting this Hapi i was sure Posi had crossed a Haze to that purple line.

I also found this post by Sam.

What a crock, Positronics did not even have any Haze until I gave it
> to them after the mid 1980’s. They crossed Haze with a local Pars
> Purple outdoor variety that was weak shit pot that had a nice color.
FYI, Purple Haze was sold in the early 1970’s by the Haze Brothers
in Santa Cruz, I should know I smoked it back then every day for
BTW, some of the Purple Haze needed cold to turn purple, others did
not need cold and were purple even if never cold. Purple Haze was
pure Original Haze, and the purple color was not dominate, so easy to
I also like the Silver Blue, and Lime Green Haze better then the
Purple Haze, because they were more up, clear, and energetic in the
high. But the Purple may have been the strongest Haze and got the top
prices. It also looked great.

Did eneyone ever hear the band the Original Haze? Jerry Miller from
the Moby Grape started the group in the 70’s after smoking the
Original Haze in Santa Cruz. He loved the Haze and bought a lot!!!



Tom Hill, Neville, all the others all got their original hazes from me back in the 70’s, when my great grandaddy had crops behind the barn in the 40’s and saved his seeds. They were crosses from Cambodia, Guam, Hawaii (small island) and a touch of a Portuguese heirloom sativa.

Anyone who says otherwise is a damn liar.


I wounder how many people that spend their days arguing about Haze even grow Haze.

I harvested this plant in week 20 of flower almost 21 weeks and she was put into flower under 10/14 then had lights on reduced to 8/16 to try and get her to flower correctly and not continue to throw out new flower sites.

This plant just didn’t want to stop flowering.

Few small dried flowers that broke off.


This is from the plant i call Girl no2 i harvested her 2 days short of 19 weeks could have gone longer but she to was throwing out new flower shoots.

They are both to the HzA side.

Its not about whose Haze you grow but more what you do with the seeds you start with.


how long did you go at 8/16 for?

Bandaid Haze #7 x A5 Haze just starting to flower.